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Learn about Year Two assessment measures for reading, writing, math, and more at Ripple Primary School. Get involved in your child's education and understand how to support them. Find out about teacher assessments, levels, and reporting. Stay informed on the assessment timetable and activities to help your child succeed. Explore the comprehensive assessment process to ensure your child's progress and achievement. Gain insights into enhancing your child's learning journey.
Ripple Primary SchoolKey Stage 1 NATs Wednesday 7th February 2017
At Ripple Primary School we are proud to provide a safe, stimulating and inclusive learning environment where every member of our community is valued and respected. We listen to each other and every voice is heard. Our broad, balanced, creative curriculum and enrichment activities provide opportunities for all to achieve and succeed. We celebrate our achievements, differences and cultural diversity. Together we take pride in making a positive contribution to our school and the wider community. School Mission Statement
Programme Measuring Success Timetable Test organisation Year Two NAT’s Getting involved in your child’s education Phonics screening Questions
Measuring Success • Children are assessed in reading, writing, spelling and grammar, mathematics and science. • The emphasis is on teacher judgement. • The children can be assessed throughout the year. • The tests are used to inform final teacher judgements.
Year 2 Assessment Timetable • Throughout the year children will get used to undertaking similar activities to the NATs, so not to be phased by them. • September and November – in school assessments using similar test materials to NATs. • February – MOCK tests. • Between May- June 2018, Year Two children will be undertaking Key Stage One assessment tasks and tests (challenges).
What will be assessed and how? 1. Reading Comprehension – 2 reading tests and teacher assessment judgements. 2. Grammar and punctuation – 1 test and teacher assessment judgements. 3. Spelling test – 1 test and teacher assessment judgements. 4. Maths – 2 tests (one arithmetic and one reasoning) and teacher assessment judgements. 5. Writing – teacher assessment by looking at a range of examples of each child’s writing.
Maths • Children work through booklets of maths questions covering all of the work they have been doing in their Maths lessons covering number, shape, measuring, simple fractions, data handling and problem solving. • Your child is not allowed to use equipment for counting so they are expected to work out the answers on their own. They can use a ruler for measuring. • There may be questions for which they will have to write an explanation of their ‘working out’. • Children can ask the teacher to read the questions to them as we are not testing reading skills.
Reading • Pupils will be tested in written comprehension. • For test 1, children will have a booklet containing a story and some information or non-fiction writing, which they will read and then answers questions about. The questions are below the text read. • For test 2, children have a longer reading booklet that they need to read in full, before they can access the answer booklet. This requires your child to read for a long period of time and sustain attention and meaning. • Test 2 is a harder text with more complicated questions to answer.
Writing • During the year the children produce different written pieces that can be fiction and non- fiction. • This will be used to see how well your child can describe and explain things, use punctuation, spell and plan a piece of work. • Handwriting will also be judged but as part of a separate activity. • The teacher will then judge a range of independently completed work to determine the standard of the writing.
Spelling and Grammar • Children have a booklet in which they write spellings of common words as the teacher reads them out. • They also have a grammar booklet in which they answer questions to show their understanding of grammar. • Spelling and grammar marks are no longer reported separately but they are part of the writing standard.
Phonics Screening in Year Two • In June 2018 children in Year 2 will be re-tested for their phonics. • Information about your child’s performance with this will be attached to their school report.
Teacher Assessments • On going teacher assessments are carried out as part of normal teaching and learning activities throughout the year. • These are used to build up a picture of each child’s performance over time.
Levels Expected level
What level is my child working at? If you need information about the level your child is working at, please speak with your child’s teacher at parents meetings after half term.
How can you be sure we are levelling correctly? • For all subjects we work from the National Curriculum Levels. • We are provided with level descriptors to work from which we use to moderate class teachers judgements. • We use test results and teacher assessments to make a final judgement. • We are closely monitored by the Local Authority.
Reporting • Each child’s results will be reported to parents and the Local Authority at the end of the school year. • The results are also shared with Year Three teachers to make sure the curriculum is matched to each child’s needs.
What can I do to support my child? As a parent, you are your child’s first teacher. The support and encouragement you provide are important throughout your child’s school life. • Read daily, ensuring your child understand the text and can answer questions about. • Every week children get a comprehension for homework, this is an example of past tests. • Practice timetables (2, 3, 5, 10), number bonds, division as counting in groups. Children should be confident adding and taking away 2 digit numbers (no column method!). Make number problems a part of every day life. • Practise spellings every week – put the words into a sentence, story, diary entry, surprise project, etc.
What can I do to support my child? You can use this link to find past papers and practise with your child. • https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/national-curriculum-assessments-practice-materials • Remember to click on KS1 only (NOT KS2) KS1
Thank you for your time!