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EAPN Work Programme for 2015

Barbara Helfferich Director EAPN. EAPN Work Programme for 2015. 4 October 2014. EUROPEAN ANTI-POVERTY NETWORK RÉSEAU EUROPÉEN DES ASSOCIATIONS DE LUTTE CONTRE LA PAUVRETÉ ET L’EXCLUSION SOCIALE. Presentation Overview Framing the Work Programme Key Actions Foreseen in 2015

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EAPN Work Programme for 2015

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  2. Presentation Overview • Framing the Work Programme • Key Actions Foreseen in 2015 • Activities in particular relating to the work of the EUISG

  3. Framing the Work Programme 2015 • Priorities set in the Call • Commission Rules Around Financing

  4. Framing of the Call Priorities in the Call • Support the development, implementation monitoring and evaluationregarding Europe 2020. Support the main EU drivenprocessesincluding the OMC and the EuropeanSemester • Support StakeholderInvolvement in theirImplementation • Encourage Co-operationbetween and amongStakeholders • StrengthenCapacity of EU level networks and their national Membersincludingtheirknowledge of relevant EU matters • Provide Data and strongevidence base on policydevelopments and trends as well as collection of relevant information about the citizens’ concerns and good practices in the social policyfield in the MS, so as to bettercontributeto policymaking

  5. Framing the Call Rules around Financing • Total amount of money available for this call under EASI – 10 million • 16 networks eligible to apply • No one Network more than 1 million • Best proposals gets most of the money • 20 per cent co-funding • All activities must be budgeted in terms of money and time

  6. Key Activities/Actions: Major Meetings • Financing of Statutory Meeting as well as the Strategic Congress • Three Meetings of the EUISG – one linked with an EXCO and the GA/Strategic Congress • Two Task Forces (6-8 people) meeting three times • 1 Capacity Building Workshop linked to an EUISG meeting on Structural Funds • Two capacity building workshops for Members on general anti-poverty/EU policies • Two MASS Meetings • 1 Meeting of the PEP national co-ordinators.

  7. Major Actions/Activities Contracts with NNs • Funding for PEP work to continue for 31 Networks • Funding Translations continues, but reduced • On Europe 2020 – 90,000 to go to 15 projects, led by national networks, but also encouraging horizontal cooperation between networks – visibility actions/capacity building activities around Europe 2020 • Networks which do not participate in those pilots can still draw on contracts for basic work on EU 2020. The total budget for that 22,400.

  8. Specific Activities Relating to the EUISG • Monitoring European 2020 • Report on proposals for CSRs • Report on the Semester/Reviewing CSRs and NRPs • Key Messages to AGS • Position Paper to Council Formations and European Spring Council • Briefing Paper on the Outcome of the Mid-term Review • Policy Conference on the Outcome of the Mid-term Review • Follow up to the SIP

  9. Specific Activities Relating to the EUISG cont’d • Awareness raising on living wage • Follow up on the delivery of the employment target • Mapping of the trends regarding affordable access to key public services drawing on Semester and national policy processes

  10. Thank you for your attention For more information, please contact : Barbara Helfferich Director, EAPN Barbara.helfferich@eapn.eu EUROPEAN ANTI-POVERTY NETWORK RÉSEAU EUROPÉEN DE LUTTE CONTRE LA PAUVRETÉ ET L’EXCLUSION SOCIALE SQUARE DE MEEUS, 18 – 1050 BRUSSELS TEL: 0032 2 226 58 50 – FAX: 0032 2 26 58 69 www.eapn.eu - team@eapn.eu

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