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Cyflwyniad / Introduction. Gair o gyflwyniad / IntroductionCyfraith Iaith: Y cefndir rheoleiddiol rhyngwladol, Prydeinig a ChymreigLanguage Law: The international, UK and Welsh regulatory backgroundSgiliau iaith a chamwahaniaethuLanguage skills and unlawful discriminationB'le mae'r ddau yn cwrdd / where the twain meet.

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    2. Cyflwyniad / Introduction Gair o gyflwyniad / Introduction Cyfraith Iaith: Y cefndir rheoleiddiol rhyngwladol, Prydeinig a Chymreig Language Law: The international, UK and Welsh regulatory background Sgiliau iaith a chamwahaniaethu Language skills and unlawful discrimination B’le mae’r ddau yn cwrdd / where the twain meet

    3. Cyfraith Iaith / Language Law Amcanion polisi: hawliau dynol / hawliau dinesig / hawliau defnyddwyr / hybu a dathlu amlddiwylliannedd ac amrywiaeth / cynnal treftadaeth ddiwylliannol Policy aims: human rights / civil rights / consumer rights / promoting and celebrating multiculturalism and diversity / preserving cultural heritage Dulliau gweithredu: cyfraith galed a meddal Implementation methods: hard and soft law

    4. Rhyngwladol / International - 1 Iaith yn ymddangos mewn nifer o gyd-destunau / Language appears in a number of contexts Y mwyaf arwyddocaol yn y DG yw Siarter ewrop dros ieithoedd rhanbarthol a lleiafrifol The most significant in the UK is the European Charter for Regional and Minority Languages Yn rhwymo mewn cyfraith ryngwladol / Binding in international law Y gyfundrefn “fwydlen” / The “menu system

    5. Rhyngwladol / International - 2 Offeryn “normeiddiol” / A “normative” instrument Nid yw’n creu hawliau / Does not create rights Ond mae’n gosod dyletsyddau ar y wladwriaeth, y mae hithau’n atebol i’w cyflawni But imposes obligations on the State which it must perform

    6. Rhyngwladol / International - 3 e.e, , mewn perthynas â’r Gymraeg / e.g. in respect of Welsh to ensure that social care facilities such as hospitals, retirement homes and hostels offer the possibility of receiving and treating in their own language persons using Welsh who are in need of care on grounds of ill health, old age or for other reasons Dirprwyo cyfrifoldeb I Lywodraeth y Cynulliad / Delegating responsibility to Assembly Government Canlyniadau methiant / The consequences of failure

    7. Prydeinig / UK Deddf yr iaith Gymraeg 1993 / The Welsh Language Act 1993 Yn creu hawliau (mewn llysoedd barn) ac yn creu cyfundrefn o reoleiddio “meddal” ar gyrff cyhoeddus drwy gynlluniau iaith Creates rights (in courts of law) and a system of “soft” regulation of public bodies through Welsh language schemes Pwyslais ar ddarparu gwasanaethau i’r cyhoedd / emphasis on providing services to the public Ond hefyd e.e. wyneb cyhoeddus / but also e.g. the public face

    8. Cymreig / Welsh Y Gorchymyn Iaith / The Welsh Language LCO Mesur yn yr arfaeth / Assembly Measure in prospect Comisiynydd Iaith / Language Commissioner Ehangu a chryfhau’r gyfundrefn reoleiddio / Extending and strengthening the regulatory regime

    9. Camwahaniaethu / Unlawful Discrimination Uniongyrchol / Direct Anuniongyrchol / Indirect Dau brawf statudol gwahanol am gamwahaniaethu anuniongyrchol Two distinct statutory tests for indirect unlawful discrimination

    10. Y prawf cyntaf / The first test Deddf Cysylltiadau Hil / Race Relations Act 1976 1. (1) A person discriminates against another… if: (b) he applies to that other a requirement or condition which he applies or would apply equally to persons not of the same racial group as that other but – (i) which is such that [there is a considerably smaller proportion of that person’s racial group able to comply with that condition]; and (ii) which he cannot show to be justifiable...; and (iii) which is to the detriment of that [person discriminated against] because he cannot comply with it.

    11. Yr ail brawf / The second test Deddf Cysylltiadau Hil / Race Relations Act 1976 1. (1A) A person also discriminates against another if, ... He applies to that other a provisions, criterion or practice which he applies or would apply equally to persons not of the same race or ethnic or national origins as that other, but – (a) which puts or would put persons of the same race or ethnic or national origins as that other at a particular disadvantage when compared with other persons, (b) which puts [or would put] that other at that disadvantage, and (c) which he cannot show to be a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim.

    12. Amodau iaith / Language Conditions Cymraeg yn hanfodol / Welsh essential = “Requirement or condition” Cymraeg yn ddymunol / Welsh desirable = “Provision criterion or practice” Mae’r un egwyddorion yn dal am bob iaith The same principles hold true for all languages Rhaid felly edrych ar “reasonable”, “Proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim”

    13. St Mathias Church of England School v Crizzle: “ • What is the context within which the employer’s objective is based? • Is the objective legitimate and reasonable in that context? • Are the means used to achieve the objective reasonable (that is to say, is the imposition of the condition reasonable)? Is any discriminatory effect outweighed by the reasonable needs of the employer? Cyd-fynd â gofynion cyfreithiau iaith yng ngoleuni Crizzle Complying with language law in the light of Crizzle

    14. Gair am GORau / A word about GORs Genuine Occupational Requirements Mae’r nodwedd yn ofyniad gwirioneddol a diffiniol ar gyfer y swydd, mae’n gymesur gosod y gofyniad ac nid yw’r person yn cwrdd â’r gofyniad neu cred y cyflogwr yn rhesymol nad yw’n cwrdd ag ef, Characteristic is a genuine and determining requirement of the job, It is proportionate to apply that requirement and either the person does not meet the requirement or the employer is not satisfied on reasonable grounds that the person meets it Hil, neu wreiddiau ethnig neu genedligol, ond nid lliw na chenedligrwydd Race, ethnic or national origins, but not colour or nationality

    15. Y Diwedd

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