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6.001 SICP – September ?

6.001 SICP – September ?. 6001-Introduction Trevor Darrell trevor@csail.mit.edu 32-D512 6.001 web page: http://sicp.csail.mit.edu/ section web page: http://www.csail.mit.edu/~trevor/6001/ Abstractions Pairs and lists Common list operations. Procedural abstraction example: sqrt.

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6.001 SICP – September ?

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  1. 6.001 SICP – September ? 6001-Introduction Trevor Darrell trevor@csail.mit.edu 32-D512 6.001 web page: http://sicp.csail.mit.edu/ section web page: http://www.csail.mit.edu/~trevor/6001/ • Abstractions • Pairs and lists • Common list operations 6.001 SICP

  2. Procedural abstraction example: sqrt To find an approximation of square root of x: • Make a guess G • Improve the guess by averaging G and x/G • Keep improving the guess until it is good enough (define try (lambda (guess x) (if (good-enuf? guess x) guess (try (improve guess x) x)))) (define improve (lambda (guess x) (average guess (/ x guess)))) (define average (lambda (a b) (/ (+ a b) 2))) (define good-enuf? (lambda (guess x) (< (abs (- (square guess) x)) 0.001))) (define sqrt (lambda (x) (try 1 x))) 6.001 SICP

  3. average try improve Good-enuf? sqrt The universe of procedures for sqrt 6.001 SICP

  4. sqrt good-enuf? x: number improve : number sqrt-iter sqrt - Block Structure (define sqrt (lambda (x) (define good-enuf? (lambda (guess) (< (abs (- (square guess) x)) 0.001))) (define improve (lambda (guess) (average guess (/ x guess)))) (define sqrt-iter (lambda (guess) (if (good-enuf? guess) guess (sqrt-iter (improve guess))))) (sqrt-iter 1.0)) ) 6.001 SICP

  5. Pairs (cons cells) • (cons <x-exp> <y-exp>) ==> <P> ;type: x, x  Pair • Where <x-exp> evaluates to a value <x-val>, and <y-exp> evaluates to a value <y-val> • Returns a pair<P> whose car-part is <x-val> and whose cdr-part is <y-val> • (car <P>) ==> <x-val> ;type: Pairtype of car part • Returns the car-part of the pair <P> • (cdr <P>) ==> <y-val> ;type: Pairtype of cdr part • Returns the cdr-part of the pair <P> 6.001 SICP

  6. <el2> <el1> Pair - Box and pointer diagram (define p (cons <el1> <el2>)) p (car p) (cdr p) 6.001 SICP

  7. <el1> <el2> <eln> Lists - Box and pointer diagram • (cons <el1> (cons <el2> nil)) • (list <el1> <el2> ... <eln>) <el1> <el2> 6.001 SICP

  8. Printed representation (define x (list 1 2)) (define y (list (list 1 2) (list 1 2)) (define z (list x x)) X == (1 2) Y == ((1 2)(1 2)) Z == ((1 2)(1 2)) 6.001 SICP

  9. Cons, car, cdr (define thing (cons (cons 1 nil) (cons 2 (cons 3 nil)))) thing ==> ((1) 2 3) (cons 1 nil) ==> (1) (cons 1 (cons 2 nil)) ==> (1 2) (car thing) ==> (1) (cdr thing) ==> (2 3) (car (car thing)) ==> 1 (car (cdr (cdr thing))) ==> 3 6.001 SICP

  10. List drill (car (cons (+ 1 2) (- 3 4))) ==> 3 (cdr 6) ==> error (cdr (car (cons (cons 1 2) (cons 3 4)))) 2 (pair? #t) ==> #f (pair? (car (cons 1 2))) ==> #f (pair? (cons (+ 1 2) (car (cons (3 4))))) ==> #t 6.001 SICP

  11. Length of a list (define (length lst) (if (null? lst) 0 (+ 1 (length (cdr lst)))) 6.001 SICP

  12. cdr’ing down a list (define (list-ref lst n) (if (= n 0) (car lst) (list-ref (cdr lst) (- n 1)))) 6.001 SICP

  13. More list drill x => (()) y => (1 2 3) z => (1 (2 3) ((4))) w => (1 2 3 4 5) (length x) (length y) (length z) (list-ref z 2) (append x y) (cons x y) 6.001 SICP

  14. More list drill x => (()) y => (1 2 3) z => (1 (2 3) ((4))) w => (1 2 3 4 5) (length x) 1 (length y) 3 (length z) 3 (list-ref z 2) ((4)) (append x y) (() 1 2 3) (cons x y) ((()) 1 2 3) 6.001 SICP

  15. Orders of Growth What is the order of growth of last-k ? (define (last-k k lst) (if (= (length lst) k) lst (last-k k (cdr lst)))) 6.001 SICP

  16. Orders of Growth What is the order of growth of last-k ? (define (last-k k lst) (if (= (length lst) k) lst (last-k k (cdr lst)))) Q( n2 ) 6.001 SICP

  17. Writing some procedures The procedure copy-some that copies the first n elements of a list (copy-some 3 (list 1 2 3 4 5)) ==> (1 2 3) (define (copy-some n list) ) 6.001 SICP

  18. Writing some procedures The procedure copy-some that copies the first n elements of a list (copy-some 3 (list 1 2 3 4 5)) ==> (1 2 3) (define (copy-some n list) (if (= n 0) nil (cons (car lst) (copy-some (- n 1) (cdr lst)))) ) 6.001 SICP

  19. Writing some procedures (repeat x m) returns a list containing the value x repeated m times.  For example: (repeat 5 3) => (5 5 5) (repeat (list 1 2) 2) => ((1 2) (1 2)) 6.001 SICP

  20. Writing some procedures Recursive solution:(define (repeat x m) (if (= m 0) nil (cons x (repeat x (- m 1)))))time Θ(m)space Θ(m)Iterative solution:(define (repeat x m) (define (helper i answer) (if (> i m) answer (helper (+ 1 i) (cons x answer)))) (helper 0 nil))time Θ(m)space Θ(1) 6.001 SICP

  21. Writing some procedures (append lst1 lst2) appends lst2 to the end of lst1.  E.g.: (append (list 0 1 2) (list 3 4)) => (0 1 2 3 4) (append nil (list 5 6)) => (5 6) 6.001 SICP

  22. Writing some procedures Recursive solution:(define (append lst1 lst2) (if (null? lst) lst2 (cons (car lst1) (append (cdr lst1) lst2)))) time Θ(n), space Θ(n) where n=(length lst1)Notice that only lst1 affects the time and space growth.  Why doesn't lst2 matter? 6.001 SICP

  23. Writing some procedures (reverse lst) reverses lst.  E.g.: (reverse (list 0 1 2)) => (2 1 0) (reverse (list (list 3 5) (list 2 4))) => ((2 4) (3 5)) 6.001 SICP

  24. Writing some procedures Recursive solution:(define (reverse lst) (if (null? lst) nil (append (reverse (cdr lst)) (list (car l)))))time Θ(n^2), since append runs in linear time (Θ(m) where m=(length answer)), each successive call to append takes more and more time: 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n = Θ(n^2). space Θ(n), where n=(length lst)Iterative solution:(define (reverse lst) (define (helper rest answer) (if (null? rest) answer (helper (cdr rest) (cons (car rest) answer))))) (helper lst nil))time Θ(n^2), space Θ(1), where n=(length lst) 6.001 SICP

  25. Writing some procedures (num-leaves tree) returns the number of leaves in a tree, where a leaf is anything that isn't a list (number, string, boolean, procedure). E.g.: (num-leaves (list 0 1 (list 3 5) (list 2 (list 4)))) => 6 (num-leaves (list (list (list (list nil))))) => 0 6.001 SICP

  26. Writing some procedures (define (num-leaves tree) (cond ((null? tree) 0) ((pair? tree) (+ (num-leaves (car tree)) (num-leaves (cdr tree))) (else 1))) time Θ(n), space Θ(d), where n is the number of pairs in the tree, and d is the depth of the tree. 6.001 SICP

  27. Remember… • calendar… 6.001 SICP

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