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SLE 42nd Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 Workshop: Connectives – Contingency relations

SLE 42nd Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 Workshop: Connectives – Contingency relations. “From adverbs to connectives and beyond. A contrastive study of the development of French en fait and de fait and English in fact and actually in their contemporary uses .”.

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SLE 42nd Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 Workshop: Connectives – Contingency relations

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  1. SLE 42nd Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 Workshop: Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond. A contrastive study of the development of French en fait and de faitand English in fact and actually in their contemporary uses.” Tine Defour & Ulrique D’Hondt GRAMIS – IUAP Grammaticalization and (Inter)Subjectification

  2. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt Overview • Research context • Theoretical framework and Methodology • Focus and Research aims • Synchronic functions • Diachronic evolution • Theoretical implications

  3. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt I. Research context • GRAMIS: - “Grammaticalization & (inter)subjectification” - IUAP (Antwerp, Leuven, Louvain-la-Neuve, Ghent, Tervuren, Hannover) (2007-2012) • Ghent University: - Discourse markers - Contrastive (English, French, Portuguese) - Synchronic & diachronic

  4. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt II. Theoretical framework and Methodology • Grammaticalization; pragmaticalization; (inter)subjectification • Contrastive: French vs English

  5. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt • Corpus-based: • Base textuelle du Moyen Français (diachronic - philos. treatises, religious texts, battle narratives) • Frantext (diachronic - literary texts) • Corpus Le Monde(synchronic - journalistic texts) • CorpAix(synchronic - spoken French) • Helsinki Corpus(diachronic – literary texts) • Corpus of English Dialogues (diachronic – spoken English) • British National Corpus (synchronic – various text genres) • Namur Corpus (Parallel Translation corpus) • Analysis of structural and semantic-pragmatic features

  6. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt III. Focus and Research aims • Semantic field of (f)actuality: French en fait and de fait English in fact and actually • Translation data Namur Corpus: → In fact: - translated most frequently by en fait - to a lesser account by de fait → Actually:- translated most frequently byen fait

  7. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt III. FOCUS & RESEARCH AIMS • Focus onthe use of these expressions as connectives indicating a relationship of contrast ↓ sentential contrast (“mais en réalité”, “but in reality”)

  8. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt III. FOCUS & RESEARCH AIMS • Consider how the selected connectives arise and evolve • Lexical contrast between Prep. Phrases

  9. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt III. FOCUS & RESEARCH AIMS FACTUM in fact en fait, de fait ACTUM actually (in acts) Originally in lexical contrast with: - en/de parole(s)/ in words - en/de pensée(s)/ in thought(s) - en droit/ in law

  10. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt III. FOCUS & RESEARCH AIMS • Hypothesis: lexical contrast (adverb) ↓ sentential contrast (connective) ↓ pragmatic contrast (PM) • Influence presence contrast word (mais, but)? • Interpretation within framework of grammaticalization/pragmaticalization

  11. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt IV. Synchronic functions • En fait / in fact • De fait • Actually

  12. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt 1.Frenchen fait/Englishin fact IV. SYNCHRONIC FUNCTIONS • Verbal adverb (PrepPhrase): → “in practice, in (the) concrete fact(s)” (etymological meaning) ex. 1) Juger en fait et non en droit. (GR) ex. 2) Humanity is absent in fact but everywhere in feeling. (Schwenter & Traugott 2000: 11)

  13. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt IV. SYNCHRONIC FUNCTIONS • Sentential adverb: contrastive value → opposition with preceding part of sentence ex. 3) Une prostituée tombe amoureuse d’un truand qui est en fait un policier (LM 2006) ex. 4) The levels of dioxin appear to be small, butin fact they have been found to be higher in paper tissues and in paper towels than in some other things. (Schwenter & Traugott 2000: 11)

  14. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt IV. SYNCHRONIC FUNCTIONS • Pragmatic marker: additive value → strengthening/precision ex. 5) Un faux exemplaire (en fait, un Caudron C800 rouge revêtu de la signature des deux comiques) trônerait, pour la plus grande joie des amateurs émus, en un musée d'Azay-le-Rideau. (LM 2006) ex. 6) […] though these statements may provide useful, in fact, compelling evidence for such a theory. (Chomsky 1965: 89)

  15. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt 2.Frenchde fait IV. SYNCHRONIC FUNCTIONS • Sentential adverb: → “dans les faits, concrètement” ex. 7) Pour maintenir ses 40 % de parts de marché, Telecom Italia a de fait été contraint de réduire ses marges. (LM 2006)

  16. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt IV. SYNCHRONIC FUNCTIONS • Pragmatic marker (initial position): → confirming meaning (“en effet”) ex. 8)De fait, en dehors des grosses agglomérations, souvent tenues par les forces gouvernementales, la majeure partie de la province a en effet été déclarée -, du fait de l’insécurité croissante, “no go area” par les organisations humanitaires. (LM 2006) → contrastive meaning (“en réalité”): rare ex. 9) Mais, de fait, la critique anglophone eut une tout autre perception. (LM 2006)

  17. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt 3.English actually IV. SYNCHRONIC FUNCTIONS • Verbal adverb: integrated in sentence structure → intensifying & truth-insistent ex. 10) This isn’t (just) hearsay, you know; I [actually saw it with my own eyes]. (Taglicht 2001: 2) • Sentential adverb:marginal in sentence structure → textual (elaboration; contrast) & interpersonal (shift in perspective) functions ex. 11) A: How was the bus ride? B: Actually, we went by train.

  18. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt V. Diachronic evolution V. DIACHRONIC EVOLUTION • En fait • De fait • In fact • Actually

  19. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt 1.Frenchen fait V. DIACHRONIC EVOLUTION • Lat. factum → en + fait (14th C) • After 1600: frequency increases (↔de fait!) • Prepositional Phrase (> 19th C): → verbaladverb: “dans les faits” • Sentential adverb (19th C): contrastive value (“mais en réalité”) ex. 12) […] et encore dus-je m’ en cacher pour n’être pas raillée et pour ne pas blesser ceux qu’il avait trop cruellement blessés. Mais, en fait, il emportait avec lui dans le néant des choses finies toute une notable portion de ma vie, tous mes souvenirs d’enfance, agréables et tristes, […] (G.Sand, Histoire de ma vie, 1855)

  20. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt V. DIACHRONIC EVOLUTION • Pragmatic value (19th C): elaboration, strengthening, specification ex.13) Entre tous ceux de sa classe, elle était peut-être la personne qui s’attendît le moins à être frappée dans cette grande catastrophe; et, en fait, en quoi sa conscience pouvait-elle l’ avertir qu’elle avait mérité collectivement de subir un châtiment social? (ibidem) • 2nd half 19th C: increasingly frequent & pragmatic (cf PDF)

  21. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt 2.Frenchde fait V. DIACHRONIC EVOLUTION • Lat. factum → de + fait (14th C) • Adverbial value (1400): “dans les faits” • Sentential adverb (15th-16th C): initial position (cf PDF) → Confirmative value: “en effet” → Contrastive value: “mais en réalité” ex. 14) Et jadis fus femme, de fait home suis, je ne ment pas , Assez le demonstrent mes pas, Et, si fus je femme jadis, Verité est ce que je dis(Chr. De Pisan, 1400-1403)

  22. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt V. DIACHRONIC EVOLUTION • After 1600: frequency of (adverbial) de fait decreases (↔ en fait) • Nominal complement (1700-1850): “dans les faits” ex: des convictions de fait, preuves de fait, une tyrannie de fait… • Verbal complement (1700-1850): “dans les faits” ex: être de fait, exister / dérober / renoncer de fait… • PDF: → close to etymology → mainly confirmative value → contrastive value mainly expressed by en fait

  23. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt 3.Englishin fact V. DIACHRONIC EVOLUTION • Lat. factum → in + fact (16th C) • Prepositional Phrase (> 1st half 18th C): → verbaladverb: “in practice, in (the) concrete fact(s)” • Sentential adverb (18th C): contrastive value • Epistemic adverb (18th C): evidential value < “what is fact” → “in truth” ex. 15) Here the reader may be apt to conclude that the bailiff, instead of being a friend, was really an enemy to poor Booth; but, in fact, he was not so. His desire was no more than to accumulate bail-bonds; (Clmetev: Fielding, H.: Amelia: 1751)

  24. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt V. DIACHRONIC EVOLUTION • Pragmatic marker (mid 18th C): → intensification, strengthening ex. 16) The Appearance it makes presents you with an Idea sufficiently grand; yet your Imagination cannot be persuaded but that it is in fact much grander, and that the Wood hides a great Part of what is to be seen from your Eye. (CED: d5hogilp: 1748)

  25. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt 4.Englishactually V. DIACHRONIC EVOLUTION • Lat. actualis → Fr. adj. actuel (13th C) → Eng. adj. actual (14th) → adv. actually (15th C) • Adverbial, non-temporal meaning (15th < 17th C): “actively, effectively” (Traugott & Dasher 2002) → the speaker needs concrete, physicalproof ex. 17) Albeit that our estate in this imperiall Crowne wherof we be actually and really possessed, as partely may appere by our Proclamacion wherin our tytle is published, is not ne can be in any wise doubtfull to all suche our good faithfull subjects as, […] (CEECS, Origina2: 1520-1586)

  26. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt V. DIACHRONIC EVOLUTION • (Non-temporal) epistemic uses (17th/18th C) → emphasis on what is the case (↔ words, thoughts, law) = contrast! (ex. 18) → emphasis on truthfulness of entire assertion (ex. 19) ex. 18) First, That this which they say, rather proves what God should have done according to their fancy, than what he hath really and actually done. (HC, Ceserm3a: 1640-1710) ex. 19) I journeyed by night--no incident, or accident, but an alarm on the part of my valet on the outside, who, in crossing Epping Forest, actually, I believe, flung down his purse before a mile-stone […] (Clmetev: Byron, G. G., Letters 1810-1813)

  27. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt V. DIACHRONIC EVOLUTION • Very sporadic temporal use (17th/18th C) (“nowadays”, “at present”) (cf French actuellement) ex. 20) [L]adies wore gigots and large combs like tortoise-shell shovels in their hair, instead of the simple sleeves and lovely wreaths which are actuallyin fashion, the manners of the very polite world were not, I take it, essentially different from those of the present day: and their amusements pretty similar. (Clmetev: Thackery, W.M., Vanity Fair: 1847-48)

  28. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt V. DIACHRONIC EVOLUTION • Pragmatic function (19th C): elaboration (initial position) ex. 21) What a wicked wretch was I! Actually, for the last half-hour I had scarcely thought of Leo, and this, be it remembered, of the man who for twenty years had been my dearest companion, and the chief interest of my existence. (Clmetev: Haggard, H.R., She: 1887)

  29. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt VI. Theoretical implications • Grammaticalization • En fait, de fait, in fact, actually: specific grammaticalization pathway

  30. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt 1. Grammaticalization VI. THEORETICAL IMPLICATIONS • Structural changes: sentence position, increased bondedness, sentential scope, decategorialization • Desemanticization: lexical → pragmatic meaning • Subjectification

  31. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt 2. Specific grammaticalization pathway VI. THEORETICAL IMPLICATIONS • lexical contrast ↓ sentential contrast ↓ pragmatic contrast • → contrast: explicit (cf “mais”, “but”) implicit (context)

  32. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt VI. THEORETICAL IMPLICATIONS adverb → (connective) → pragmatic marker stage 1 stage 2 stage 3 phrase → sentence → discourse less subjective → more subjective

  33. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt VI. THEORETICAL IMPLICATIONS • However, stage 3 is not necessarily subsequent to stage 2, but can also co-occur with it! • An adverb can of course immediately assume the function of pragmatic marker without passing through the stage of connective.

  34. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt VI. THEORETICAL IMPLICATIONS • Broader pattern of grammaticalization: adverb → (connective) → pragmatic marker phrase → sentence → discourse less subjective → more subjective • This development can later be compared to that of other adverbia, also from a cross-linguistic perspective.

  35. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt VI. THEORETICAL IMPLICATIONS • Verify to what extent the studied forms become dissociated from their role as connectives when combined with another conjunction.

  36. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt Bibliography • Aijmer, K. and A.M. Simon-Vandenbergen (2004) A model and a methodology for the study of pragmatic markers: The semantic field of expectation. Journal of Pragmatics 36/10: pp. 1781-1805. • Blumenthal, P. (1996) Le connecteur en fait, in Muller, Claude (éd.), Dépendance et intégration syntaxique. Subordination, coordination, connexion. (Tübingen, Max Niemeyer Verlag, pp. 257-269) • Celle, A. and R.Huart (2007) Connectives as discourse landmarks. (Amsterdam: Benjamins) • Chomsky, N. (1965) Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press) • Danjou-Flaux, Nelly (1980) À propos de de fait, en fait, en effet et effectivement, Le françaismoderne 48: pp. 110-139. • Defour, T., U. D’Hondt, A.-M. Simon-Vandenbergen and D. Willems (In preparation) The cognates actually and actuellement: diachronic developments from a cross-linguistic perspective. Paper presented at the Fifth International Contrastive Linguistics Conference: Leuven, Belgium. 7-9 July 2008.

  37. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt • Defour, T., U. D’Hondt, A.-M. Simon-Vandenbergen and D. Willems (In preparation) The cognates infact, enfait, defait and aufait: A cross-linguistic comparison of four variants within a theory of pragmaticalisation. Paper presented at New Reflections on Grammaticalization 4: Leuven, Belgium. 16-19 July 2008. • Lewis, D. M. (2003) Rhetorical motivations for the emergence of discourse particles, with special reference to English of course. T. van der Wouden, A. Foolen and P. Van de Craen (eds.), Particles. Belgian Journal of Linguistics 16, pp. 79-91. • Miñones, L. and S. Slepoy (2004) Etude sur la connexité en français écrit : le cas de sinon et de en fait, de fait et en réalité. (München, Lincom) • Oh, S.-Y. (2000) Actually and in fact in American English: a data-based analysis. English Language and Linguistics 4/2: pp. 243-268. • Powell, M. J. (1992) The systematic development of correlated interpersonal and metalinguistic uses in stance adverbs. Cognitive Linguistics 3/1, pp. 75-110. • Rossari, C. (1992) De fait, en fait, en réalité: trois marqueurs aux emplois inclusifs. Verbum, 14/3, pp.139-161. • Schwenter, S. A. and E. C. Traugott (2000) Invoking scalarity. The development of in fact. Journal of Historical Pragmatics Vol. 1/1, 2000, pp. 7-25. • Traugott, E.C. and R.B. Dasher (2002) Regularity in Semantic Change. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)

  38. 42nd SLE Annual Meeting – Lisbon 2009 – Workshop Connectives – Contingency relations “From adverbs to connectives and beyond” - Tine Defour &Ulrique D’Hondt Further questions? • Tine.Defour@UGent.be • Ulrique.DHondt@UGent.be

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