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Sacagawea. Sacagawea. Sacagawea was an Indian woman who helped Lewis and Clark on their exploration across the United States in 1804. Sacagawea. Lewis and Clark came to the Hidatsa villages in 1804 There they built a Fort Mandan

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  1. Sacagawea

  2. Sacagawea • Sacagawea was an Indian woman who helped Lewis and Clark on their exploration across the United States in 1804

  3. Sacagawea • Lewis and Clark came to the Hidatsa villages in 1804 • There they built a Fort Mandan • Wanted to find someone in the village who could help guide them up the Missouri River • They met Toussaint Charbonneau and his young wife, Sacagawea

  4. Sacagawea • Sacagawea helped the explorers by being a guide and translator • She could speak two different types of Native American as well as French

  5. Sacagawea • Sacagawea was pregnant before the expedition left Fort Mandan • She gave birth to her first son, Jean, on February 11, 1805 • She carried her child on her back the entire journey

  6. Sacagawea • Around August 1805, the group came across the Shoshone tribe, the chief of whom was Sacagawea’s brother • The tribe provided the explores with horses to cross the Rocky Mountains

  7. Sacagawea • Sacagawea was helpful to the group in many ways, but she was most helpful by keeping meetings between the explores and other tribes peaceful • Something about a young woman and a baby made natives aware that the explorers were not dangerous

  8. Sacagawea • After Sacagawea and the expedition team made it across the Rockies, they eventually made it the the Pacific Ocean in November 1805

  9. Sacagawea • After the expedition, Sacagawea and her husband returned to Hidatsa • Moved to St. Louis, Missouri in 1809 • Sacagawea had a daughter, Lizette, in 1810 • She died in 1812 of an unknown sickness

  10. More Information To learn more about Sacajawea’s history, here are some sights you may find helpful: • Wikipedia.com: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacagewea#The_Lewis_and_Clark_expedition • Surfing the Net with Kids: http://www.surfnetkids.com/go/187/about-sacagawea/

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