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Presentation at La Salle College Ped Day - Feb. 27th, 2014<br>Montreal (Canada)
LaSalle College Pedagogical Day – Feb. 27th, 2014 The Best 20 Web Tools to BoostYourTeaching 2013 –2014 Edition Rafael Scapin, Ph.D. Coordinator of Educational Technology Dawson College
Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 1 storage Google Drive: The top real-time document creating and editing cloud-based system + http://drive.google.com Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7y7NafWXeM Google Forms
Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 2 Kaizena: give voice feedback to your students http://kaizena.com
Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 3 Dropbox: file synching software http://www.dropbox.com Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghKdYKZ1Sts&feature=re lated
Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 4 and sending it off to a friend? Dropcanvas: What if sharing files was as easy as dropping them onto a blank page http://www.dropcanvas.com
Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 5 Weebly: website creator http://www.weebly.com Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6iqVxaALas
Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 6 Slideshare: presentation sharing site. Create your own channel. http://www.slideshare.net
Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 7 Issuu: allows to easily publish and share documents http://issuu.com/
Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 8 TubeChop: allows you to easily chop a section from any YouTube video and share it. http://www.tubechop.com http://www.tubechop.com/watch/2009907
Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 9 Youtube KeepVid: easily download videos from http://keepvid.com/
Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 10 Voki: speaking avatar creator http://www.voki.com http://www.voki.com/pickup.php?scid=4551933 &height=267&width=200
Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 11 Prezi: online presentations http://www.prezi.com http://prezi.com/jipjiqvj6dsc/about-perspective/
Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 12 Jing: online screen capture tool http://www.techsmith.com/jing.html
Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 13 Screenr: Web-based screen recorder http://www.screenr.com How it works
Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 14 Diigo: Social Bookmarking http://www.diigo.com
Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 15 Pixlr: an online image editor http://pixlr.com/
Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 16 Forvo: the largest word pronunciation dictionary in the world http://www.forvo.com
Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 17 Evernote: web-based note-taking tool http://www.evernote.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pjn6YkCY2yA
Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 18 LiveBinders: organize your resources in an online binder http://www.livebinders.com
Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 19 ClassMarker: is an online quiz and test creation website. http://www.classmarker.com/
Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 20 EasyBib: Free Automatic Bibliography and Citation Generator http://www.easybib.com
Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 21 Zamzar: Free online file converter http://www.zamzar.com/ Zamzar supports over 1200 different conversions!
Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 22 Poll Everywhere: online, real time text voting application http://www.polleverywhere.com/
Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 23 VoiceThread: record live annotations and collect comments (both text and voice) http://voicethread.com/ http://voicethread.com/?#q.b409.i848804
Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 24 educational exercises and games via smartphones, laptops, and tablets. Socrative: is a smart student response system Engage classrooms through a series of http://www.socrative.com
Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 25 LastPass: online password manager http://www.lastpass.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RM0fzHxMASQ
Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 26 Record MP3: The easiest way to record and share audio http://www.recordmp3.org/
Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 27 Infogr.am: An easy tool to create infographics http://infogr.am
Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 28 YoucanBook.me: An easy way to people book you! http://youcanbook.me http://rscapin.youcanbook.me
Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 29 vLine: A free and easy video chat http://vline.com/
Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 30 whiteboard Stoodle: is a free, instant online classroom. Stoodle offers real-time collaboration on a virtual http://stoodle.ck12.org/
Contact Me Rafael Scapin, Ph.D. rscapin@dawsoncollege.qc.ca rscapin DawsonITE Blog http://dawsonite.dawsoncollege.qc.ca