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Presentation of the RBM Partnership Harmonized Work Plan 2008. RBM Partnership 13 th Board Meeting Nov 28-29, 2008, Addis Ababa. Prepared in Coordination with the RBM Partnership Secretariat b y FSG Social Impact Advisors. Agenda. Harmonized Work Plan (HWP) - Introduction
Presentation of the RBM Partnership Harmonized Work Plan 2008 RBM Partnership 13th Board Meeting Nov 28-29, 2008, Addis Ababa Prepared in Coordination with the RBM Partnership Secretariat by FSG Social Impact Advisors
Agenda • Harmonized Work Plan (HWP) - Introduction • Synthesis of HWP • Funding for HWP
While supportive national governments, high health worker density, nationwide advocacy campaigns and small size of countries favor progress in countries, key enablers and success stories need to be further understood • Understanding and building success stories • Campaigning to build on expertise on behavioral change in communities • Advocating for and building a stronger civil society and grass root organization infrastructure for long-term sustainability • There is a continued need for large inflows of resources to actualize country plans to scale-up for impact • Advocacy for additional resources • Building in-country health capacity to absorb funds • Evidence suggests that real breakthroughs in coverage and rapid scale-up can be made through integrated nationwide distribution campaigns • Managerial support and expertise to assist countries in the selection/development of sustainable delivery models • While many countries have planned for SUFI, there is a high level of inconsistency in their understanding and levels of ambition • Advocating for and assisting countries to plan for SUFI • Data available is not always consistent or up-to-date • Building and improving M&E infrastructure for better quality of malaria data The 2007 Malaria Landscape Report Emphasizes the Urgency to Accelerate the Actions towards Achieving RBM Goals Findings from the report Needs to be addressed The Harmonized Workplan responds to the need of scaling-up for impact Source: RBM Landscape report 2007
RBM Sec. Built on the Change Process and Coordinated the Generation of HWP with Buy In from All Members Workplan harmonization process July August September October/November During the workshop in which all the WGs and SRN delegates participated With comments and involvement from RBM sec. • All RBM working groups and SRNs developed respective work plans for the coming year • RBM Sec. hired FSG Social Impact advisors to put together the Harmonized work plan RBM sec. and FSG • Captured each group’s work plans • Grouped the activities around major partnership actions • Discussed the synthesized workplan with the groups • Revised work plan and budgets based on inputs from the WGs and SRNs • Developed work plan synthesis for the board • Developed funding scenarios for the 2008 budget • Discussed and reviewed the harmonized workplan • Checked completeness of activities; how they interfaced and sequenced • Launched a budget validation process
Agenda • Harmonized Work Plan (HWP) - Introduction • Synthesis of HWP • Funding for HWP
RBM Defined Three Strategic Priorities for 2006-2010 in the RBM Global Strategic Plan • Support countries to rapidly expand access to effective treatment and prevention against malaria nationwide; • Improve management and healthcare systems to ensure that short-term gains can be sustained in the medium- to long-term; Action at country level Global advocacy and finance • Maintain malaria high on the development agenda using a results-oriented evaluation framework; Research and development • Provide a comprehensive research agenda, ranging from product development to implementation strategies. This is the context in which the board approves activities
Strengthen Capacity and Enhance Performance for SUFI Implementation 1 Keep Malaria High on the Development Agenda and Access Additional Resources 2 Enhance Performance in Countries and Secure Continued Resources 3 Track country progress 4 Strengthen Access to Commodities for Malaria Control 5 Ensure Proper Functioning of Partnership Mechanisms 6 RBM Has Defined Six “Operational” Priorities and Targets for 2008 These priorities were defined on the basis of RBM Global Strategic Plan
RBM HWP ‘08 Objectives Re-Emphasize RBM Strategic Priorities RBM Targets 2010 RBM 2010 Targets • By 2010, particularly in the lowest two economic quintiles: • 80% of people at risk from malaria are protected • 80% of malaria patients are diagnosed and treated with effective anti-malarial medicines • In areas where transmission is stable,80% of pregnant women receive intermittent preventive treatment (IPT) • Malaria burden is reduced by 50% compared with 2000 RBM Strategic Priorities for 2005-2015 (2006-2010 Shown Below) • Action at country level • Support countries to rapidly expand access to effective treatment and prevention against malaria nationwide; • Improve management and healthcare systems to ensure that short-term gains can be sustained in the medium- to long-term • Global advocacy and finance • Maintain malaria high on the development agenda using a results-oriented evaluation framework • Research and development • Provide a comprehensive research agenda, ranging from product development to implementation strategies a b c RBM Goals as laid out in the Global Strategic Plan RBM Workplan Objective 2008 RBM Workplan Objective 2008 RBM Workplan Objectives 2008 • Strengthen Capacity and Enhance Performance for SUFI Implementation • Enhance Performance in Countries and Secure Continued Resources (through diagnostic and corrective response) • Track country progress • Ensure proper functioning of partnership mechanisms and provide stewardship • Access additional resources (incl. through GFATM, UNITAID) • Strengthen Access to Commodities for Malaria Control • Ensure proper functioning of partnership mechanisms and provide stewardship • Strengthen Capacity and Enhance Performance for SUFI Implementation • Strengthen Access to Commodities for Malaria Control • Ensure proper functioning of partnership mechanisms and provide stewardship 1 2 1 RBM Workplan Objectives for 2008 5 3 5 6 6 4 6
HWP Synthesis by Priorities and Targets Priorities Budget for 2008 Targets for 2008 • 45 technically sound, operationally feasible ,country and partner owned SUFI business plans • Support deployment of partnership coordinators in 10 countries • USD 8.4 Million • Strengthen Capacity and Enhance Performance for SUFI Implementation 1 • Keep Malaria High on the Development Agenda and Access Additional Resources • >60% of countries applying for funding in Round8 (GFATM) to be successful • 45 Countries mobilize adequate funds for SUFI • USD 7.2 Million 2 • At least 95% of countries currently getting funding should continue to keep it • Enhance Performance in Countries and Secure Continued Resources (through diagnostic and corrective response) • USD 6.7 Million 3 • At least 80% of countries with existing Global Fund assistance should perform at "A" or “B1” ranking • Track country progress • 12-20 countries to deploy MIS • Publish Malaria Landscape report and update 107 country profiles • USD 1.2 Million 4 • An affordable facility for Malaria in place • At least three (3) integrated (ITN/immunization) mass distribution campaigns, of which one should be held in a large country; • 45 countries have access to affordable medicines for malaria through the private sector • Strengthen Access to Commodities for Malaria Control • USD 2.4 Million 5 • Track progress and report to the EC and the partnership Board • Partnership achieves > 80% implementation rate of planned activities of the HWP • USD 4.3 Million • Ensure Proper Functioning of Partnership Mechanisms 6
The Involvement of Partnership Mechanisms Differs by Objective Involvement Mechanisms RBM Priorities for 2007-2008 HWG SRN MAWG MERG MIP PSM WIN RWG AMFM RBM Secretariat Board 1 Strengthen Capacity and Enhance Performance for SUFI Implementation 2 Keep Malaria High on the Development Agenda and Access Additional Resources 3 Enhance Performance in Countries and Secure Continued Resources (through diagnostic and corrective response) 4 Track Country Progress 5 Strengthen Access to Commodities for Malaria Control 6 Ensure Proper Functioning of Partnership Mechanisms Other Cross Cutting Activities
Strengthen Capacity and Enhance Performance for SUFI Implementation 1 HWG SRN MAWG MERG MIP WIN RWG RBM Secretariat • Make progress on: • M&E training course • Service coverage estimates, IRS indicator guidelines, field testing of anemia and lab testing of parasitemia, spectrum mortality modeling software • Assessment of quality of malaria data for GFATM, secondary analysis of MICS, DHS, MIS, standardization of priority indicators, database on priority indicators, rating system for data source, public access to datasets • Develop and finalize: • Technical updates on IPT, case management of malaria in pregnancy, MIP implementation guide • Consensus statement on ITN delivery through ANC, synthesis of country level MIP implementation experiences and best practices from RAOPAG countries • Operations research for increasing access to MIP interventions, incl. community delivery, MIP M&E framework, Global MIP Strategic framework • Provide management support, expert advice, interfacing, documentation & event support towards WG and SRN workplan implementation Support Best Practices • Establish taskforce on community use • Document: • Best practices in scalable malaria vector control, cochrane review, • Private sector approaches to scaling up IRS • Bridging “catch up” campaigns to “Keep up” campaigns • Guidance framework for scaling up LLINs and IRS • Coordinate review and publication of NHA malaria sub-account guidelines • Compile toolkits developed by WGs and partners planning, resourcing, implementing and M&E • Enable peer-to-peer knowledge sharing incl. finalizing regional joint work plans and organizing study tours • Promote the need for and use of good quality TA • Equip 2 sub-regional MIP coalitions • Support gap analyses in 45 countries • Support HWG in gap analyses, business planning for SUFI in 45 countries Support Country Planning • Provide support to joint & country missions • Provide expert advice to SWOT analyses and deployment • Support SRNs in developing new plans • Support deployment of partnership coordinators in 10 countries • Promote: HWG and validation of country plans, “three ones” approach, malaria representation on CCM Advocate for Country planning • Support MAWG WP implementation • Develop & update website, publish factsheets, e-brochure, e-updates regarding consensus on best practices
Keep Malaria High on Development Agenda and Access Additional Resources 2 RBM Secretariat HWG SRN MAWG PSM WIN MIP RWG AMFM Support proposal writing • Support GFATM proposal development: Increase percentage of successful applications to GFATM from 32% in R6 to >60% in R8, publish evaluation of R7 GFATM campaign • Support HWG managed proposal development • Provide TA to PSM portions of proposa • Assist countries to develop PSM plans • Provide TA to WIN portions of proposal • Provide support to proposal development: support 10 countries in GFATM proposal writing, identify MIP related gaps based on past proposals, develop generic template to be used by countries for R8 • Management support to HWG for partners development of funding proposals • Management support to SRN’s in grant negotiations • Interface between WGs and CCMs in support of grant negotiations • Support countries with successful grant application in grant negotiations • Support project development: support country requests for additional resources, TA to 5 countries to expand existing projects, present business case to donors at country and global levels • Support R7 (~20) approved countries in developing M&E and PSM plans Advocate for and mobilize resources • Advocate at global levels global resource gaps resulting from gap analyses from R7 and business case to donors • Advocate for additional resources: • Develop RBM brand, develop messages to support funding and malaria research, marketing material and congressional briefings • Organize member visits, participate in GFATM meetings, identify new sources of funding • Advocate to country governments on increased malaria spending, engage celebrity spokes persons for malaria • Ensure PSM issues are incorporated in MAWG advocacy messages • Identify 3 champions to support MAWG • Design innovative approaches to financing malaria control incl. ACT • Raise awareness to create political support for ACT subsidy project • Support MAWG WP implementation • Manage media outreach, promotional events, attend relevant meetings, advocate for greater resources
Enhance Performance in Countries and Secure Continued Resources 3 HWG SRN MAWG PSM WIN RBM Secretariat • Advance implementation guidelines of IRS and LLIN including identifying operational constraints, report on taxes and tariffs, registration with national authorities and washing habits • Interface with CCM’s & SRN’s to diagnose implementation bottlenecks • Provide management support to HWG WP implementation for appropriate MIST response • Support implementation of MIST (incl. Recruitment of MIST coordinator) • Develop launch and implement the “Malaria Implementation Assistance” Hotline and Early Warning System (EWS) • Manage identification of country level implementation bottle necks for EWS and for GFATM phase2 renewal countries • Communicate success of partners in relation to EWS • Facilitate provision of TA to fix PSM bottlenecks identified as a result of EWS Support Operations • Assist in advocacy: advocacy for PSM for better procurement and supply chain management, advocate for improving performance of existing funds, interfacing with WIN on advocacy on taxes and tariffs for IRS • Serve as a link, create and maintain PSM roster to find appropriate resources • Develop, launch and implement Malaria Implementation Support Team (MIST) embedded within partner organizations • Build in-country structures and functions: Strengthen partnership structures in countries, mobilize external TA promote internal contracting out of services Track Country Progress 4 HWG SRN MAWG MERG MIP RBM Secretariat Analyze data/report on landscape • Provide MIST support to assist countries in M&E • Support MERG in MIS implementation, compile and disseminate bi-annual country progress reports • Support MIP to strengthen capacity of MIPESA and RAOPAG • Promote tools created by HWG and MERG, advocate for improved M&E capacity at country level and build advocacy strategies by using results generated by MERG database • Support in generation of Malaria Landscape report • Coordinate generation of maps/ reports: Malaria endemicity, disease burden, population at risk, effect of scaling up interventions for upto1 0 countries based on MIS survey data, malaria mortality estimation • Strengthen capacity of MIP coalitions to provide technical support for monitoring progress in MIP implementation in countries and to assist countries to incorporate MIP indicators into Maternity registers and cards • Provide expert advice and interfacing towards production of the Malaria Landscape • Publicize and disseminate Malaria Report • Support performance sub-committee in tracking progress
Strengthen Access to Commodities for Malaria Control 5 HWG MAWG PSM RWG AMFM RBM Secretariat Develop and launch AMFm • Provide implementation support to ACT implementation based on information from HWG managed needs assessment and refined strategic/action plans and through MIST structures present in countries • Advocate and create awareness for ACTs • Review M&E plans for global subsidy and support AMFM in analytic work needed for the launch of subsidy • Create technical proposal with key recommendations on subsidy levels incl. estimate of funding, criteria for facility architecture and communication strategy to promote uptake and responsible introduction of ACTs • Raise awareness and create political support for ACT subsidy and mobilize necessary resources • Support MAWG for AMFm launch Secure global supply • Facilitate and develop: • Facilitate forecasting efforts • Map global ACT market • Disseminate quality standards for medicines • Provide management support and expert advice to PSM for WP implementation and to ensure effective roll-out of AMFm • Measles Malaria Partnership targeting at least 3 integrated mass distribution campaigns including at least 1 large country Secure country absorption • Develop procurement guidelines for ACTs, RDTs, IRS and LLINs • Facilitate collection of PSM toolbox and success stories • Develop ACT scaling up framework • Implement delay monitoring system • Establish PSM country coordination committees
Ensure Proper Functioning of Partnership Mechanisms 6 RBM Secretariat • Support Implementation of the 2008 HWP: • Provide expert advice, interfacing and management support to RBM Board, Executive Committee, sub-committees, Executive Director, WG co-chairs/SRNs, partners and constituencies: • to ensure the timely implementation of the 2008 HWP, and the effective functioning of the mechanisms as outlined in the RBM handbook • to support timely progress tracking • to advocate and mobilize resources for the partnership, including producing advocacy materials, organizing events, preparing materials, organizing press relations, champion trips and involvement, etc • Nurture the expansion of the RBM partnership’s activities: • Develop and manage knowledge management and partnership communication mechanisms • Manage the RBM Secretariat: • Manage Human Resources requirements (appoint and manage staff and focal points to all mechanisms and structures, such as SRN focal points, US-based Secretariat, etc) • Provide Secretariat financial management, recruitment and career development, and administrative support • Manage hosting agency relationship • Develop Secretariat workplan and budget • Produce management reports Cross cutting activities 1-6 RBM Secretariat HWG SRN MAWG MERG MIP PSM WIN RWG • Provide event support and interfacing for all key WG & SRN meetings • Coordinate HWG workplan • Organize two meetings • Operationalize SRNs • Provide secretariat support • Hold two meetings • Hold two meetings • Support MIP participation in annual planning and review meetings/ WG meetings • Convene two meetings • Facilitate meetings • Hold one meeting • Improve local advocacy and communications • Conduct activities for MERG secretariat • Hold one annual and two executive meetings
Agenda • Harmonized Work Plan (HWP) - Introduction • Synthesis of HWP • Funding for HWP
WGs and Secretariat Require USD 33 Million to Implement Activities Planned in HWP 08 • WGs/ SRNs need a budget of ~ USD 23Million, > 50% of which is for direct in-country support • RBM Sec. needs a budget of ~ USD 10Million, more than ~70% of which to support HWP and 30% to continue nurturing the partnership • 4 priorities need budgets more than USD 4 Million each: • Strengthen capacity for SUFI implementation • Access additional resources • Enhance performance in countries • Ensure proper functioning of the partnership • Activities can commence in 2007 provided a budget of USD 3.5 Million can be secured ASAP, of which HWG and SRNs account for more than 70% of the budget • These numbers will evolve, as the WGs and SRNs are reviewing their work plans following the recommendations from the Executive Meeting of the RBM Partnership Board in Seattle to revisit the plan to achieve 80% coverage by 2010 To achieve elimination/eradication of malaria, it is vital that the HWP be fully funded
Workplan Budget Overview by RBM Mechanisms 2008 Budget USD Millions 40 20 5.4 WARN SARN CARN EARN RBM Mechanisms HWG SRNs PSM MERG MAWG MIP WIN RWG RBM Sec Total Budget 2008 Source: RBM partnership work plans, FSG analysis
Workplan Budget Overview by Objective 2008 Budget Million USD 35 1 3 5 Strengthen capacity for SUFI implementation Enhance performance in countries and secure continued resources Strengthen access to commodities for malaria control Cross cutting activities Total Priorities from HWP 2 4 6 Access additional resources Track country progress Ensure proper functioning of the partnership Source: RBM partnership work plans, FSG analysis
Workplan Budget Overview by Sub-Priority 2008 Budget USD Millions 35 17.5 3 5 Best practices Country planning (CP) Advocacy on CP Proposal writing Resource mobilization Total Enhance performance in countries and secure continued resources Strengthen access to commodities for malaria control Cross cutting activities 1 2 Priorities from HWP Strengthen capacity for SUFI implementation Access additional resources 4 6 Track country progress Ensure proper functioning of the partnership Source: RBM partnership work plans, FSG analysis
RBM Mechanisms Require ~ USD 33 Million in 2008 for Implementing Activities in HWP 2008 Budget USD Millions 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 RBM Mechanisms WGs, SRNs RBM Sec. Total Budget 2008 Budget needed for activities in 2007 Source: RBM partnership work plans, FSG analysis
> 50% of RBM Sec Budget Requested to Support HWP 2008 Budget USD Millions 10 5 Category of RBM Sec Support HWP 08 Partnership Board and Constituencies Total 2008 Source: RBM partnership work plans, FSG analysis
To achieve elimination/eradication of malaria, it is vital that the HWP be fully funded • Based on past experience, ~ USD 14 Million of funds can be raised for the 2008 budgets, leading to a USD 20 Million gap for which new sources of funding need to identified • For the activities that can commence in 2007, ~ USD 1.7 Million of funding needs to be identified • Seattle meeting highlights a positive outlook on funding Development of funding scenarios may be inefficient at this stage
For 2008 HWP Needs A Budget of USD ~33 Million of Which <50% Can Be Funded Based on Past Funding Levels • Gap • RBM Sec • SRNs • Partners Expected 2008 Funds raised by RBM mechanisms 100% = USD 32.8 Million 1M 3M 20M 9M An expected additional USD20 Million of funds need to be raised Note: Based on 2007 fundraising figures of RBM Secretariat Source: RBM Secretariat