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Monash Lectures Online

Monash Lectures Online. http://audio.monash.edu.au/mlo Contact: Laurie Smith Systems Support Unit Monash University Library phone : 59408. Monash Lectures Online. What is it? digitised audio recordings of lectures no video, pictures or text 100 subjects per semester

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Monash Lectures Online

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  1. Monash Lectures Online http://audio.monash.edu.au/mlo Contact: Laurie Smith Systems Support Unit Monash University Library phone: 59408

  2. Monash Lectures Online What is it? • digitised audio recordings of lectures • no video, pictures or text • 100 subjects per semester • 250 hours+ of recordings per week • Real Media audio streaming technology • currently set to stream at 16kps • students listen on Internet using Real Player • password restricted - AuthCate

  3. Monash Lectures Online How recordings are made…. • automated recording process • scheduling software programmed at beginning of semester • only action required by lecturers is to switch on a radio microphone • audio signal digitised on networked PC in each theatre • recordings available for listening on the Internet immediately after lecture concludes

  4. Usage statistics…. Semester 1, 2001: - total number of streams…..90,000+ - 49,000 streams longer than 5 minutes - most were off campus

  5. Monash Lectures Online ….a mode of flexible delivery compatible with WebCT Caters for students with….. • timetable clashes • illness • work commitments / part time students • students with disabilities • cross campus studying / students overseas • used for revision • generally suited to distance education

  6. Monash Lectures Online How to use MLO within WebCT…. - simply provide a link to one of the MLO pages on a subject’s WebCT page.

  7. Monash Lectures Online Where lectures are recorded…. ….currently from 25 theatres in total: Clayton- all Rotunda & Law theatres, H1 to H6, South1, Central1 Peninsula - F101, A416 Berwick- G43, A133 Gippsland - 5N104 (2002 expansion…..Caulfield, Science precinct at Clayton)

  8. Monash Lectures Online To arrange for subjects to be recorded…. contact: Laurie Smith phone: 59408 or use “email us” button at: http://audio.monash.edu.au/mlo N.B. We need to know subject details as early as possible prior to beginning of each semester.

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