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Comprehensive overview of SHA-1 algorithm, its implementation, and applications in file integrity, user authentication, and more.
ECE 111 Final Project Secure Hash Algorithm SHA-1
Secure Hash Algorithm • Goal is to compute a unique hash value for any input “message”, where a “message” can be anything. • SHA-1 (widely used) returns a 160-bit hash value (a.k.a. message digest or strong checksum) “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” SHA-1 2fd4e1c6 7a2d28fc ed849ee1 bb76e739 1b93eb12 160-bits = five 32-bit words SHA-1 some 160-bit value SHA-1 some 160-bit value file: avatar.avi file: chopin.mp3
SHA-1 • Just a small change, e.g. from “dog” to “cog”, will completely change the hash value “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” SHA-1 2fd4e1c6 7a2d28fc ed849ee1 bb76e739 1b93eb12 “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cog” SHA-1 de9f2c7f d25e1b3a fad3e85a 0bd17d9b 100db4b3
Verifying File Integrity • Software manufacturer wants to ensure that the executable file is received by users without modification … • Sends out the file to users and publishes its hash in NY Times • The goal is integrity, not secrecy • Idea: given goodFile and hash(goodFile), very hard to find badFile such that hash(goodFile)=hash(badFile) VIRUS badFile goodFile NY Times hash(goodFile) BigFirm™ User
Authentication with Shared Secrets SECRET SECRET msg, H(SECRET,msg) Bob Alice Alice wants to ensure that nobody modifies message in transit (both integrity and authentication) Idea: given msg, very hard to compute H(SECRET, msg) without SECRET; easy with SECRET
SHA-1 • Developed by NIST, specified in the Secure Hash Standard (SHS, FIPS Pub 180), 1993 • SHA-1 is specified as the hash algorithm in the Digital Signature Standard (DSS), NIST
General Logic • Input message must be < 264 bits • not really a problem • Message is processed in 512-bit blocks sequentially • Message digest is 160 bits
SHA-1 Algorithm • Step 1: Padding bits • A b-bit message M is padded in the following manner: • Add a single “1” to the end of M • Then pad message with “0’s” until the length of message is congruent to 448, modulo 512 (which means pad with 0’s until message is 64-bits less than some multiple of 512). • Step 2: Appending length as 64 bit unsigned • A 64-bit representation of b is appended to the result of Step 1. • The resulting message is a multiple of 512 bits • e.g. suppose b = 900 2 x 512 = 1024 bits M 1 0 0 … 0 900 900 bits 59 0’s 64 bits
SHA-1 Algorithm • Step 3: Buffer initiation – initialize message digest (MD) to these five 32-bit words H0 = 67452301 H1 = efcdab89 H2 = 98badcfe H3 = 10325476 H4 = c3d2e1f0
SHA-1 Algorithm • Step 4: Processing of the message (the algorithm) • Divide message M into 512-bit blocks, M0, M1, … Mj, … • Process each Mj sequentially, one after the other • Input: • Wt : a 32-bit word from the message • Kt : a constant • H0, H1, H2, H3, H4 : current MD • Output: • H0, H1, H2, H3, H4 : new MD
SHA-1 Algorithm • Step 4: Cont’d • At the beginning of processing each Mj, initialize(A, B, C, D, E) = (H0, H1, H2, H3, H4) • Then 80-step processing of 512-bit blocks – 4 rounds, 20 steps each • Each step t (0 ≤ t ≤ 79): • Wt If t < 16, Wt = tth 32-bit word of Mj If t ≥ 16, Wt = (Wt-3 Wt-8 Wt-14 Wt-16) <<< 1 • where <<< denotes circular shift to the left by s bits • and denotes bit-wise XOR
SHA-1 Algorithm • Step 4: Cont’d • Each step t (0 ≤ t ≤ 79): • Kt 0 ≤ t ≤ 19, Kt = 5a827999 20 ≤ t ≤ 39, Kt = 6ed9eba1 40 ≤ t ≤ 59, Kt = 8f1bbcdc 60 ≤ t ≤ 79, Kt = ca62c1d6
SHA-1 Algorithm • Step 4: Cont’d • Each step t (0 ≤ t ≤ 79): • Define F(X, Y, Z) as follows: 0 ≤ t ≤ 19, F(X, Y, Z) = (X ^ Y) ( X ^ Z) 20 ≤ t ≤ 39, F(X, Y, Z) = X Y Z 40 ≤ t ≤ 59, F(X, Y, Z) = (X ^ Y) (X ^ Z) (Y ^ Z) 60 ≤ t ≤ 79, F(X, Y, Z) = X Y Z • where ^ is bit-wise AND and is bit-wise complement • Then compute (called the SHA-1 step function) T = (A <<< 5) + F(B, C, D) + Wt+ Kt + E • where + denotes an addition modulo 232
SHA-1 Algorithm • Step 4: Cont’d • Each step t (0 ≤ t ≤ 79): • The values of (A, B, C, D, E) are updated as follows: (A, B, C, D, E) = (T, A, B <<< 30, C, D)
SHA-1 Algorithm • Step 4: Cont’d • Finally, when all 80 steps have been processed, set H0 = H0 + A H1 = H1 + B H2 = H2 + C H3 = H3 + D H4 = H4 + E
SHA-1 Algorithm • Step 5: Output • When all Mj have been processed, the 160-bit hash of M is available in H0, H1, H2, H3, and H4
Module Interface • Very similar to Project 2 on RLE Co-Processor • Notes: Message_size given in number of bytes and no need to use Port_A_data_in[31:0] as memory used for read only Message_addr[31:0] Message_size[31:0] Start_hash Hash[159:0] Done Port_A_clk DPSRAM (stores message) SHA-1 Processor Clk Port_A_addr[15:0] Port_A_we DPSRAM interface nreset Port_A_data_in[31:0] Port_A_data_out[31:0]
Big-Endian vs. Little-Endian • The memory representation (as with the RLE project) uses a little-endian representation whereas the SHA1 algorithm uses a big-endian representation. • For message “The boat”, little-endian would be:M[0] = “ ehT”;M[1] = “taob”;big-endian would be:W[0] = “The “;W[1] = “boat”;
Big-Endian vs. Little-Endian • Use this functionfunction [31:0] changeEndian; //transform to big-endian input [31:0] value; changeEndian = {value[7:0], value[15:8], value[23:16], value[31:24]};endfunction • Then in your Verilog code, you can do something like this:w[i] <= changeEndian(port_A_data_out);
Same Two Design Objectives • Minimum delay • delay = clock frequency * number of cycles • Minimum area*delay product • Also “Best Design” for each design objective
Disable the use of Block Memories • Altera Quartus will automatically replace some registers with block memories, which are not counted in the total number of registers. If you look at the Analysis & Synthesis Summary, you will see a Total block memory bits entry. If it is non-zero, it means block memories were allocated. • To provide a common basis for comparison, you should disable the use of block memories. This can be done as follows: • In the analysis and synthesis settings, there is an option for auto shift register replacement. • Turning that off will disable the use of block memories. • If Total block memory bits is non-zero, then you have to add the number of memory bits to your area. • i.e. area = #ALUT + #registers + #block memory bits
More Information • Here is the official IETF specification. • http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3174.txt • Here is the Wikipedia page. • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-1