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Crafting a Strong Thesis Sentence: Key Elements and Significance

Discover the vital components of a good thesis sentence and why it is crucial for your paper. Learn how to construct a provable, specific, and significant thesis that outlines your argument effectively.

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Crafting a Strong Thesis Sentence: Key Elements and Significance

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  1. The Mighty Thesis SeNTENCE

  2. What is a thesis sentence? • Your thesis sentence is important because it drives your entire paper. It is where you announce your topic, and explain what you are going to prove about that topic. It provides an organizing “road map” for the paper, and lets the reader know what to expect. • It will always appear in the first paragraph, frequently as the last sentence. • It should be obvious to the reader what the thesis sentence is.

  3. What are the components of a good thesis sentence? • One way to construct a thesis sentence is to announce your topic, and then state what point you are going to make about it. • Your thesis sentence should be provable. • Your thesis sentence should also explain why your topic is significant, or worthy of thought or discussion.

  4. A thesis sentence is more than just an opinion. “The Epic of Gilgamesh is a great story.” • This is not a good thesis sentence because it is simply a subjective opinion. It can’t be proven from anything in the text. • Having a thesis sentence like this tends to lead to an essay that is mostly synopsis and reads like a book report.

  5. A thesis sentence should not be vague. “Rama and Esfandyar have many similarities, but they also have many differences.” This is not a good thesis sentence because it is too vague. Most things do, in fact, have similarities and differences. What specifically are the differences, and why are they important.”

  6. A thesis sentence should communicate a sense of significance about your topic. “Esfandyar shows that he is a great warrior.” This is a little better, because presents a topic, and it is provable, but it invites the question, “So what?” Why is this contention important?” Can you provide a larger context for this argument?

  7. A thesis sentence should provide an outline for your paper. “Esfandyar is asked by his society to show both superhuman strength and absolute obedience, and the narrative is compelling because he is unable to resolve this paradox, which leads to his death.” This sentence announces the topic, states the writer’s point, and gives a sense of why the idea is important.

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