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Hi kids, I’m the famous Greek philosopher, Aristotle. You thought I died around 300 B.C., but the Church brought me back to life almost 900 years ago, even though I’m a pagan, whatever that is. Anyway, that’s an advantage of going into the metaphysics
Hi kids, I’m the famous Greek philosopher, Aristotle. You thought I died around 300 B.C., but the Church brought me back to life almost 900 years ago, even though I’m a pagan, whatever that is. Anyway, that’s an advantage of going into the metaphysics profession. HarHar! Anyway, Mr. B. asked me to come here & prove to you that the earth is the center of the universe. So here goes. Hold on to your tunics, or whatever it is you wear these days. Don’t worry, this should only take about 5.5 minutes out of your future. Whatever a minute is. 7:21
But first we have to determine what is the primary shape in planes & solids? Or, to put it another way, Which is more logical: that complex forms arise from simple ones, or that simple forms arise from complex ones?
Of course,simple forms arise from complex ones. You’d have to be some sort of Thracian moron not to get that one.
So, then, what would be the primary shape in planes? Would it be this….
Of course, it’s the circle, which is Bounded by only 1 side. By the Way, the smiley face inside the Circle doesn’t really exist. But You’d have to ask Plato about That one.
Likewise, what is the primary shape in solids?. Would it Be this…
Or maybe this…
Of course, it would Be the sphere, Which is also bounded By only 1 side.
Therefore, the only Logical shape for the Universe would be?
A sphere, of course. In fact, think how absurd it would Be for an orbiting planet if the Universe were square. Sometimes Its orbit would be inside the square & at other times it would be outside of the universe, which of course is patently absurd.
Here’s another question. What is this thing I’m trapped inside of & how do I get out?
Thanks. It was getting cramped in there Back to our lecture. There is observable Evidence that the earth is round. …
….like this as we get closer to them
Or the shadow of the earth shown during a lunar eclipse
This also proves how large the earth is, an estimated 9987 miles in circumference!!
That’s certainly not as big as Eratosthenes’ experiment in the 2nd century B.C.E. seemed to suggest,some 25,000 miles.
Next comes the question of natural and forced motion. What would be an example of natural motion?
Unfortunately, you’re right again. See how this apple rushes joyously towards its natural resting place at the center of the universe, which also happens to be the center of the earth. More on that later.
Could someone prop me up & Get me an aspirin? I’ve got A splitting headache. I don’t feel so great myself.
Thanks. So what would be an example of forced motion?
Yes, that’s a good example Of forced motion.
If that’s not forced motion I don’t know what is.
Oh yes, I like that one Quite a lot
Oh yes. Anything involving a Donkey has to be forced Motion. (Stupid donkeys)
Don’t worry. I’m just a bad Memory to remind you of What Natural motion is. This raises the question of what causes natural motion?
Of course, it’s an object like this Apple rushing joyously toward its natural resting place at the center of the universe. (stupid apple)
Then, there are the objects that don’t seem to be consistent with any one element. Uh oh. I Seem to be coming unanchored. This happened a lot before they Invented gravity.
Hold on minute until I get this Under control.
You have no idea how much of a relief it will be when we get to the 1600s & Newton invents gravity.
For thousands of years, people, Animals, and even entire cities Have floated mysteriously off Like this into space, never to Be heard from again.
Onetime when this happened I was stuck up in a tree for 3 days.
There we go. Let’s see. We were talking about things that don’t seem to be consistent with any one element. Such as wood, which is solid, burns, but also floats.
The answer is simple. It’s made up of more than one element: Earth because it’s solid, fire because it burns, and air because it still floats as ash after the fire is burned out of it.
What about other things that are solid, burn, and float, like bunnies? I’m not solid. I’m soft & fluffy.
They’re composed of the same Elements, but different ratios of those elements
I’ve got a bad feeling about this In fact, what if you could change the qualities of an element from, say cold & wet to cold and dry?
You could turn anything into anything else, which is the basis of our great science of alchemy. For Example, you could turn this bunny into… Uh oh, here it comes.
How humiliating. …a floating dog head…
…or pigeons pulling a Roman chariot… Just wait till they make a statue of you
…or a bush dressed as a human… This is the worst one ever.
This brings us to our original topic: The earth as the center of the universe. At last, back to normal. I much prefer Plato
If the earth were not the center of the universe, a dropped object would fall sideways toward the center of the universe, which of course isn’t what happens.
The formation of the earth itself during creation can be seen as particles clustering around the center of the universe, competing for that center spot.