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CP Biology Review

CP Biology Review. Yea!!!!!. Steps in the Scientific Method…. Observe ~ always observing the world around us!! 1. ask questions 2. form hypothesis 3. experimentation 4. analysis 5. conclusion. Hypothesis?. If, then statement (question)… An educated guess/ testable.

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CP Biology Review

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  1. CP Biology Review Yea!!!!!

  2. Steps in the Scientific Method… • Observe~ always observing the world around us!! • 1. ask questions • 2. form hypothesis • 3. experimentation • 4. analysis • 5. conclusion

  3. Hypothesis? • If, then statement (question)… • An educated guess/ testable

  4. What is the difference between a control group and an experimental group? • Control~ unmanipulated; used as a basis of comparison (sometimes called placebo group) • Experimental~ a variable has been manipulated

  5. Calculate total magnification of a microscope • Ocular lens (10x) X objective= total magnification. ocular lens (10x) X low power (10x) = total magnification for high power?

  6. Compound microscope vs. simple vs. electron? • Compound~ many lenses working together (magnification & clarity) • Simple~ magnification only (specimens usually macroscopic) • Electron~ e- beams, can see viruses and other extreme microscopic specimens.


  8. Who developed the simple microscope? • Anton van Leeuenhoek Amoeba proteus Common amoeba

  9. Know your fields of biology: • ecology • Study of organism interactions with each other and the environment • genetics • Study of heredity • cytology • Study of cells • biology • Study of LIFE!!!!!!! (YOU BETTER NOT GET THIS ONE WRONG ) • taxonomy • Study of naming organisms

  10. Know your basic biochemistry: (Define & Give examples) • Carbohydrates~ COMPLEX SUGARS • lipids~ fats, oils, waxes • proteins~ keratin, actin/myosin, etc. complex amino acids • nucleic acids~ DNA/RNA • glucose/sucrose/fructose/lactose~ blood sugar, table sugar, fruit sugar, milk sugar

  11. Know your basic biochemistry: (Define & Give examples) • Cellulose~ strength & rigidity to plants; cell wall component • Complimentary base pairing~ DNA= A-T, C-G; RNA= A-U, C-G • DNA/RNA~ deoxyribonucleic acid (genetic blueprint)/ ribonucleic acid (protein synthesis) • enzymes/ substrate / lock & key~ enzymes (catalyst to jumpstart a reaction)

  12. 3 COMPONENTS OF MODERN CELL THEORY? • 1. cells are the basic unit of structure and function • 2. all cells come from pre-existing cells • 3. all organisms are made of 1 or more cells

  13. Know your cellular organelles: What do they look like & what do they do? • Nucleus~ cellular control center • Mitochondrion~ “powerhouse” supplies energy • Nucleolus~ makes ribosomes • Ribosome~ makes proteins • lysosome~ garbage disposals; destroyer • Cell membrane~ semipermeable layer; allows homeostasis and transport (same stable internal conditions)

  14. Know your cellular organelles: What do they look like & what do they do? • Chloroplast~ has chlorophyll allowing for photosynthesis to occur • endoplasmic reticulum (rough & smooth~ intracellular highways • Golgi apparatus~ postal office (packaging and secreting) • Cell wall~ protects and supports plant cells

  15. Define the following terms related to movement of cellular materials: • Diffusion~ movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to lower concentration • Osmosis~ movement of WATER from an area of high to low • Active transport~ cell expends energy; against concentration gradient • Hypotonic, hypertonic, isotonic solution~ lower, higher, equal • Plasmolysis~ wilting

  16. Define the following terms related to movement of cellular materials: • Passive transport~ no energy input from cell • Cytolysis~ cell bursting • Endocytosis~ movement into the cell pinocytosis~ cell drinking, Phagocytosis~ cell eating • Exocytosis~ movement out of the cell • Contractile vacuoles~ used by protista to pump out excess water

  17. Difference between hydrophilic and hydrophobic?

  18. Which cell is in a hypertonic solution? isotonic? hypotonic? isotonic hypertonic hypotonic

  19. Interphase Anaphase Prophase Telophase Ignore Cytokinesis Metaphase

  20. Define the concepts of cell division: • Mitosis~ cloning; body cell reproduction • Meiosis~ forms gametes; genetic recombination • Haploid, diploid~ n, 2n • Gamete~ sperm & egg • Zygote~ union of sperm & egg • Cell plate, cleavage furrow~ occurs during cytokinesis • Autosomes~ body chromosomes/somatic chromosomes (44) • Sex chromosomes: XX (girl)or XY (boy) (2)

  21. Define the concepts of cell division: • Bacterial reproduction~ binary fission; splitting into two • Sperm production to egg production~ • 4 to 1 (spermatogenesis; oogenesis) • Male and female symbols

  22. Punnett Square Practice • Want to do these on the board???? TT X tt Tt X Tt Tt X tt

  23. Genetic Terms • Dominant~ overshadows a recessive • Recessive~ is expressed when no dominant is present • Phenotype~ physical characteristics (brown, red, etc) • Genotype~ genetic makeup (represented by letters) • Homozygous~ both are the same (TT or tt) • Heterozygous~ different genes (Tt) • sex-linked~ found on a sex chromosome

  24. Add: Karyotype & Pedigree • Karyotype: • Pedigree:

  25. Genetic Disorders • XO~ Turner Syndrome • Down Syndrome~ Trisomy 21 • XXY~ Klienfelters Syndrome • Others?Lots!!Look over notes! • Nondisjunction~ failure of chromosomes to separate during meiosis • Monosomy~ 45 total chromosomes (results in 1 less)~ Turner Syndrome • Trisomy~ 47 total chromosome (results in 1 too many)~ Down Syndrome & Klienfelters) • Detection: Amniocentesis or chorionic villi sampling

  26. Remember Replication, Transcription, Translation ? • Orig DNA: AAT CCA GTC • Replication:TTA GGT CAG • Transcription: UUA GGU CAG • Translation: AAU CCA GUC 3 BASES= A CODON

  27. Famous Scientists • Darwin~ theory of evolution • Aristotle~ first to classify organisms • Fleming~ discovered penicillin • Linnaeus~ modern classification system • Hooke~ named the cell • Lamarck~ acquired traits; evolution • Mendel~ father of genetics • Van Leeuwenhoek~ father of microscopy

  28. Taxonomy and Evolution • 7 levels? • KPCOFGs • Kingdoms? • Animal • Plant • Fungi • Protista • Eubacteria • Archaebacteria

  29. Describe these “taxonomy/evolution terms”: • vestigial structures: no longer needed (appendix, tailbone) • acquired traits: behavior causes evolution (giraffe stretching neck to reach leaves) • binomial nomenclature: 2 name naming system (scientific name); Genus species • Dichotomous key: recipe for classification • homologous/analogous structures (similar origin but look different, different origin but look similar due to environment)

  30. Bacteria and Viruses and Fungi • Draw the three basic bacterial shapes: coccus, bacillus, spirillus

  31. Bacterial Shapes: • Rod- bacillus • Sphere- coccus • Spiral- spirilli • Staphylo- clusters • Strepto- chains/filaments

  32. What is the difference between archaebacteria and eubacteria? • “ancient” extreme environments/”true” soil and water • Good things bacteria do? • Decomposers, make food, antibiotics, clean up environmental pollutants, others??? • Bacterial Diseases? • Anthrax,Salmonella, Botulism, TB, Typhus, RMSF, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Syphilis, others????

  33. What is a virus? • Obligate intracellular parasite (not technically “living” • Temperate vs. virulent? • Lysogenic (doesn’t kill host right away); lytic (kills host immediately)

  34. What are some viral diseases? • AIDS • Ebola • Genital Warts • Cold • Flu • Herpes • BSE (mad cow) • Kuru • Others????????

  35. What are some common fungi? • Mushrooms • Yeasts • Smuts • Rusts • Molds • Mildews • Puffballs

  36. Fungal Diseases? • Corn smuts • Athlete’s foot • Nail fungus • Mildew • Rusts • Ringworm • Jock itch • Others??? • Miracle Drug? • Penicillin (alexander fleming)

  37. Protista: “the very first”List and describe several protozoans: • LOTS!!! Check out your notes on animallike, plantlike and funguslike!! • Hint… • Those that cause diseases(trypanosoma, entamoeba, Giardia),have mutualistic relationships (Trichonympha & termite), etc.

  38. How do some protists move? • Pseudopodia~ • False feet (amoebas) • Cilia~ • Hairlike structures (paramecium)

  39. How do paramecia rid themselves of excess water? • Contractile vacuole What are some common diseases caused by protozoa? • Malaria, Giardia, Amebic Dysentery, African Sleeping Sickness, Leishmania, others????

  40. Photosynthesis Equation 6 6 6 ___ CO2 + ___H2O C6H12O6 + ___O2 light “Photosynthesis is a series of reactions that uses energy from the sun to convert water and carbon dioxide (reactants) into sugars and oxygen (products)” Figure 8-4 Miller & Levine, Biology

  41. Parts of a Flower Sticky~ where pollen lands Stigma Anther Meiosis~ produces pollen grains Ovary Eggs are produced Filament Sepal Supports anther Protect flower while developing

  42. Know your phyla and classes: • Porifera~ sponges; sessile (don’t move as adults) • Cnidaria ~ jelly fish, man of wars, corals and anemones; have cnidocysts & nematocysts • Nematoda ~ roundworms; most are parasitic • Platyhelminthes~ flatworms like planaria, tapeworm & flukes • Annelida~ segmented worms like earthworms, sandworms and leeches

  43. Continued… • Amphibia~ metamorphasis; moist skin, lack claws, frogs, salamanders, toads, caecilians • Mammalia~ have hair, bear live young, 4-chambered hearts, endothermic, mammary glands

  44. Know some general organ function and structures like: • pharynx: pathway to trachea or esophagus • crop: storge area for food (earthworms) • gizzard: grinds food for earthworm • heart (chambers in a frog? pig?) : 3 in frog, 4 in pig

  45. Nictitating membrane: 3rd eyelid; protects and moistens • Tympanic membrane: eardrums • Kidneys: removal of nitrogenous waste • Pinnae: external ear flaps • Eyespots~ both detect light • Lungs: breathing apparatus and gas exchange • Stomach~ mechanical & chemical food digection • fat bodies (fat)- insulates organs for hibernation

  46. Biological terminology: • Autotrophic means: self-feeding • Heterotrophic means: other feeding • Eukaryotic means: true nucleus • Prokaryotic means: before nucleus (lacks a true nucleus)

  47. Symbiosis- relationship between 2 or more organisms living in close association with each other mutualism- both organisms benefit • parasitism- one organism benefits while the other is harmed • know your basic latin roots!!!!!!!

  48. Distinguish between food chains, & food webs. • Chain~ flow of energy from producer to top consumer. • Web~ interrelated food chains

  49. (Be able to identify producers, 1st order (primary) consumers, 2nd order consumers, etc.)

  50. Autotroph~ self feeding • Heterotroph~ other feeding • Saprophyte~ bacteria of decay (decomposers) • Decomposer~ recycle energy back into the environment (bacteria and fungus) • Detritivore~ feed on dead/decaying matter • Herbivore~ plant eater • Carnivore~ animal eater • Omnivore~ eats both plants and animals • **habitat- where an organism lives**

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