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THE NEW HORIZONS FOR MUSIC TECHNOLOGY IN MUSIC EDUCATION Tallinn 24.4.2009. Heikki Ruismäki, professor University of Helsinki Antti Juvonen, Ph.D., Senior lecturer University of Joensuu. THE NEW HORIZONS FOR MUSIC TECHNOLOGY IN MUSIC EDUCATION. Content: Aims Methods

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  1. THE NEW HORIZONS FOR MUSIC TECHNOLOGY IN MUSIC EDUCATIONTallinn24.4.2009 Heikki Ruismäki, professor University of Helsinki Antti Juvonen, Ph.D., Senior lecturer University of Joensuu

  2. THE NEW HORIZONS FOR MUSIC TECHNOLOGY IN MUSIC EDUCATION Content: Aims Methods Decades of media and music technology education The past decades Music in the Internet Some remarks Questions and considerations

  3. Aims • What options does the Internet offer? • How modern technology can help teachers? • in learning instrument playing • Free accompaniement, singing etc. • creating music • collective music-making and playing • with social media • Focus especially on the essential phenomenon of open music education technology

  4. Methods • A micro-historical review • The Internet as developers and shapers of modern music education. • The review underlining the music of the new millennium and the phenomenon of open social media.

  5. Introduction • Position of music (education) technology ? • ->developing, • ->advancing new methods inside music teaching and learning • ->researching, and – first of all • ->growing in the use of modern technology.

  6. Table1. Decades of (Finnish) media and music technology education

  7. The internet already is a part of the reality of children and youngsters Social life Enjoyment and relaxing Hobbies, interests Taking care of things, shopping Finding information and learning Self-expression Loading data from peer groups

  8. Social media Typical: *participation *interaction *sharing *cooperational working *selling and marketing

  9. *1950-70’s: I need *1980-90’s: I want *2000’s : I am able *2010’s: We are able Social media

  10. Table 2. Music in the Internet the past decades

  11. Music in the Internet Kitarapedagogi Kitaraa tiukemmille soittajille Guitarbackingtrack Karaoke** Pianopedagogi Afroimpro Laulukone Luo musiikkia Mikseri Fair music market Musan tekemistä verkossa Lasse Gjertsen The Brustones LastFm Muusikoiden.net leffat Musiikin hakua Visuaalista hakua Thomann Kritiikkiä omista biiseistä SongTapper MySong Sweet Georgia Brown What’s time

  12. Technology sticking throught musical achievements (measuring own skills and knowledge) Knowledge about essence of equipment Knowhow on equippement and programs The development of equipment, programs and learning and teaching methods ? Conseptions about what to do with the equipment And transforming them into music education

  13. Some remarks • Music educational technology undoubtedly changes teaching of music. • The question is: in which direction? • How does the music change? • How will the teaching change? And • Formal –> informal learning • What have the social media added to music teaching and learning?

  14. Questions and considerations Are the teachers in touch with the time? At schools, universities and polytechnics? Are the possibilities of internet used correctly? Information search, information selling, internet business Is information shared enough (openly and systematically)? Teacher’s education, Veso, Educa, Hämeenlinna ITK, Workshops Douple the joy, shere the sorrow How is music teaching going to change? Media, games, music, teaching Formal-informal learning Are the interested and uninterested informed? How to motivate teachers who are not technology oriented? Are the key persons informed? What kind of programs for people of different ages? How is music technology seen in curriculum and contents of teaching? The effects for instrument skills teaching, classroom teaching and to music as a hobby? Noviices, eksperts

  15. He, who seeks, also finds but does the one also find, who does not seek ?

  16. “ The door is open, you just have to step in” is an old Chinese proverb referred to cleverly by Google Earth. Thank you ! You can find our presentation on my wesites: ->Heikki Ruismäki ->materials or ->publications • Music educational technology undoubtedly changes teaching of music. • The question is: in which direction? How does the music change, • how will the teaching change and • what have the social media added to music teaching and learning?

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