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Advancements in Particle Physics & Cosmology: A historical perspective from Lomonosov Conference

Explore the evolution of physics from the 1992 Lomonosov Conference to present-day, highlighting milestones in cosmology and particle physics. Discover the transformation in our understanding of the universe's energy, neutrinos, Higgs sector, and more.

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Advancements in Particle Physics & Cosmology: A historical perspective from Lomonosov Conference

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  1. Physics and the Lomonosov Conference Series A snapshot of Particle Physics and Cosmology during the years from the 1992 Yaroslav edition of the Conference Outline of talk: • Cosmology & Astrophysics • Particle Physics: Neutrinos • Particle Physics: the Higgs Sector • Theory and the future Marco Giammarchi Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare Sezione di Milano Italy Mikhail Lomonosov 1711-1765 (Portrait by G. Prenner, 1787) Russian polymath: natural science, chemistry, physics, mineralogy, history, art, opticaldevices, poetry Lomonosov Conference

  2. But a bit of history first Physics at the time of the 1992 Lomosov Conference in Yaroslav was different than Physics now : We had no Dark Energy (although we had Dark Matter) We had no top quark (and not even direct evidence of Tau Neutrino!) Neutrinos did not oscillate (and we did not understand solar neutrino fluxes) The Universe at its decoupling was homogeneous The Higgs field was “just theory” In 25 years so much has changed!! In reviewing this I know I will not mention MANY wonderful advances and experiments. On the other hand, reviewing Physics in the last 25 years is such a tremendous responsability so as to be unbearable. Therefore… this is a kind of «EASY» task! Lomonosov Conference

  3. Outline of talk: • Cosmology & Astrophysics • Particle Physics: Neutrinos • Particle Physics: the Higgs Sector • Theory and the future Cosmology & Astrophysics COBE Satellite (operated from 1989 to 1993) : CMB has a nearlyperfect 2.7 0K blackbodyshape CMB hasFAINT anisotropiesat the 10-5level «Pictures» are taken at z=1,100 (370,000 yr after the Big Bang). Lomonosov Conference

  4. 1998: the study of the light comingfomIaSupernovaerevealsthat the cosmologicalconstantis NON ZERO. The Universeappears to be accelerating Ia («Chandrashekhar» limit) Supernovae The best «StardardCandles» for high-z cosmologicaldistances. Supernova Cosmology Project, High-z Supernova Search Team Lomonosov Conference

  5. Thesediscoverieslead to the Birth of the CosmicConcordance Model (2003) The Standard Model of Cosmologyappears to be a Λ-CDM model Lomonosov 2007: A. Starobinsky Lomonosov 2009: A. Starobinsky Ourcurrent best understanding of the Energy of the Universe Lomonosov Conference

  6. The CosmicMicrowave Background and cosmologytoday Lomonosov 2001: V. Lukash Lomonosov 2003: K. Abazajian Lomonosov 2005: A. Dolgov Lomonosov 2015: N. Mandolesi, P. Natoli, A. Starobinsky Lomonosov Conference

  7. Λ-CDM parametrization of the Big Bang (Cosmological Standard Model) Baryondensityparameter Dark Matterdensityparameter Sound Horizonat last scattering Scalar spectralindex Optical depth Perturbationamplitude Hubble’sConstant Fluctuationamplitudesat 8h-1Mpc Matterdensityparameter Dark Energy densityparameter Lomonosov Conference

  8. The (2015) directdiscovery of GravitationalWaves Physical parameters of the Black Hole – Black Hole merger Lomonosov 1995: V.M. Lipunov, 1997: V. Braginski, 2015: F. Ricci Lomonosov Conference

  9. GravitationalWaves, spacetimevibrationswhosedirectdetectionconfirms the predictions of General Relativityas the classicaltheory of Gravitation From Indirect Evidence to Gravitational Waves Astronomy! Results from ObservationalRun 1 (BH mergers) Third (or perhaps 4°) BH-BH merger, GW170104 detected in Run2 (20,30 solar masses) At Lomonosov 2017: Eugenio Coccia! Lomonosov Conference

  10. Outline of talk: • Cosmology & Astrophysics • Particle Physics: Neutrinos • Particle Physics: the Higgs Sector • Theory and the future ParticlePhysics: Neutrinos Pontecorvo hypotesis (1957) Davis (& Bahcall) experiment (1970-1994) Neutrino Oscillationsdiscovered in (1998) Superkamiokande AtmosphericNeutrinos Lomonosov 2001: Y. Fukuda Lomonosov 2003: K. Ganezer Lomonosov Conference

  11. Solution of the Solar Neutrino Problem Neutral current Charged current Borexinohasmeasured «all» fluxesin real time Lomonosov 2003: V. Gavrin, S. Mikheev 2005: J. Pulido 2007: V. Gavrin, S. Mikheev 2009: V. Gavrin 2011: N. Barros, Y. Obayashi, E.Litvinovich 2013: Y. Suzuki • Small Δm2 driving «solar» oscillations • Large Δm2 driving «atmospheric» oscill. Lomonosov Conference

  12. θ13different from zero ! (T2K,DayaBay, RENO) Neutrino OscillationParameters Lomonosov 2003: A. Smirnov, C. Giunti Lomonosov 2005: T. Kobayashi, N. Savvinov, J. Shirai Lomonosov 2007: K. Sakashita Lomonosov 2009: J. Hartnell, M. Shibata Lomonosov 2011: A. Izmaylov, C. White, M. Mezzetto Lomonosov 2013: S.B. Kim, M. Malek, S. Wojciki, N. Kitagawa, C. Giunti Lomonosov 2015: C. Giunti, Batkiewicz • Determining the neutrino mass scenario (whichhierarchy, or the nature of neutrinos, DBD, steriles) • Look for CP violation in the leptonicsector (recenthints from T2K) Lomonosov Conference

  13. Outline of talk: • Cosmology & Astrophysics • Particle Physics: Neutrinos • Particle Physics: the Higgs Sector • Theory and the future ParticlePhysics: the Higgs Observation of the «last» Standard Model basicfermionsatFermilab. Top Quark discovery in 1994 (CDF, D0) 900 GeV Proton 900 GeV Antiproton Lomonosov 1997: P. Bhat, 2005: E. Boos Evidence of the Nu Tau! DoNUTexperimentatFermilab (2002) Direct observation of nt + N t + X and subsequentobservation of appearance in the CERN-GranSasso neutrino beamat OPERA Lomonosov 2011: A. Ereditato Lomonosov Conference

  14. The discovery of the Higgs (BEH) Boson The Large Hadron Collider, the largest single machine everbuilt. 3.5 to 4 Tev p 3.5 to 4 Tev p I 6.5 Tev p 6.5 Tev p II Construction between 1995 and 2008 Start operation in 2010 Four detectors (Atlas, CMS, LHCb, ALICE) Atlas detector CMS detector Lomonosov 1999: S. Armstrong Lomonosov 2007: N. Krasnikov Lomonosov 2009: P. Jenni, A. Cheplakov, V. Gavrilov Lomonosov Conference

  15. in 2011 Main production modes: Lomonosov 2001: P. Colas Lomonosov 2003: V. Matveev, S. Gentile Lomonosov 2009: D. Krofcheck, E. Ros, S. Shmatov, M. Savina, D. Galtsov Lomonosov 2011: A. Gritsan Lomonosov 2015: K. Mazumdar Lomonosov Conference

  16. The «discovery» channel. Announced on the 4th of July 2012 The «cleanest» 4 leptonschannel Lomonosov 2013: R. St. Denis, S. Choudhury Lomonosov Conference

  17. Coupling to fundamentalfermions and vectorbosonsfitnicely with Standard Model expectation. 100 millionHiggspredicted by the end of LHC (2035). Lomonosov 2001: F. Mazzucato • Everythinglooksconsistent with a 125.1 GeV St. Model Higgs • No evidence of Dark Mattercandidates or Supersymmetry. Whatisprotecting the Higgs from high energy quantum effects? • Now Atlas and CMS runningat the 13 TeVenergy Lomonosov 2007: G. Unel Lomonosov 2011: A, Cakir Lomonosov 2015: E. Masso, F. Scutti, Yu. Smirnov, E. Romero Adam Lomonosov Conference

  18. Outline of talk: • Cosmology & Astrophysics • Particle Physics: Neutrinos • Particle Physics: the Higgs Sector • Theory and the future «Theory» and the future • Highly motivated by High Energy and Cosmological information • Ambitiouslyaimingatunderstanding large scale and microscopic scale Shiva Nataraja Lomonosov Conference

  19. Lomonosov 2007: T. Kajino, G. Landsberg 2009: P. Di Bari Lomonosov 2011: M. Cirelli, G. Gorbunov, A. Dolgov, A. Starobinski 2013: D. Galtsov, A. Starobinsky A 13.8 Gy story! Describe micro/macro Physics During the whole history of time Lomonosov Conference

  20. Theoryisconceivingideasthat are : • highly speculative (megaverse, multiverse) • Notfalsifiable (and purposely so) • Unification of Gravity and Quantum Theories, to the goal of describing macro and micro history of the Universe • A fewproblems to solve In spite of all of «contemporaryrecentexcitingphysics» the mostcitedpaper in physics (according to some bibliometricchoice) is: A.Einstein, B. Podolsky, N. Rosen Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete? Phys. Rev. 47, 777 (1935)The “EPR” paper ! The problem of quantum gravity: Combine general relativity and quantum theory The unification of particles and forces: Determine whether or not particles and forces can be unified in a single theory that explains them all as a single entity. The tuning problem: Explain how the values of the free constants in the standard model of particle physics are chosen in nature. The problem of cosmological mysteries: Explain dark matter and dark energy. Or, if they don't exist, determine how and why gravity is modified on large scales. The antimatter problem: Explain why the universe is made of matter as opposed to antimatter by completing our understanding of CP violation. Lomonosov 1995: M.B. Menskij and 2003: D. Galtsov Lomosov 1995: D.V. Shirkov, Lomonosov 1997: L. Okun, Lomonosov 2001: Nowosad, Lomonosov 2009: A. Shchukin This paper contains the epistemological consideration of a reality which is independent from the observer (realism) …which was criticized already at the time of Renée Descartes (1637) Lomonosov 2009: D. Gorbunov Lomosov 1993: I. Yu. Sokolov, Lomonosov 2005: V.A. Matveev Lomonosov 2011: P. Krokovny, Lomonosov 2013: O. Steinkamp Lomonosov 1995: P. Spillantini, 2003: G. Martinelli, 2009: T. du Pree Lomonosov Conference

  21. Conclusion (in the spirit of Lomonosov) • Itmight be a good idea for theory to proceedwithoutpayingextremeattention to experiments • Itmight be a good idea for experiments to proceedwithoutpayingexcessiveattention to theory • Itmight be important to understandthatthis way of proceedingimpliesepistemologicalconsiderations (evenifnotstated). • Physics, in itssearch for knowledgeshouldnot be afraid of facingotherfields of knowledge (eveniftheyhavedifferentcriteria for truth, liketheoreticalphilosophy). Withoutchangingitscriteria. • Vedictradition, for instance, introduced the concept of Unity of Everythingages ago. And in spite of itsapparentdifference, on the epistemologicalviewpoint, itisequivalent to a UnifiedTheory of Quantum Fields (and Gravity). Thankyou for yourattention Lomonosov Conference

  22. Lomonosov Conference

  23. Lomonosov Conference

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