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CMS Experiment at the LHC, CERN Date Recorded: 2009-11-23 19:21 CET Run/Event: 122314/1514552 Candidate Collision Event. Report from Belgium. RPC Upscope Meeting February 5, 2010. Michael Tytgat. Belgian Groups in the Project.
CMS Experiment at the LHC, CERN Date Recorded: 2009-11-23 19:21 CET Run/Event: 122314/1514552 Candidate Collision Event Report from Belgium RPC Upscope Meeting February 5, 2010 Michael Tytgat
Belgian Groups in the Project In the upscope plan put forward in 2008, the Belgian contribution to the chamber assembly/testing would be distributed over 3 sites : • VUB : Walter Van Donincket al. Installation & commissioning of RPC endcap system, mechanical design of upscope chambers • UCL : Eduardo Cortina et al. RPC detector R&D • UGent : Michael Tytgatet al. Commissioning of RPC endcap system, simulation studies for RPC upscope, RPC detector R&D Belgium would assemble/test enough chambers to instrument 1 new endcap station 2(low η part) : 72 chambers + spares in total, RE2 or new RE2bis “double” chambers, 36 RE2/3 in Gent, 18 RE2/2 in Brussels, 18 RE2/2 in Louvain-La-Neuve Similar assembly procedures and detector tests foreseen as in the ISR, before detectors would be shipped to CERN Central coordination of the Belgian contribution by Gent RPC Upscope Meeting
Status of RPC Labs : VUB • RPC lab under construction : • assembly/test room available • gas mixing unit ready, gas bottles to be ordered • CAEN HV/LV units ready • infrastructure ready (tables, electronics racks …) • setup for gas gap pressure and HV tests ready • no cosmic test bench • Lab could be operational on short time scale RPC Upscope Meeting
Status of RPC Labs : VUB Assembly area Gas mixer/distributor Detector transport table Test racks RPC Upscope Meeting
Status of RPC Labs : UGent • Large RPC lab under construction : • ~ 70m2 area for assembly/testing allocated in old accelerator hall of the institute; additional space for storage of chambers and material available • additional new detector R&D room (45m2) being set up • air conditioned hut (19m2) ordered for chamber testing in a controlled environment • gas mixing unit (built by CERN gas group) delivered; to be installed • CAEN HV/LV units ready • equipment and materials to build large cosmic test bench (2x2m2) ordered and partially delivered; waiting for scintillators from IHEP Protvino • longdelay due to involvement of university safety (isobutane gas, HV …) and building service (gas safety cabinets, air conditioned hut, fences …) • Lab should be operational by the summer RPC Upscope Meeting
Status of RPC Labs : UGent Assembly area HV/LV system Gas mixer/distributor Detector R&D room Detector transport table RPC Upscope Meeting
Status of RPC Labs : UCL • Very large RPC lab under construction : • ~ 100m2 area for assembly/testing allocated in old cyclotron hall of the institute; should be ready this summer • gas mixing and distribution unit ready • CAEN HV/LV units ready • equipment and materials to build large cosmic test bench ordered and partially delivered; waiting for scintillators from IHEP Protvino • DAQ and electronics ready • longdelay due to involvement of university safety service • Lab should be operational by the summer RPC Upscope Meeting
Status of RPC Labs : UCL Gas safety cabinet Cosmic test bench Gas distributor Gas mixer RPC Upscope Meeting
Manpower • Manpower available for chamber assembly and testing, assuming the project starts this year and the assembly is done in Belgium • VUB: • 2.5 FTE technicians • 1 FTE engineer • 1 Physicist • UGent : • 2 FTE technicians • 1 FTE technician to be hired • ~1 FTE PhD students • 0.5 FTE Physicists • UCL : • 1.5 FTE technicians • 1 technician for transport of material and detectors (Belgium-CERN) • 1-2 PhD students • 1 Physicist RPC Upscope Meeting
Budget • Expected Belgian contribution to the RPC upscope project : 800 kCHF • Belgian Cost to Completion 3 attributed to RPC upscope : 456 kCHF • “Big Science” projects in Belgium : 225 kCHF • UGent CMS entry fee attributed to RPC (?) : 150 kCHF • Additional small contributions from institutional research projects funded bythe FWO-Flanders RPC Upscope Meeting
Concluding Remarks • The participating Belgian groups are ready to take up the responsibility to assemble a large part of the new chambers for the RPC upscope • Manpower is available to do the assembly locally; infrastructure should be ready by the summer • Belgian financial contribution to the upscope project seems secured • Chamber assembly should start asap to avoid losing essential people • If requested, the number of detector assembly sites can be reduced, e.g. limited to UGent and UCL • Sending Belgian technical manpower to CERN for longer periods for chamber assembly could be a problem • Having a (spare ?) chamber assembly line in Belgium will be beneficial for training new people for the commissioning/maintenance of the RPC system RPC Upscope Meeting