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Welcome to the new school year! In this article, we explore the mischievous nature of poltergeists and share some knock-knock jokes. Additionally, we discuss recent legislative changes to the school code, compulsory attendance, academic year definition, special education funding, lunch shaming, EITC funds, and trauma-informed approaches to education.
Welcome to the 2019-2020 School Year We’re Back!
Poltergeist According to Merriam Webster: Definition of Poltergeist : a noisy usually mischievous ghost held to be responsible for unexplained noises (such as rappings) Did You Know? One of the tricks a poltergeist is known for is making "knocking" noises, so it will come as no surprise to learn that the word poltergeist translates literally from German as knockingspirit. Poltern–"to knock,” and Geist – "spirit."
Poltergeist Knock, Knock Jokes, … …just because
Knock, Knock… Knock, Knock Who’s there? Lena Lena who? Lena little closer, and I’ll tell you another joke! Knock, knock Who’s there? Leon Leon who? Leon me when you’re not strong!
Knock, Knock… Knock, knock Who’s there? To To who? No, it’s to whom! Knock, knock Who’s there? Spell Spell who? W-H-O
Knock, Knock… Knock, knock Who’s there? Wa Wa who? What are you so excited about? Knock, knock Who’s there? June June who? June know how long I’ve been knocking out here?
Poltergeist Other translations of Poltern: -to clatter -to bluster -to rumble -to swashbuckle -to jangle -to make a din -to crash about -to make a racket
Poltergeist Choose your noisemaker
While You were Gone: Act 16 of 2019 – Omnibus School Code Bill (House Bill 1615) and other Acts (formerly House or Senate Bills) passed by the Legislature and the Governor
While You were Gone: Act 16 of 2019 – Omnibus School Code Bill (House Bill 1615) An omnibus bill is a proposed law that covers a number of diverse or unrelated topics. Omnibus is derived from Latin and means "for everything". An omnibus bill is a single document that is accepted in a single vote by a legislature but packages together several measures into one or combines diverse subjects.
While You were Gone: Changes to Compulsory Attendance Students must enroll in school by age 6. (It is estimated that this could add 3,300 students to school rolls statewide)
While You were Gone: Changes to Compulsory Attendance Students may not sign out of school until they reach age 18 unless they hold a graduation certificate. (4,000 17 year-old students dropped out of school in 2016-2017)
While You were Gone: Changes to Academic Year Definition for State Testing A student enrolled in a school between October 1 and the testing window who was absent at least 20% of the school days shall not be deemed as meeting the full academic year requirement, and the student’s score will not be included in the school accountability performance.
While You were Gone: Changes to Academic Year Definition for State Testing Federal Law – Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) In the case of Pennsylvania and any state with a 180-day school year, a student must miss at least 90 days of school before their assessment data can be excluded from calculations.
While You were Gone: Special Education Funding Commission Reconstituted Provides for the reconstitution of the Special Education Funding Commission to review the funding formula that provides special education payments to school districts. It requires the Commission to be constituted no later than August 15, 2019 and issue its reports no later than November 30, 2019
While You were Gone: Changes to the Lunch Shaming Law Provides that if a student is not eligible for participation in the school food program and owes more than $50 in a school year (for meals), a school may provide alternative meals to the student until the student’s unpaid balance for school meals is paid or a payment plan has been established.
While You were Gone: EITC Funds Increased* Increases the amount of tax credits available for scholarship organizations under the Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program (EITC) by $25 million, from $160 million to $185 million. Increases the maximum annual household income allowed for scholarship eligibility from $85,000 to $90,000.
While You were Gone: Assistance with AP and IB Testing The Department of Education is authorized to assist school districts with AP and IB Testing Fees for low income students.
While You were Gone: Act 18 – Trauma Informed Approaches to Education (Senate Bill 144)
While You were Gone: Trauma Informed Approaches to Education Recognizes that Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) – which include factors such as abuse, neglect and other traumatic experiences – have a potentially long-lasting effect on children’s cognitive functioning and physical, social, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.
While You were Gone: Trauma Informed Approaches to Education Requires schools to implement mandatory training to identify the signs and symptoms of trauma leading to the school community using a multi-tiered support system for students and families who have experienced trauma, preventing its reoccurrence and promoting resiliency tailored to the entire school community.
While You were Gone: Trauma Informed Approaches to Education School Board and Charter Trustee Training: Newly Elected School Board Members and Charter School Trustees must receive 5 hours of New Member training, including 1 hour of trauma informed training; and, upon re-election, receive 3 hours of training, including 1 hour of trauma informed approaches.
While You were Gone: Trauma Informed Approaches to Education District Professional Development Plans must include training on trauma informed approaches including: Recognizing the signs of trauma in students Best Practices for implementing trauma informed practices in schools and classrooms Recognizing the signs of impact of secondary trauma on school employees and provide appropriate resources to use for those who are experiencing secondary trauma
While You were Gone: Trauma Informed Approaches to Education School District Policy must address trauma informed approaches including connecting students with appropriate services.
While You were Gone: Trauma Informed Approaches to Education The one-hour training shall be evidenced-based or evidence-informed.
While You were Gone: Trauma Informed Approaches to Education Understanding the impact of trauma on students will be added to the PA Leadership Standards for school administrators.
While You were Gone: Act 18 of 2019 – (Act 44 Updates) *PCCD Safety Grants* Part A Non-Competitive Grants will be allocated by enrollment: $30,000 – 1,200 students or less $35,000 – 1,201 – 2,100 students $40,000 – 2,101 – 3,900 students $45,000 – 3,901 students and above
While You were Gone: Act 44 Updates *PCCD Safety Grants* Part B Competitive Grands will be capped at $450,000 plus the allocation of the Part A Grant. All grants must be awarded by March 1, 2020.
While You were Gone: Act 44 Updates *PCCD Safety Grants* Sustainability planning is no longer a criteria for grant selection by the Committee.
While You were Gone: Act 44 Updates *PCCD Safety Grants* State Safety and Security Committee is adding representatives from the Principals Association, PSBA, PSEA (School Nurse), and a subject matter expert on trauma informed approaches.
While You were Gone: Act 44 Updates *PCCD Safety Grants* The Committee will develop a Model Trauma Informed Approach Plan for school entities to apply for grants.
While You were Gone: Act 44 Updates *PCCD Safety Grants* Charter schools and private schools are now eligible for the grants. Cyber charter school grants are limited to facilities where tutoring, testing, and supplemental programs are held.
While You were Gone: Act 44 Updates State Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Teams will be increased from three (3) teams to six (6) teams. Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Reports made to the State School Safety Committee, Legislature, and Governor shall remain confidential.
While You were Gone: Act 44 Updates PCCD must conduct school safety surveys of school entities at least every two years. The Auditor General is not permitted to perform audits related to school safety and security assessments, surveys, or grant applications.
While You were Gone: Act 44 Updates Protections are provided for Safe2Say records and the procedure for release of records to a court is clarified. Annual Safe2Say Reports will be aggregated by Intermediate Unit and will not be school specific.
While You were Gone: Act 44 Updates Safety and Security Staff Training Clarification: School entities shall provide their employees with mandatory training on school safety and security subject to the following based on the needs of the school entity:
While You were Gone: Act 44 Updates – Training, based on needs of school entity: Situational Awareness Trauma informed approaches Behavioral Health Awareness Emergency Drills including fire, natural disaster, active shooter, hostage situation, and bomb threat Identification or recognition of student behavior that may indicate a threat to the safety of the student, other students, school employees, school facilities, or the community
While You were Gone: Threat Assessment Teams Requires each public school entity to establish at least one threat assessment team for the assessment of and intervention with students whose behavior may indicate a threat to the safety of the student or others.
While You were Gone: Threat Assessment Teams The Threat Assessment Team is responsible for the following: Making age-appropriate informational materials available to students and school employees regarding threatening or at-risk behavior Ensuring that school employees are aware of the staff members appointed to the threat assessment team and know how to report threatening or at-risk behavior
While You were Gone: Threat Assessment Teams Assisting in assessing and responding to reports received through the Safe2Say Program Assessing and responding to reports of students exhibiting at-risk or suicidal behavior Assessing and making appropriate determinations and referrals Responding to threats
While You were Gone: Threat Assessment Teams Providing information for the annual threat assessment report to the school board Ensure parents and guardians are notified of a student’s behavior that may indicate a threat to the safety of the student or others Undergo appropriate training
While You were Gone: Act 67 of 2019 – (Senate Bill 621) School Security Personnel Numerous changes to the School Code concerning school security personnel, which includes school police officers, school resource officers, and school security guards. Establishes training requirements, provisions on who is authorized to carry firearms, additional requirements of the PA Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD), and more.
While You were Gone: Act 64 of 2019 (Senate Bill 440) Flexible Instructional Days (FIDs) Allowing school districts to receive approval from PDE to utilize FIDs and getcreditforcancelledschooldays.
While You were Gone: Flexible Instructional Days (FIDs) Allows schools to use FIDs in the instance of a cancellation to fulfill instructional requirements in English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Interested schools would apply with PDE. School districts may use up to five flexible instructional days per school year.
While You were Gone: Keystone Telepresence Device Grants for Intermediate Units Grants will be offered to Intermediate Units for the purchase of Telepresence Devices that can be used by students throughout the IU who may have long-term absences from school. The device allows the student to be present in the school and their classes by using the device to remotely see and communicate with teachers and classmates.
While You were Gone: PDE received approval of ESSA state plan changes: Adding additional specificity around Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) designations, beginning Fall 2019; Examining academic achievement and academic growth in determining annual meaningful differentiation; and, Aggregating racial and ethnic group student data in which no individual group meets the minimum n-size of 20.
While You were Gone: Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) The Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) designation will be used as an early warning for schools and will be made annually.
While You were Gone: PDE received approval of ESSA state plan changes: Keystone Exam Composite Score = 4452
While You were Gone: PDE received approval of ESSA state plan changes: Keystone Exam Composite Score = 4452 A student must achieve at least a scale score of 1500 on any one exam, and no less than Basic on the other two. The Composite Score benefits the student who may have missed the composite cut of 4500 (Algebra, Biology, and Literature).
While You were Gone: PDE received approval of ESSA state plan changes: Performance Level Descriptors (PLDs) and cut scores for the PASA tests in ELA and Math, as the newer assessments were redesigned with two tiers rather than three.