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Greek I

Greek I. Adjectives (Chapter 9). Exegetical Insight – Romans 1:16-18. Ouv ga.r evpaiscu,nomai to. euvagge,lion( du,namij ga.r qeou/ evstin eivj swthri,an panti. tw/| pisteu,onti( VIoudai,w| te prw/ton kai. {EllhniÅ

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Greek I

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  1. Greek I Adjectives (Chapter 9)

  2. Exegetical Insight – Romans 1:16-18 Ouv ga.r evpaiscu,nomai to. euvagge,lion( du,namij ga.r qeou/ evstin eivj swthri,an panti. tw/| pisteu,onti( VIoudai,w| te prw/ton kai. {EllhniÅ dikaiosu,nh ga.r qeou/ evn auvtw/| avpokalu,ptetai evk pi,stewj eivj pi,stin( kaqw.j ge,graptai( ~O de. di,kaioj evk pi,stewj zh,setaiÅ Apokalu,ptetai ga.r ovrgh. qeou/ avpV ouvranou/ evpi. pa/san avse,beian kai. avdiki,an avnqrw,pwn tw/n th.n avlh,qeian evn avdiki,a| kateco,ntwn

  3. Exegetical Insight – Romans 1:16-18 Ouv ga.r evpaiscu,nomai to. euvagge,lion( du,namij ga.r qeou/ evstin eivj swthri,an panti. tw/| pisteu,onti( VIoudai,w| te prw/ton kai. {EllhniÅ dikaiosu,nh ga.r qeou/ evn auvtw/| avpokalu,ptetai evk pi,stewj eivj pi,stin( kaqw.j ge,graptai( ~O de. di,kaioj evk pi,stewj zh,setaiÅ Apokalu,ptetai ga.r ovrgh. qeou/ avpV ouvranou/ evpi. pa/san avse,beian kai. avdiki,an avnqrw,pwn tw/n th.n avlh,qeian evn avdiki,a| kateco,ntwn

  4. Overview of Tonight’s Lesson • Adjectives: • have forms very similar to the forms that we have already learned for the article; • can serve in 3 different functions: attributive, predicate, and substantive; • must agree with the nouns they modify in case, gender, and number, just as the article does.

  5. English • An adjective is? • A word that modifies a noun or pronoun. • Different functions of an adjective: • Attributive – assigning a quality or “attribute” to the noun it modifies. • We are learning biblical Greek. • Substantival – functions as if it were a noun; does not modify anything. • r`u/sai h`ma/j avpo. tou/ ponhrou/ • Deliver us from the evil one. • Predicate – asserts something about the subject; a form of “to be” must be either stated or implied. • The students in my Greek class are excellent.

  6. Form of the Greek Adjective

  7. Adjectives in Greek • Adjectives in Greek serve the same functions as they do in English. • Attributive – this is the most common use in Greek. Such an adjective must agree in case, number, and gender with the noun it modifies. Attributive adjectives can occur in 3 different positions: • First Position – o` avgaqo.j a;nqrwpoj • Second Position – evpe,pesen to. pneu/ma to. a[gion evpV auvtou,j • Third Position - basileu.j o` avgaqo,j

  8. Adjectives in Greek • Substantival – When an adjective functions as a substantive, its case is determined by its function in the sentence (as with any noun). Its gender and number are determined by what it stands for. • r`u/sai h`ma/j avpo. tou/ ponhrou/ • polloi. profh/tai kai. di,kaioi evpequ,mhsan ivdei/n a] ble,pete

  9. Adjectives in Greek • Predicate – When an adjective functions as a predicate, it “predicates” something about the subject. • First Position (adj-art-noun) • maka,rioi oi` eivrhnopoioi, • Second Position (art-noun-adjective) • o` qeo.j avlhqh,j evstin

  10. How Do You Recognize Which Function? • With the article before the adjective: • If there is a noun to modify, then the adjective is attributive. • If there is no noun for the adjective to modify, then it is probably a substantive. • If the noun has the article but the adjective does not, then the adjective is functioning as a predicate adjective. A “to be” verb is a good indicator for a predicate adjective. • With no article present, context becomes the guide to translation.

  11. Odds and Ends • Article followed by a prepositional phrase: • la,mpei pa/sin toi/j evn th/| oivki,a|Å • oi` evk peritomh/j • evgnw,kate to.n avpV avrch/j • A 2-2 adjective is one that follows the second declension for both masculine and feminine forms; context will determine the gender. • Neuter plural subjects often take singular verbs. • VAgaphtoi,( mh. panti. pneu,mati pisteu,ete avlla. dokima,zete ta. pneu,mata eiv evk tou/ qeou/ evstin

  12. For Next Week • Vocabulary quiz on words through chapter 9. • Exercise 9 is due. Do as much of this as you can without looking back to the book. • Do Review #2 for your own benefit; it will not be graded, but it can show you what you need to work on. • Read Chapter 10, “Third Declension.” Disregard pp. 73-74; we will continue on Track 1. • Check out www.biblicaltraining.org.

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