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Planning learning, teaching and assessment. www.educationscotland.gov.uk. Tackling Bureaucracy.
Planning learning, teaching and assessment • www.educationscotland.gov.uk
Tackling Bureaucracy • Forward planning is a professional tool to assist teaching and learning. Teachers should plan to the level of detail which will work best for their pupils. This will vary with the teacher’s level of experience, familiarity with the material and preferred style, so there should not be a ‘ one-size-fits-all’ approach. Daily plans should be brief and mainly for teacher’s use (e.g. a diary approach )
Tackling Bureaucracy • Forward planning should be proportionate; • there is no need to plan, assess, record and report at the level of each and every Experience and Outcome. It is almost always better to group together related Experiences and Outcomes and focus on the most significant aspects of teaching and learning. • Forward planning should support professional dialogue rather than simply fulfil an audit function.
Tackling Bureaucracy • Assessment judgements, particularly within broad general education but also in the senior phase of CfE, should be based on evidence drawn mainly from day-to-day teaching and learning. Tracking pupil progress and moderation is important; however, there is no need to produce large folios of evidence to support this. Assessment within CfE is based on the exercise of professional judgement.
The rationale and design of the curriculum Strategy to develop literacy, numeracy and health and well being Ensure learners’ entitlement and develops the four capacities Based on the design principles • Based on shared values in consultation with all stakeholders Well planned, joined up learning across the four aspects of the curriculum Meets the needs of all learners and takes account of local circumstances
The development of the curriculum Refresh the curriculum on a regular basis Staff and partners identify the benefits to learners from planned curriculum change Provide opportunities for choice and where appropriate specialisation • Planned • in consultation with all stakeholders Work with partners to ensure a coherent experience for learners Evolves progressively over time to deliver the entitlements of CfE
Programmes and Courses Refresh using the Es and Os and course requirements A range of flexible pathways and progression routes Progressive development of knowledge and skills • Shared rationale for change and the expected outcome for learners Progressive development of attributes and capabilities of the four capacities Planning for progression through the CfE levels and into the senior phase
Transitions Support children and young people in developing an increased awareness of themselves as learners through profiling Shared activities, experiences and placements are planned to support progress • To ensure progression in learning Arrangements for universal and targeted support and induction to the next phase Providing a range of opportunities for support and induction to the next phase
Planning the learning Which Es and Os will be the focus of the learning? Planned learning may touch on several curriculum areas but focus the selection of Es and Os on the learning you plan to assess.
Planning the learning continued Look at the selected Es and Os and consider the learning opportunities in each. Determine the learning intentions and success criteria for selected Es and Os, keeping in mind the assessment evidence you plan to gather. Plan for differentiation within the level.
Planning the learning experiences • Plan learning experiences which match the learning intentions and provide breadth, challenge and application of learning. • Consider the different needs in the classroom and the best tasks / activities to motivate and engage learners. • Will the learning experiences give learners the opportunity to develop and demonstrate their knowledge, understanding, skills, attributes and capabilities? • Reflect the 7 design principles.
Planning assessment evidence • Consider the evidence you want to gather to best exemplify the learning that has taken place in relation to the agreed success criteria. • Plan to gather a range of evidence as appropriate to the learning and the learner. • A range of evidence allows for a more holistic judgement to be made.
Planning assessment approaches • Having decided what evidence you want to gather, consider what assessment approaches would best allow you to do this. • Using a range of assessment approaches allows a clearer picture to emerge about each learner. • Ensure assessment approaches meet the needs of all learners.
Assessment – Key Messages • Assessment: • Is integral to learning and teaching - involves all stakeholders, most importantly the learner - is ongoing, periodic, at times of transition • Builds capacity in practitioners to make professional judgements underpinned by professional dialogue - assessment requires a variety of approaches generating a body of quality evidence - assessment and moderation are integral to each other • Is holistic and informative - has many purposes, the most important of which is to support the learner journey - goes beyond KU alone to include skills, attributes and capabilities
Where do we find evidence of learning? Plenary Self Assessment Peer Assessment
@educationscotland.gov.uk • www.educationscotland.gov.uk • Transforming lives through learning