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This update highlights the accomplishments and mapping progress of the outcomes initiative, as well as the goals for the upcoming year. It includes information on mapping courses and linking outcomes to ILOs and PLOs, data reporting and assessment timelines, data entry support, and the assessment cycle. Three key takeaways and recommendations from the SLO Symposium are also provided.
Outcomes Update Accomplishments and Goals
(1)Outcomes Mapping • All mapping is complete • Courses mapped: 1, 246 • Course-level outcomes mapped to • ILOs • PLOs • Conducted 14 training sessions within first 8 weeks of Fall 2018
(2)Data Reported and Assessed Timeline: • Academic year (2017-2018) • March 22 deadline Completed • Academic year (2018-2019) • May 31deadline In process
(2) Data Entry Support • Conducted 20 training sessions within first 8 weeks of Spring 2019. • Training sessions with designated computer lab space collaboratively shared with IRP. • TaskStream directions continually revised and improved with support from Sarah Coté. • Outcomes reminders and Hack-of-the-Week sent to faculty weekly. • Outcomes Module in Faculty Resource Center (Canvas) created and developed. • How-to guides, videos, and hacks created and available in FRC in Canvas.
(3) Assessment Cycle • Linking the SLOs (Course-level) assessment cycle with the curriculum cycle of curriculum revision. • Linking the PLO assessment cycle with Program Reviews. • Catalyst:Current assessment cycles are not existent or not linked to anything.
Enter & Map Outcomes Draft Updated 2/14/19 Presented to Outcomes Committee 2/19/19 Create/Edit & Map Course Outcomes in Taskstream. Collect data for each course taught during an academic year, or as offered. Collect Data When curriculum is developed or revised, course outcomes should be created or edited. Course Outcomes Curriculum Course-Level Outcomes Process Enter Measure & Findings Enter Measure and Findings, and analysis (Summary of Findings) into Taskstream once each academic year. Determine Action No Curriculum Revision Curriculum Revision Continue data collection cycle, unless curriculum revision required (every 5 years or as needed). Based on Summary of Findings, take action to improve learning outcomes within your course.
Linking AssessmentCycle: Benefits: • Promotes clear cycle for both SLOs and PLOs. • Creates checks/balances. • Directly connects improvement of courses to outcomes. • Provides enough time for effective data collective. • Demonstrates to accreditation that our processes are integrated.
2019-2020 Goals • Improve quality of Outcomes. • Establish best practices for creating, assessing, reporting, and revising outcomes at the course level and program level. • Update website materials and documents in preparation for Accreditation.
SLO SymposiumTakeaway #1 • ‘Massification of Education’ after WWII • We are in the midst of another ‘massification of education’ and Guided Pathways and Outcomes/Assessment is a response to that. • Guided Pathways (GP) is not a new conversation, but a continuation of the Outcomes conversation. • It must be a partnership of the two.
Takeaway #1 Recommendation • Recommendation/Action Item: Meeting agendas for GP and Outcomes Committee meetings should include each other. By doing so we are demonstrating to ACCJC in our meeting minutes that our process are linked and that there is substantial dialogue on campus.Completed • Recommendation/Action Item: Ensure Outcomes is always on the agenda for FLEX day and that ample ‘dialogue’ is available for faculty.
SLO SymposiumTakeaway #2 • Standard IC4 requires that our PLOs are in the catalog (which we are already doing) • To fully demonstrate to ACCJC our Outcomes work shouldn’t we look at ways to go above and beyond?
SLO SymposiumTakeaway #2 • Standard IC4 The institution describes its certificates and degrees in terms of their purpose, content, course requirements, and expected learning outcomes. Evaluation criteria • The institution clearly describes its certificates and degrees in its catalog. Student learning outcomes are included in descriptions of courses and programs. • All course syllabi include student learning outcomes. • The institution has processes in place to verify that all students receive a syllabus, including student learning outcomes, for each course. For institutions with a baccalaureate degree • The purpose, content, course requirements, and learning outcomes of the baccalaureate program are clearly described.
SLO Symposium#2 Recommendation • Recommendation/Action Item: Include PLO’s in resources for faculty via FRC in Canvas.Completed • Recommendation/Action Item:Update Outcomes Website for 2019-2020 including PLOs. • Recommendation/Action Item:Require that all brochures/flyers for programs (degree/certificates) have PLOs listed. • Potential students, current students, and community • Marketing and printing
SLO SymposiumTakeaway #3 • Importance of SLO Symposium • Attendees: Alyson Cartagena and Sarah Coté (IRP and TaskStream expert). • Provided clarity in outcomes expectations and best practices. • It seemed that other colleges prioritize outcomes work.
SLO SymposiumRecommendation #3 • Recommendation/Action Item: Include others areas from the College including • Students Services • Guided Pathways • Online Education • Recommendation/Action Item:Consider increasing resources (designated computer lab space collaboratively shared with IRP) and personnel to meet demands of accreditation. • Recommendation/Action Item: Clarify faculty contract and update language to match TaskStream language, requirements, and expectations.