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The answer. X= oa Y= ia; ib Z= ob Medium = oa’; (ia’; ob’; ib’ + ob’;(ia’; ib’ + ib’; ia’)) + ob’; (ib’; oa’; ia’ + oa’; (ia’; ib’ + ib’; ia’)) X||Y||Z||M = toa; (tia; tob; tib + tob; tia; tib) + tob; toa; tia; tib where toa is the t for oa||oa’
The answer • X= oa • Y= ia; ib • Z= ob • Medium = oa’; (ia’; ob’; ib’ + ob’;(ia’; ib’ + ib’; ia’)) + ob’; (ib’; oa’; ia’ + oa’; (ia’; ib’ + ib’; ia’)) X||Y||Z||M = toa; (tia; tob; tib + tob; tia; tib) + tob; toa; tia; tib where toa is the t for oa||oa’ NOTE that a FIFO medium will not accept oa’.ob’.ib’.ia’ and ob’oa’ia’.ib’ and will therefore dadlock after tob; toa !!