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Sistem Meniadakan Cacat

Sistem Meniadakan Cacat. Screening Pokayoke Jidoka. SREENING (100% INSPECTION). Self-checks Successive checks. “Self-Check” Inspection. ROI (reliance on operator inspection ) muncul pada 1980-an.

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Sistem Meniadakan Cacat

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  1. SistemMeniadakanCacat Screening Pokayoke Jidoka

  2. SREENING (100% INSPECTION) • Self-checks • Successive checks

  3. “Self-Check” Inspection • ROI (reliance on operator inspection) munculpada 1980-an. • Self-check: operator melakukanpemeriksaanhasilkerjasendirisebelumdikirimkanpadatahap proses berikutnya. • Sisipositif: • Memungkinkanmencakukp 100%. • Memungkinkanpembelajarandankoreksicepat. • Sedikitresistansiketikaditemukansendiri. • Sisinegatif: • Kadangkalamelakukankompromidantindakanperbaikan yang tepatdilewati. • Tidakmelihatkesalahandirisendiri. • Kepatuhandiabaikanjikabukanbagiankerja standard.

  4. “Successive-Check” Inspection Successive-check: pekerjaan yang sudahselesaidiperiksaoleh operator pada proses berikutnya. Sisipositif: • seringkalimenemukankesalahan-kesalahan yang dilewatkanpadaself-checking process. • dapatmembangun sense of cooperation antar operator ygnterlibatdalam proses. Sisinegatif: • tindakankorektifmasihdiperlukandanterjadisetelahthe point of error. • kepatuhandiabaikanjikabukanbagiandari standard work. • dapatmenciptakanperselisihanantarpekerja.

  5. Kebutuhanuntuk Self-checking & succesive checking • Target-target pemeriksaan • Umpanbalikdantindakan • Pertimbangandandukunganuntukpekerja

  6. Target-target Pemeriksaan • Pemeriksaanpadabanyakhalakan counterproductive • Tiappekerja / operator memeriksaduaatautiga target • Target kritispemeriksaan: safety, performance dan appearance • Statistikcacatperludikajiuntukmenemukansolusipermanenmeniadakancacat

  7. UmpanBalikdanTindakan • Ketikacacatditemukan, pekerjaterkaitsegeradiberitahu • Jikamasalahbersifatkronik, pekerjamenghentikan proses untukmenyelesaianmasalahsebelummenimbulkandampakpada item-item lainnya • Jikatidakdapatdiselesaikancepat, stafspesialisdipanggiluntukmemberikanbantuan

  8. PertimbangandanDukunganuntukPekerja • Pekerjaharustahubahwa proses inspeksitidakdigunakansebagaialatuntukmengevaluasimereka • Pekerjaharusdiberikankelonggaranwaktuuntukmeningkatkankualitas: extra time untukpenghentianlinidankoreksimasalah, diskusimasalahdanmencarisolusinya. • Padakebanyakanoperasi, operator mempunyaiperankecil (20%)dalampengendalianmasalahkualitas , sementarasebagianbesar (80%) merupakan management-controllable • Quota kuantitasdanlajuproduksi yang ditetapkanterlebihdahuluperluditiadakandulu, hinggaterbiasadengan self-checking dan successive checking

  9. Otomasidalaminspeksi • Jikainspeksisangatsulitdilakukansecarafisikoleh operator • Jika volume sangattinggidantarget inspeksibanyak • Performa manual bisamenyamaiotomasi

  10. PengertianPokayoke Poka-Yoke was developed by Shigeo Shingo from Toyota Motors as a tool to achieve Zero Defects. • The process of Zero Defects is also known as “Mistake Proofing” or “Fail-Safe”. • By taking over repetitive tasks or actions that depend on vigilance or memory, Poka-Yoke can free workers’ time and mind to pursue more value added activities.

  11. FungsiDasarPokayoke A defect exists in one of two states: 1.it is about to occur (Prediction) 2. it has already occurred (Detection) Three basic poka-yoke functions to use against defects: 1. shut down a machine or operation 2. control a process or operation 3. warn that a defect has occurred

  12. Top 10 Errors that Cause Defects 1. Processing omissions (a step was forgotten) 2. Processing errors (something was done incorrectly) 3. Error in setting up the work piece 4. Assembly omissions (a part was forgotten) 5. A wrong part / item was included 6. Wrong work piece 7. Operations errors (incomplete information, procedures not followed) 8. Adjustment, measurement, dimensional errors 9. Equipment maintenance errors 10. Errors in preparation of tools, fixtures, blades, etc

  13. Poka-Yoke Examples Control (prevention): The disc is only able to be inserted in one orientation. www.freeleansite.com

  14. Poka-Yoke Examples Shutdown/Warning (Detection): The compact disc will only work in one orientation. www.freeleansite.com

  15. Jidoka • The ability of humans or machines to detect an abnormal condition in materials, machines, or methods, and to prevent the abnormality from being passed on to the next process • Automation in the usual way or automatic control of defects • Autonomation: automatic shutdown of a process in the event of a problem (manual or automated processes)

  16. Andon • A mechanism to inform everyone in the process of the source of the line-stop and the nature of the problem • Andons = coloured lights Green: normal Yellow: working to resolve a problem Red: difficult problem, send help

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