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Dioxin emissions in candidate countries - CYPRUS

Dioxin emissions in candidate countries - CYPRUS. Stelios Georghiades Department of Labour Inspection Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance Nicosia, Cyprus Bratislava 10.3.2003. Dioxins - State of play in Cyprus.

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Dioxin emissions in candidate countries - CYPRUS

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  1. Dioxin emissions in candidate countries - CYPRUS Stelios Georghiades Department of Labour Inspection Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance Nicosia, Cyprus Bratislava 10.3.2003

  2. Dioxins - State of play in Cyprus • No emissions inventory in Cyprus • Identification of sources of dioxin emissions not completed yet • No estimations of emissions until now • No reliable data on emissions at the moment • Samples of butter recently sent to lab in Germany for dioxin analysis

  3. Possible sources of dioxins in Cyprus • Incineration of clinical waste • Co-incineration of hazardous waste in cement plants • Uncontrolled burning of: • municipal waste in landfills • plastic film (LDPE) used for greenhouses • car tyres • Agricultural waste (straw and prunings from vineyards)

  4. Location of incinerators

  5. Emission Measurements • No emission measurements by authorities • measurements (sampling only) as from 2004 • Measurements by private company in cement factory (co-incineration trials), June 2002 • emissions <0,02 ng/m3 TEQ • Emissions from existing clinical waste incinerators estimated at 10 - 50 ng/m3 TEQ

  6. Emission factors • Emissions from clinical waste incinerators estimated (Haskoning) at 10-50 ng/m3 TEQ • Emissions from all 5 incinerators estimated at 0,15 g / year • Emissions from open burning of plastic film (CORINAIR) 0,005 g / year • No estimation made for co-incineration in cement factories because trials are not on a continuous basis and have not finished yet.

  7. Legislative Harmonisation with EU Acquis • All relevant EU Directives concerning incineration have been transposed into Cyprus Legislation • Permits issued for co-incineration and a new incinerator impose emission limit for dioxins 0,1 ng/m3 TEQ as specified in above Directives.

  8. Future Plans • Purchase instruments for sampling dioxins by end 2003 • May need assistance to start carrying out emissions measurements • Need co-operation with laboratory abroad for analysing samples • Need assistance and co-operation to investigate amount of dioxins already in the environment in Cyprus

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