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Fast for Hope

Fast for Hope. Nicaragua Initiative. FAST FOR HOPE 2012-2013. What is Fast For Hope?. Fast for Hope is a District-wide initiative celebrated in February Club members are asked to forego a meal, or endure a hardship in recognition of those who have less

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Fast for Hope

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Fast for Hope Nicaragua Initiative

  2. FAST FOR HOPE2012-2013

  3. What is Fast For Hope? Fast for Hope is a District-wide initiative celebrated in February Club members are asked to forego a meal, or endure a hardship in recognition of those who have less Clubs donate the proceeds of the “fast” to the Fast For Hope Initiative Each club is asked to contribute a minimum of $10/member Annually, District 5960 averages $39,000 for poverty eradication efforts through club’s FFH activities 1998

  4. Eradicating Poverty? 2006

  5. “Creating ways for people to solve their own problems isn’t just an opportunity in 2010. It is an obligation.” • Jacqueline Novogratz, founder of the Acumen Fund and author of Blue Sweater

  6. Managua National Capital Masaya Departmental Capital 2007-2008

  7. Partnerships • Masaya Rotary Club • AKF School • District 5960 • Rotarians

  8. A Shared Vision EmergesAmongst the Partners Through accompaniment, partners and communities that desire participate in a process of development in order to achieve a sustainable, healthy and economically secure environment. 2009

  9. Hopes For The Nicaraguan Initiative • Long term sustainable development (hand up, not hand out) • Recognition of cultural similarities and differences • Wide ranging impact on all participants

  10. Wide ranging impact on all…Who is all?

  11. AKF School and Delegations Delegation and staff Outdoor classroom

  12. Communities we visit… • Women of Tipitapa • Making a living • Teaching us • Dreams of a better future

  13. Cuidad Sandino Rotary Club Presentation of fire equipment Rotary discussion

  14. Rotarians, Friends & Family

  15. People with whom we interact ERICA and her mother

  16. As a delegation member…here’s one of my favorite stories…

  17. And the communities with whom we work… El Corozo and Los Ampies 2010- 2013

  18. Hopes For The Nicaraguan Initiative • Long term sustainable development (hand up, not hand out) • Recognition of cultural similarities and differences • Wide ranging impact on all participants

  19. Cultural similarities/differences • What is similar? • Want for children to have a better life… • Desire for education • Culture of dependency • Willingness to work hard to do better

  20. Making Friends Building Trust Generosity Curiosity

  21. These community leaders and teachers are willing to actively engage in this initiative despite significant challenges Pedro Pablo Reynaldo

  22. Cultural similarities/differences • What is different? • Culture of dependency • Education level/access to education • Basic infrastructure: roads, sewer, water, electricity

  23. El Corozo Road to El Corozco…imagine it in the rainy season?

  24. Typical Home

  25. Hopes For The Nicaraguan Initiative • Long term sustainable development (hand up, not hand out) • Recognition of cultural similarities and differences • Wide ranging impact on all participants

  26. Define “sustainable development” • When we talk about sustainable development what does that mean to you? • Take a minute and think about that and when you are ready, we’d like you to share a few of your thoughts to the group

  27. February 2012 Rotarian MagazineLevels of Sustainability • Environmental • Economic • Cultural • Social

  28. “When a humanitarian project addresses all four levels of sustainability, it has a better chance of producing long-term benefits for the community it serves.” Rotarian Magazine February 2012

  29. “This is hard….” • Not the model we are used to following • Many are learning from our missteps • We have to redefine service from doing what feels good to us to doing the right thing for the community

  30. “This is hard….it takes time” 2006-2007 Identified need for new model 2008–09 Selected village mis-steps, need to re-evaluate vision 2010 Shared vision emerges amongst all partners 2010–11 Identified 10 communities, selected 2 to work in 2011–12 AKF Begins community development process 2012-13 Rotarians enter communities CulturalChange 0 5 10 15 20 years Usually takes a generation – 20 years Rotary would like projects completed – 2 years

  31. Nicaragua Initiative – Moving Forward • Cultural delegations & Leadership development • Be part of the “International” of Rotary International • More time and interaction in Los Ampies and El Corozo • Your participation is critical in the FFH poverty eradication efforts 2013 -

  32. Gracias Por Su Tiempo

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