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Welcome. ON TARGET WITH AMAOS 1, 2, 3 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS September 29, 2009. On Target with AMAOs 1, 2, 3. PRESENTED BY: Lizette Diaz, EL/Categorical Coordinator And Paul Gale, Director Research and Evaluation. Outcomes for this session.

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  2. On Target with AMAOs 1, 2, 3 PRESENTED BY: Lizette Diaz, EL/Categorical Coordinator And Paul Gale, Director Research and Evaluation

  3. Outcomes for this session • Exploring AMAOs as defined under Title III Accountability NCLB • Targets/Accountability • Assessment • Cohort • Understanding what AMAOs DO and DON’T tell us? • Looking at AMAOs to understand where to delve deeper and what tools to use • Wrapping our heads around AMAOs and EL Programs • District customized charts and powerpoint

  4. What is the difference between AMAO and AMO? • AMAO is Annual Measurable Academic Objective relate to EL subgroup under Title III, there are three: • AMAO 1: Progressing 1 CELDT level annually • AMAO 2: CELDT-English Proficient in 5 years • AMAO 3: EL meet ELA & Math AMO target • AMO or Annual Measurable Objectives are one of three indicators for Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) under Title I: • 1.Participation Rate on CST, 2. AMO (ELA & Math) and 3. API (Academic Performance Index) • AMO is Minimum % Proficient/Above on ELA & Math schoolwide and all significant demographic groups

  5. Public Release of Title III Accountability Report • Go to http://dq.cde.ca.gov/dataquest/ • Use pull down menu for “Level” to choose “District” • Use the pull down menu for “Subject” to choose “Title III Accountability” • Chose Year • Choose “Submit”

  6. Title III Accountability ReportInformation Guide • 2008-09 Title III Accountability Report Information Guide (new version upcoming) • Can be found at: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/t3/documents/infoguide0809.pdf

  7. AMAOs 1,2,3 • District level targets for EL under Title III Accountability • They show how ELs in a cohort are achieving either: • AMAO 1: Making at least one year’s growth on CELDT • AMAO 2: Becoming English Proficient within a reasonable amount of time • AMAO 3: Being competitive with peers by meeting academic expectations on CST in ELA and Math • Paul Gale, Ph.D.

  8. District Level AMAO’s Do… • Tap into a district’s vision of English Learner programming. • Highlight overall programming emphasis and whether it is effective: • With student’s initial language growth • With getting EL students proficient • With getting EL students to be academically successful • Paul Gale, Ph.D.

  9. District Level AMAOs Do Not… • Show how well an EL program is working at specific sites, at specific grade levels, with particular EL proficiency levels or with particular teachers. • One must delve deeper into each AMAO, use multiple measures and go directly into the classroom to observe which strategies are being used and determine if these strategies are used appropriately. • Paul Gale, PhD

  10. Title III AMAOs For English Learners

  11. Assessments Used to Determine AMAOs • CELDT is California’s state test of English language proficiency. • Requirement of administration of CELDT within 30 calendar days upon initially enrolling whose home language not English. • Annual Assessment July 1 to October 31 • Initial Assessment July 1 to June 30 • Assess the domains of listening, speaking, reading and writing • Required until EL student is reclassified

  12. CELDT: California English Language Development Test • Identification of students who are limited English Proficient • Determines the level of English Language proficiency • Assessment of progress of listening, speaking, reading and writing in English • In accordance with ELD standards by grade spans: K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12.

  13. CELDT Test Overview

  14. Let’s review CELDT and Proficiency levels of English Learners

  15. CELDT and ELD • CELDT measures English Proficiency • Beginning • Early Intermediate • Intermediate • Early Advanced • Advanced • ELD standards are by Proficiency • Beginning • Early Intermediate • Intermediate • Early Advanced • Advanced

  16. What are the Goals of ELD? • To develop proficiency in English for each domain: listening, speaking, reading and writing. • The overarching goal of each ELD standard is a corresponding ELA standard • To develop a foundation in the English language as the access to other content areas • Target ELD Standards based instruction is dependant upon the student’s English language proficiency • It focuses on the forms, functions and fluency of English Language

  17. Lets take a closer look at the relationship between ELD and ELA • By ELA Standard… • By ELD Standard… • By Proficiency… • By grade… • By grade level span… • Using the West Ed Map of Standards Correlation Matrix on the next slide.

  18. Here we go… Understanding the AMAOs

  19. AMAO 1 Is the percent of English learners that move from one overall level to the next as measured by the CELDT A EA I EI B What is the Target Expectation for 2010?

  20. AMAO 1 Targets

  21. Three ways for Els to meet the annual growth target, AMAO1 • ELs at Beg, E. Int, Int. levels are expected to gain one performance level. • ELs at E. Adv. or Adv. who are not yet English Proficient on the CELDT are expected to achieve the English proficient level on the CELDT. • Overall proficiency level at E. Adv. or Adv. and all domains Intermediate or above. • ELs at the English proficient level are expected to maintain that level. • Two years are compared to answer this AMAO

  22. AMAO 2 Expectation • Is the percent of English learners that reach proficiency level as measured by the CELDT • Any students who have been Els or four years must become proficient. + What is the Target Expectation for 2010?

  23. AMAO 2 Targets

  24. AMAO 2 Cohort* may change for 09-10 • All ELs who were at the Int. level overall the prior year (08-09) • ELs at the E. Adv. Or Adv. Levels overall who were not English Proficient the prior year (08-09) • ELs at the Beg. Or E. Int. level overall in the prior year (08-09) who were enrolled in U.S. schools between Jan. 1, 1988-June 30, 2004) • ELs at the Beg. Or E. Int. level overall in the prior year (08-09) who entered U.S. schools after June 30, 2004, and who met the English proficient level on the 2009 annual CELDT administration. • This is a snapshot of the year’s cohort, did they or not

  25. AMAO 3 • Is the percent proficient for the English Learner subgroup as measured by the CST for both English language arts (ELA) and Math • A significant subgroup in Ca. is considered 100 students Do you know the Target Expectation for 2010?

  26. AMAO 3 ELA and Math Targets 08-09 (09-10)

  27. District Specific AMAO Chart Analysis • Using the charts, discuss what relevance this information has to your district, sites and future planning meetings? • What sites have the highest population of EL students? • What sites are struggling with AMAO 3? • What program information can you derive from this data? • What are some questions that may need further information to consider?

  28. What is defined as English Learner on AYP? • ELs, students who are identified as EL based on results of the California defined as: English Language Development Test (CELDT) – AND • Reclassified fluent-English-proficient (RFEP) students who have not scored at the proficient level or above on the CST in ELA three times after being reclassified. • These students are counted in determining numerical significance for the EL subgroup.

  29. Reclassified Fluent-English-Proficient on AYP • RFEP students who have not scored proficient or above on the CST in ELA three times since reclassification are included in calculating the participation rate and AMOs for the EL subgroup. • These RFEP students are counted when determining whether the EL subgroup meets the minimum subgroup size to be numerically significant.

  30. Cont.. • RFEP student records for grades five and higher that are blank in the section that indicates whether or not the student scored at the proficient or above level on the CST in ELA three times default to a “yes.” • This means that an RFEP student in grade five or higher with a blank in that data field does not count in the EL subgroup.

  31. So what happens when… • A district fails to meet one or more of any AMAO in any given year...

  32. Title III LEA or consortia does not meet any one or more of AMAOs in any year, it must: • Inform the parents of all ELs in the LEA or the consortia as a whole, that the AMAOs have not been meet within 30 days of public release of Title III Accountability reports (September 15, 2009) . • The year of PI does not need to be sited in letter, districts may use the same letter regardless of the status of PI • See sample letter www.cde.ca.gov/sp/el/t3/acct.asp

  33. LEA or consortia does not meet any of AMAOs for two consecutive years, it must: • Develop an improvement plan addendum that will ensure that the AMAOs are met. • The IPA shall specifically address factors that prevented the LEA from achieving the AMAOs

  34. LEA or consortia does not meet any of AMAOs for four consecutive years, it must: • The state shall require the LEA to modify its curriculum, program, and method of instruction. • Write a Title III online Action Plan, implement and the County monitors its progress in partnership with the district.

  35. Next Steps to Examine Program, Curriculum and Instruction for English Learners… ELSSA-English Learner Subgroup Self Assessment tool APS-Academic Program Survey Improvement Plan Adendum for Title III Year 2 On-line Action Plan for Title III Year 4 LEA English Learner Master Plan CPM-Ongoing Categorical Program Monitoring CELDT and CST Assessment Data

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