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戏剧范例之二 : 日出 Sunrise (Excerpt)

戏剧范例之二 : 日出 Sunrise (Excerpt). 《 日出 》 第一幕 Sunrise (Excerpt) Act I X X 大旅馆三楼陈白露的一间休息室。 正中门通甬道,右通寝室,左通客厅, 靠后是一排落地窗。 窗外一座一座的大楼,遮住了光线,屋里显得很阴暗。 除了早上射进的一点阳光使这间屋有点光明以外,整天是见不着 一线自然的光亮的。. 【 概述 】

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戏剧范例之二 : 日出 Sunrise (Excerpt)

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  1. 戏剧范例之二: 日出Sunrise (Excerpt) 《日出》第一幕Sunrise (Excerpt) • Act I • X X 大旅馆三楼陈白露的一间休息室。正中门通甬道,右通寝室,左通客厅, 靠后是一排落地窗。窗外一座一座的大楼,遮住了光线,屋里显得很阴暗。除了早上射进的一点阳光使这间屋有点光明以外,整天是见不着一线自然的光亮的。

  2. 【概述】 • 四幕话剧《日出》是著名剧作家曹禺的代表作之一。1936年发表于《文学月刊》1卷1-4期。《日出》以鲜明的时代性和深广的历史内容在曹禺剧作中居于领衔地位。剧本以陈白露和方达生为中心,以陈的客厅和三等妓院为活动场所,把社会各阶层各色人等的生活展现在观众面前,揭露剥削制度的黑暗本质。在艺术创作上,作者采用横断面的描写,力求写出社会生活的真实面貌,因而《日出》具有纪实性特点,一切都像生活本身而不像“戏”。 剧本的人物刻画极见功力,这功力集中体现在陈白露的形象塑造上。年轻美丽、生性高傲却又靠仰人鼻息过活的她厌恶周围鄙俗的人们和丑陋的世界,却又沉湎于放荡的生活而不能自拔,她并未失却良心和正义感,却又是一副玩世不恭的派头,她同外部世界、同她自身都处于矛盾、对立的状态,最终只得一步步堕落,走向死亡。作者对陈白露的描写集中表现了《日出》的艺术风格。第一幕一开始,陈白露与从家乡来的青梅竹马的朋友方达生相逢,从俩人的对话中不难看出陈白露的变化。

  3. 《日出》第一幕Sunrise (Excerpt) • Act I • X X 大旅馆三楼陈白露的一间休息室。正中门通甬道,右通寝室,左通客厅, 靠后是一排落地窗。窗外一座一座的大楼,遮住了光线,屋里显得很阴暗。除了早上射进的一点阳光使这间屋有点光明以外,整天是见不着一线自然的光亮的。

  4. Act I • The luxuriously-furnished sitting-room of a suite in the X Hotel. In the center a door opening on to a passage; on the right (i.e. actor’s right, so audience’s left) a door leading to the bedroom; on the left another leading to the reception-room. Let into the back wall, towards the right-hand corner, is a large oblong window with a rounded top. Tall buildings cluster tightly round the outside of the window, so that even in the daytime the room is overdark, despite the window’s generous proportions. Except for a slight brightening of the room when the slanting rays of the sun find their way in the morning, not a gleam of natural light is visible all day long.

  5. 室内陈设华丽,正中悬一架银耀耀的钟,正指着五点半,是夜色将尽的时候。室内陈设华丽,正中悬一架银耀耀的钟,正指着五点半,是夜色将尽的时候。 • 幕开时,室内只有沙发旁的阅读灯射出一圈光明。窗前的黄幔幕垂下来。

  6. The room is decorated and furnished. In the center of the back wall is a shining silver-colored clock which is now at half past five, the time when darkness has almost left the sky. When the curtain rises the only illumination is a pool of light from the reading-lamp by the sofa. Yellow curtains are drawn over the window, so that the details of the arrangement of the room are not yet clearly discernible.

  7. 缓慢的脚步声由甬道传进来。正中的门呀的开了,陈白露走进来,捻开中间的灯,室内豁然明亮。她的眼睛明媚动人,一种嘲讽的笑总是挂在嘴角上。她时常露出一种倦怠的神色。缓慢的脚步声由甬道传进来。正中的门呀的开了,陈白露走进来,捻开中间的灯,室内豁然明亮。她的眼睛明媚动人,一种嘲讽的笑总是挂在嘴角上。她时常露出一种倦怠的神色。

  8. Leisurely footsteps approach along the passage. The center door creaks half-open. Chen Bailu comes in and switches on the ceiling-light in the center, filling the room with a sudden blaze of light. She is dressed in an extremely smart evening gown of gay colors. Her eyes are bright and attractive, and a mocking smile is always on her lips. But her expression from time to time betrays weariness and distaste.

  9. 她爱生活,她又厌恶“生活”。她认定自己习惯的“生活”方式,是残酷的桎梏。她曾试着逃出去,但她象寓言中金丝笼里的鸟,失掉在自由的天空里盘旋的能力,她不得不回到自己的丑恶的生活圈子里,却又不甘心这样活下去。她拖着疲乏的步子走进来,右手掩着嘴,打了个呵欠。她爱生活,她又厌恶“生活”。她认定自己习惯的“生活”方式,是残酷的桎梏。她曾试着逃出去,但她象寓言中金丝笼里的鸟,失掉在自由的天空里盘旋的能力,她不得不回到自己的丑恶的生活圈子里,却又不甘心这样活下去。她拖着疲乏的步子走进来,右手掩着嘴,打了个呵欠。

  10. She loves life, but she also detests it. She has come to realize that the ways of life she has become accustomed to are the cruelest of shackles and, however much she may long for freedom, these shackles will always prevent her from escaping from the net of the environment. She has tried several times to escape, but in the end, like the proverbial bird that has become so accustomed to its gilded cage that it has lost the ability and the desire to fly in freedom among the trees, she has each time returned to the sordid confines of the life she had left, though with the greatest of reluctance. • She now moves with weary, dragging steps to the center of the stage. She yawns, covering her mouth with her right hand.

  11. 陈白露: (走了两步,回首向门)进来吧!(掷下皮包,靠在柔软的沙发上,索性褪下银色的高跟鞋舒展一下)咦!(背后那个人并没有跟进来。她登上鞋,倏地站起来,笑着向着门房)咦!你怎么还不进来呀?

  12. CHEN BAILU (looking back towards the door after a few steps) : Come on in! (She tosses her bag down and leans against the back of the sofa in the middle of the room. She takes off her high-heeled silver shoes. Now that she is home at long last there’s nothing for it but to flop down on a soft sofa and relax. Suddenly, she realizes that the person behind her has not followed her in. Slipping on her shoes, she jumps up and turns round and smile towards the door.) I say, why don’t you come in?

  13. 果然,有个人进来了。他叫方达生,约莫有二十五六岁的光景,脸色不好看,皱着眉,穿一件半旧的西服。不知是疲倦还是厌恶,他向房内望着,一言不发地立在房门口。白露眼盯住他,看着他那一副惊疑的神色。果然,有个人进来了。他叫方达生,约莫有二十五六岁的光景,脸色不好看,皱着眉,穿一件半旧的西服。不知是疲倦还是厌恶,他向房内望着,一言不发地立在房门口。白露眼盯住他,看着他那一副惊疑的神色。

  14. (Now, someone does come in— Fang Dasheng. He is about twenty-seven or eight years old, frowning disagreeably and dressed in a European overcoat which shows signs of wear. Looking in on the disordered state of the room, he stands in the doorway without uttering a word, though whether on account of tiredness or of distaste is not clear. But Bailu misinterprets his hesitation and as she stares intently at him she thinks she detects an expression of alarm and suspicion.)

  15. 陈白露: 走进来点!怕什么呀? • 方达生: (冷冷地)不怕什么!(忽然不安地)你这屋子没有人吧? • 陈白露: (看看四周,故意地)谁知道!(望着他)大概是没有人吧! • 方达生: (厌恶地)真讨厌。到处都是人。 • 陈白露: (有心来难为他,自然也因为他的态度使她不愉快)有人又怎么样?住在这个地方还怕人?

  16. BAILU: Come right in. What are you afraid of? • FANG DASHENG: (Calmly) I’m not afraid of anything. (Suddenly uneasy) There’s nobody in here, is there? • BAILU: (looking all round, teasing him) Who knows? (Looking across at him) No, probably not. • DASHENG: (with distaste) Sickening. Can’t get away from people in this place. • BAILU: (trying to unsettle him, and also of course because his attitude annoys her) Anyway, what if there were anyone here? You can’t very well fight shy of people while you’re in this place!

  17. 方达生: (望望白露,又周围地望望)这几年,你原来住在这个地方! • 陈白露: (挑衅地)怎么,这个地方不好么? • 方达生: (慢声)嗯——(不得已地)好!好! • 陈白露: (望着达生那一副尴尬的样子,笑着)你怎么不脱大衣? • 方达生: (有点窘迫)是不是这屋子有点冷?

  18. DASHENG: (looking across at her, then looking around him) So this is where you’ve been living all these years. • BAILU: (challengingly) What do you mean, is there something wrong with it? • DASHENG: (slowly) Um— (feeling that he has no alternative) no, no, it’s all right. • BAILU: (smiling at the nonplussed way he just stands and stares) Why don’t you take your things off? • DASHENG: (somewhat embarrassed) Er- don’t you find it a bit chilly, in here?

  19. 陈白露: 冷么?我觉得热得很呢。 • 方达生: (避开她的目光)你看,你大概是没有关好窗户吧? • 陈白露: (摇头)不会。(走到窗前,拉开幔子)你看,关得好好的。(望着窗子,惊喜地)喂,你看!你快来看! • 方达生: (连忙走到她面前)什么? • 陈白露: (用手在窗上的玻璃划一下)你看,霜!霜!怎么,春天来了,还有霜呢!

  20. BAILU: Chilly, you say? It seems very hot to me. • DASHENG: (seeking to distract her attention from himself) Perhaps you didn’t close the window properly, could that be it? • BAILU: ( shaking her head) Couldn’t be. (She goes over and pulls back the curtains to reveal the window with its streamlined frame.) Look, it’s shut tight. (With sudden delight as she looks out window) I say, look! Come and look! • DASHENG: ( going across hurriedly, not knowing what she means) What is it? • BAILU: (drawing her finger across the glass) Look, frost! Frost! It’s odd, having frost when spring’s already here.

  21. 方达生: (没奈何地)嗯,奇怪。 • 陈白露: (兴高采烈)我顶喜欢霜啦!你记得我小的时候就喜欢霜。你看霜多美,多好看!(忽然指着窗,孩子似地)你看,你看,这个像我么? • 方达生: 什么?哪个? • 陈白露: (指指点点)我说的是这窗户上的霜,这一块,(达生偏看错了地方)不,这一块,你看,这不是一对眼睛!这高的是鼻子,凹的是嘴,这一片是头发。(拍着手)你看,这头发,这头发简直就是我! • 方达生: 我看不出来。 • 陈白露: (败兴地)你这个人!还是跟从前一样地别扭,简直是没有办法。

  22. DASHENG: (giving up) Yes, very odd. • BAILU: ( elatedly) I love frost! Remember how I like it when I was little? Isn’t it beautiful, really lovely! ( pointing suddenly, like a child) Look, look at that, isn’t that me? • DASHENG: Eh? Who? • BAILU: (pointing excitedly at the window) I mean the frost on the window, this bit. (Annoyingly, he looks at the wrong place.) No, this bit. Look, isn’t that two eyes? This sticking out is a nose, and where it goes in there is a mouth, and this patch is the hair. (Clapping her hands) Look at the hair, isn’t it me exactly? • DASHENG: I can’t see that it’s like you. • BAILU: (downcast) Oh, you! You’re still as pigheaded as ever. You’re impossible. • —— Translated by Barns

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