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Lesson Four. Contents. Lesson Four. efficacious. Federal authorities help assure that a prescription drug is both safe and efficacious . adj. effective; producing the desired outcome syn: productive; useful ant: ineffective. Contents. Lesson Four. catharsis.
Lesson Four Contents
Lesson Four efficacious Federal authorities help assure that a prescription drug is both safe and efficacious. adj. effective; producing the desired outcome syn: productive; useful ant: ineffective Contents
Lesson Four catharsis Making the punishment fit the crime can bring about a catharsis within the general public. n. a release of emotional tension syn: purgation Contents
Lesson Four inundate The tsunami inundated the surrounding islands, bringing death and destruction with it. v. to overwhelm; to fill beyond capacity syn: flood; overwhelm Contents
Lesson Four revere Fans usually revere athletes more for their performance on the field than their behavior off it. v. to regard with respect, awe, or adoration syn: venerate; respect; honor ant: revile Contents
Lesson Four internecine World War I resulted in a truly internecine bloodbath, claiming the lives of some 17 million people from nine countries. adj. mutually destructive ant: constructive; beneficial Contents
Lesson Four risible Standing right behind the speaker, Sarah made insulting gestures and produced risible results. adj. relating to laughter; laughable syn: comical; jocular; jocund ant: grave; solemn Contents
Lesson Four sybaritic After a sybaritic adolescence, the prince became a strong and disciplined king. adj. marked by luxury or pleasure syn: luxurious; ostentatious; grandiose ant: modest; simple; plain Contents
Lesson Four crepuscular Sneaking home in the crepuscular morning hours, Kyle entered the living room so quietly the family dog never awakened. adj. pertaining to twilight Contents
Lesson Four kudos* Though she received welcome kudos from the general public, Sabrina placed more value on the approval of her father. n. acclaim or praise syn: honor; distinction ant: disapproval; rejection *Kudos always takes a singular verb Contents
Lesson Four estrange The coach uttered a steady stream of complaints that eventually estranged her basketball team. v. to alienate syn: disaffect; antagonize ant: unite; endear Contents
Lesson Four intrinsic The props used in the movie were common household items, but they held enormous intrinsic value to fans and collectors. adj. of or relating to a thing’s basic nature; inherent syn: basic; elemental; inborn ant: extrinsic Contents
Lesson Four maxim Mark Twain once wrote that an effective maxim must contain “a minimum of sound” and “a maximum of sense.” n. an established principle; a truth or rule of conduct syn: axiom; apothegm; proverb Contents
Lesson Four putrid The various bags of fast food remnants created a putrid stench in the car that had been sitting in the sun all week. adj. rotten and foul smelling syn: fetid; rancid; malodorous ant: aromatic; fragrant Contents
Lesson Four servile Though the slave acted servile, it was merely a ruse to cover his escape plan. adj. submissive; slavish syn: subservient; ignoble ant: haughty; domineering Contents
Lesson Four apocryphal After years of repetition, an apocryphal story becomes an urban legend that defies facts. adj. of questionable authenticity, but widely believed syn: dubious; equivocal; spurious ant: genuine; authentic Contents
Table of Contents Introduction Lesson 1Lesson 2Lesson 3Lesson 4Lesson 5Lesson 6Lesson 7 Lesson 8Lesson 9Lesson 10Lesson 11Lesson 12Lesson 13Lesson 14 Lesson 15Lesson 16Lesson 17Lesson 18Lesson 19Lesson 20Lesson 21
Lesson Four Contents
Lesson Four efficacious Federal authorities help assure that a prescription drug is both safe and efficacious. adj. effective; producing the desired outcome syn: productive; useful ant: ineffective Contents
Lesson Four catharsis Making the punishment fit the crime can bring about a catharsis within the general public. n. a release of emotional tension syn: purgation Contents
Lesson Four inundate The tsunami inundated the surrounding islands, bringing death and destruction with it. v. to overwhelm; to fill beyond capacity syn: flood; overwhelm Contents
Lesson Four revere Fans usually revere athletes more for their performance on the field than their behavior off it. v. to regard with respect, awe, or adoration syn: venerate; respect; honor ant: revile Contents
Lesson Four internecine World War I resulted in a truly internecine bloodbath, claiming the lives of some 17 million people from nine countries. adj. mutually destructive ant: constructive; beneficial Contents
Lesson Four risible Standing right behind the speaker, Sarah made insulting gestures and produced risible results. adj. relating to laughter; laughable syn: comical; jocular; jocund ant: grave; solemn Contents
Lesson Four sybaritic After a sybaritic adolescence, the prince became a strong and disciplined king. adj. marked by luxury or pleasure syn: luxurious; ostentatious; grandiose ant: modest; simple; plain Contents
Lesson Four crepuscular Sneaking home in the crepuscular morning hours, Kyle entered the living room so quietly the family dog never awakened. adj. pertaining to twilight Contents
Lesson Four kudos* Though she received welcome kudos from the general public, Sabrina placed more value on the approval of her father. n. acclaim or praise syn: honor; distinction ant: disapproval; rejection *Kudos always takes a singular verb Contents
Lesson Four estrange The coach uttered a steady stream of complaints that eventually estranged her basketball team. v. to alienate syn: disaffect; antagonize ant: unite; endear Contents
Lesson Four intrinsic The props used in the movie were common household items, but they held enormous intrinsic value to fans and collectors. adj. of or relating to a thing’s basic nature; inherent syn: basic; elemental; inborn ant: extrinsic Contents
Lesson Four maxim Mark Twain once wrote that an effective maxim must contain “a minimum of sound” and “a maximum of sense.” n. an established principle; a truth or rule of conduct syn: axiom; apothegm; proverb Contents
Lesson Four putrid The various bags of fast food remnants created a putrid stench in the car that had been sitting in the sun all week. adj. rotten and foul smelling syn: fetid; rancid; malodorous ant: aromatic; fragrant Contents
Lesson Four servile Though the slave acted servile, it was merely a ruse to cover his escape plan. adj. submissive; slavish syn: subservient; ignoble ant: haughty; domineering Contents
Lesson Four apocryphal After years of repetition, an apocryphal story becomes an urban legend that defies facts. adj. of questionable authenticity, but widely believed syn: dubious; equivocal; spurious ant: genuine; authentic Contents