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Principals Management Development Programme. JET Redcap Awards Ceremony: 22 February 2013. 1. Programme Objectives. To rapidly upgrade the management skills of principals in selected schools in KZN through a highly applied methodology
Principals Management Development Programme JET Redcap Awards Ceremony: 22 February 2013
1. Programme Objectives • To rapidly upgrade the management skills of principals in selected schools in KZN through a highly applied methodology • To strengthen the working relationships between the three critical layers in the functioning of a school (Circuit Manager; Principal & SMT) • To improve the support and coaching skills of Circuit Managers and other DoE officials (where applicable) • To develop sustainable professional learning communities • To build a private/public funding and delivery model The Honorable MEC of KZN Education Mr. S. Mchunu
2. College Training & Coaching Methodology ‘College Training’ On-Site Coaching Outputs Signed Off byCoaches 24 Deliverablesfor Principals 9 Deliverables for HODs Cluster of principals at a central venue and HODs with their 2 specific modules One-on-onecoaching ofprincipal atschool • Modules: • Direction & Planning • Curriculum Management (P & HOD) • People Management (P & HOD) • School Governance • Resource Acquisition & • Management • Financial Management One module per month On a Saturday 2 Hours per month Weekdays
3. Quality Assurance - UKZN Moderation of PoEs : 5 November 2012 Moderation Team : UKZN, Independent Principal & DoE Official • All 16 portfolios were moderated. • Moderation was criterion-referenced because principals come from very different contexts • The portfolios were moderated individually and not on a comparative basis, however HoDs portfolio from the same school were compared. • Moderators were looking for authentic engagement with the tasks and the practicality of implementation • The inclusion of teams from the same schools were interesting. Largely the Portfolios of Evidence submitted by Principals and HODs from the same school were nearly identical. This stands to reason if the SMT engagement with the PMDP had been authentic. • There is evidence which suggests that the SMTs engaged well with the Programme, thus the schools should benefit from the process
Practice/Performance Correlations A very weak to no statistically valid linear relationshipexists between Infrastructure and the school results A statistically valid, linear relationship exists between these practices and the school results achieved • Statistically the Top 7 Practices contribute to 7% of the variation in the results at both Primary & Secondary Schools • Curriculum being monitored and tracked • SMT Meets Regularly • Class visits being conducted • School & Curriculum Management Year Plan in place • Monthly Financial Tracking • Educator & Learner Absenteeism Managed • Staff Recognition Procedure in place
4. Research Conclusions • Research has shown that the package of practices in the PMDP has medium strength and a statistically significant linear relationship with school performance • Statistically the Top 7 Practices contribute to 7% of the variation in the results at both Primary & Secondary Schools • No statistically valid linear relationship exists between Infrastructure and the school results (Secondary) • From a policy perspective, if the intention is to achieve improved results then resourcing should primarily focus on improving practices rather than infrastructure
8. Accreditation • 100% Full Accreditation was attained
8.1 Accreditation • PMDP STARS: • 2 x Principals • 2 x HODs • These participants are selected on the basis of their distinguished involvement, growth, dedication and visible changes in their schools displaying that learning is being translated into something tangible
9. Acknowledgements Our greatest gratitude as a Consortium goes to: • JET KZN Coordinator for efficiency in organising all logistics • JET GP Office for ensuring visibility at sessions and supporting by raising pertinent issues to improve the outcomes • Funders who made it all possible but also maintained visibility • Most importantly the participants, for investing the time and allowing us to take them on this journey, amongst all their day-to-day responsibilities under pressurised time-frames
10. The Next Steps • Conduct follow-up visits to the schools to ensure management practices learnt are sustained • Specific issues or areas of development that have been raised either by participants or JET will be dealt with during the next 2 follow up visits • An MIS Cell Phone reporting system has been introduced recently and schools will be supported in getting their reporting going in the next 2 months