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Fantastic Frogs

2. Amphibians. Frogs are amphibians. That means they can live in the water and on land. . Frogs start life as eggs in the water. They grow and change. Finally they can live in water and on land.. 3. Metamorphosis. Frogs go through metamorphosis.. Frogs start life as an egg. They grow and change

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Fantastic Frogs

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Presentation Transcript

    1. 1 Fantastic Frogs Fun Frog Facts to Share With A Friend

    2. 2 Amphibians Frogs are amphibians. That means they can live in the water and on land. Frogs start life as eggs in the water. They grow and change. Finally they can live in water and on land.

    3. 3 Metamorphosis Frogs go through metamorphosis. Frogs start life as an egg. They grow and change into a tadpole. The tadpole becomes a froglet. The froglet becomes a frog.

    4. 4 Eggs Frogs lay their eggs in the water. The mother frog can lay as many as 4000 eggs at one time. Another name for frog eggs is frog spawn. The eggs are surrounded by jelly that protects them. The black dot will become the tadpole. Frogs lay their eggs in the water. The mother frog can lay as many as 4000 eggs at one time. Another name for frog eggs is frog spawn. The eggs are surrounded by jelly that protects them. The black dot will become the tadpole.

    5. 5 Tadpoles Tadpoles have gills to breathe in the water. They grow back legs. Then they grow front legs. They begin to grow lungs and their gills close up. Their tail begins to shrink.Tadpoles have gills to breathe in the water. They grow back legs. Then they grow front legs. They begin to grow lungs and their gills close up. Their tail begins to shrink.

    6. 6 Froglet The froglet is now able to live on land and in the water. His tail will continue to shrink. The froglet is almost a full grown frog.The froglet is now able to live on land and in the water. His tail will continue to shrink. The froglet is almost a full grown frog.

    7. 7 Frog

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    9. 9 Metamorphosis

    10. 10 Habitats Frogs can live everywhere in the world except Antarctica. Some frogs live: by ponds and creeks. in trees. in the rainforest. in the desert. in the mountains.

    11. 11 Movement A frog’s strong back legs help it to jump. Most frogs can jump ten times their body length. It’s webbed feet help the frog to swim in the water. Some frogs use their webbed feet to glide in the air. Some frogs have pads on their toes to help them climb.

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    13. 13 Food Frogs eat insects, worms, spiders, snails and anything that will fit into their mouth. Larger frogs might eat mice, baby birds, lizards and snakes. Frogs only like to eat live prey. They swallow their food whole. Frogs have sticky tongues to help catch their prey. Their tongue is attached to the front of their mouth. They flick it out to catch their prey. A frogs eyes help it to swallow its prey whole. Their eyes act like a plunger that helps to push the food down into their throat. Frogs have sticky tongues to help catch their prey. Their tongue is attached to the front of their mouth. They flick it out to catch their prey. A frogs eyes help it to swallow its prey whole. Their eyes act like a plunger that helps to push the food down into their throat.

    14. 14 Camouflage A frog’s skin color and markings help them to blend in with their surroundings. They can look like leaves in trees or bark and twigs on the ground. Their camouflage also helps them to catch food. It makes it hard for their prey to see them. Some frogs, like poison dart frogs, do not need camouflage. Their bright colors warn their enemies that they are poisonous and to stay away. A frog’s skin color and markings help them to blend in with their surroundings. They can look like leaves in trees or bark and twigs on the ground. Their camouflage also helps them to catch food. It makes it hard for their prey to see them. Some frogs, like poison dart frogs, do not need camouflage. Their bright colors warn their enemies that they are poisonous and to stay away.

    15. 15 Frog Vs. Toad Frogs have: moist soft smooth skin long muscular back legs bright colors such as red, blue, yellow and green Toads have: dry bumpy “warty” skin short hind legs dull colors

    16. 16 Frog or Toad?

    17. 17 Frog or Toad?

    18. 18 Did you know? The world’s largest frog is the Goliath Frog. The smallest frog is a tiny Tree Frog. The Goliath frog lives in the deep forest pools of West Africa. It can weigh more than seven pounds, that’s as much as a newborn human baby. The Goliath frog is greenish brown in color, loves to eat mice and lizards. It’s worst enemy is people who like to eat him. The tiny tree frog can be the size of your fingernail.The Goliath frog lives in the deep forest pools of West Africa. It can weigh more than seven pounds, that’s as much as a newborn human baby. The Goliath frog is greenish brown in color, loves to eat mice and lizards. It’s worst enemy is people who like to eat him. The tiny tree frog can be the size of your fingernail.

    19. 19 Did you know? Male frogs croak to attract a mate. A frog’s croak is his way of talking. The frog with the loudest croak is the most popular frog Female frogs have no voices or very quiet ones. Some frogs sound like birds when they croak. Some frogs don’t sound like frogs. A barking frog sounds like a dog. The Reed frog lives in Africa. His croak is so loud it can be heard up to 2 miles away.The frog with the loudest croak is the most popular frog Female frogs have no voices or very quiet ones. Some frogs sound like birds when they croak. Some frogs don’t sound like frogs. A barking frog sounds like a dog. The Reed frog lives in Africa. His croak is so loud it can be heard up to 2 miles away.

    20. 20 Did you know? There are over 100 different kinds of poison dart frogs. Poison dart frogs live in the rainforest of Central and South America. When the frog gets scared it releases poison through it’s skin. The food the frog eats is what makes it poisonous. Poison dart frogs are brightly colored. One of the tiniest poison frog is the Strawberry poison dart frog. It has bright red skin and is ľ of an inch long. The deadliest poison dart frog is called the Terrible or Golden poison dart frog. It is bright yellow and lives in a small part of Colombia, South America. They eat ants and other insects. They can be red, yellow, blue and green. Some have patterns on them.One of the tiniest poison frog is the Strawberry poison dart frog. It has bright red skin and is ľ of an inch long. The deadliest poison dart frog is called the Terrible or Golden poison dart frog. It is bright yellow and lives in a small part of Colombia, South America. They eat ants and other insects. They can be red, yellow, blue and green. Some have patterns on them.

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