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Test your knowledge about ocean creatures endangered by plastic pollution. Learn how to make small changes to save our seas. Join the fight today!
THE MAGIC OF OUR OCEANS noecowarrior.com
QUIZ Oceans are beautiful, but what do you really know about the creatures that lie within?
WHAT DO THESE CREATURES HAVE IN COMMON? • They are all at risk! • There is something deadly in the ocean that is a threat to each of these creatures and many more BUT WHAT IS IT? Clue: It’s not sharks!
PLASTIC! Did you know? By 2050, it is estimated that there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish!
WHY Is PLASTIC SO DAMAGING? • Plastic is not a natural product - it won’t dissolve or rot down • We use so much of it – we make 78 million tonnes of plastic packaging each year • Masses of this (one third) ends up in our oceans • Animals, birds and fish mistake plastic for food – they eat it and it gets caught in their insides • Creatures can get plastic caught around them • It breaks up into smaller pieces (microplastics), which are eaten by smaller animals and end up the food we eat Did you know? It takes up to 20 years for a plastic bag to decompose and 450 years for a plastic bottle!
OUR SEAS ARE MAGICAL • Oceans are teeming with wildlife. • They are home to trillions of creatures and plants • The sea is an important part of the food chain, for animals and people • We love to play the sea… when it’s clean! • But the plastic we use and throw away is destroying ocean habitats. THE SEA NEEDs OUR PROTECTION
HOW CAN YOU HELP? Plastic is a big problem, but the great thing is that we can all do something to help. If we all make little changes it can make a big difference! What can you do?
REDUCE • The best thing you can do is to avoid single-use plastic – that is any plastic that can’t be used again • If you go to the shops, see if you can find non-plastic packaged alternatives Say NO to single-use plastic What is Single-Use Plastic? This is any plastic that is designed to be used just once (e.g. disposable water bottles, thin plastic bags, toothpaste tubes, milk cartons and more).
REUSE • Use reusable items instead of disposable wherever possible QUIZ: WHAT COULD YOU USE INSTEAD? • All these items have plastic packaging (the cereal bag is hiding inside the box)
PLASTIC SWAP SHOP - ANSWERS And remember to take reusable bags to the shops! What else could you avoid? Straws – Individually-wrapped sweets – Crisps – Balloons
RECYCLE • Always recycle what you can, even if this means bringing packaging home. • Look for these recycling symbols to show what can be recycled • Although it can vary in different areas, typically these items can and can’t be recycled: Did you know? Only one out of three recyclable plastic items is currently recycled in the UK.
DON’t LITTER • When plastic wrappers are thrown or blow away, they often end up in our seas – put your rubbish in the bin • If your waste is recyclable, look for a recycling bin or take it home and recycle it there • Pick up clean plastic rubbish when it’s safe to do so Fancy a clean up? Next time you go to the beach or a walk, why not take some gloves and spend a few minutes picking up litter. What can you find? Just a few minutes of your time could save countless marine creatures and help protect our oceans.
WHAT TO REMEMBER? • REDUCE– Try not to use so much plastic – think what other options you could use • REUSE– Choose reusable items like water bottles and canvas bags • RECYCLE- Help your family to recycle as much as you can • DON’T LITTER - If you do have to throw something away, make sure you use a bin! • And REMEMBER… even if we just all make small changes, this could make a big difference