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Final conference EHS, BRG 15 – Vienna, Austria September 24 , 201 2 Partner no. 8 School Inspectorate County of Sibiu Rol and tasks in the project: WP4: Dissemination and Valorization (transversal phase) WP5: Management, coordination and evaluation of the project (transversal phase).
Final conferenceEHS, BRG 15 – Vienna, AustriaSeptember24, 2012 Partner no. 8 School Inspectorate County of Sibiu Rol and tasks in the project: • WP4: Dissemination and Valorization (transversal phase) • WP5: Management, coordination and evaluation of the project (transversal phase)
Short review of project dissemination activities First year of the project ( Oct.2010- oct. 2011) 1. Meeting with inspectors. Objectiv: Informed school inspectors about project, activities and expect results (November 2010). 2. Identified stakeholders /schools with same needs like partner 7 (Liceul Tehnologic ”H. Coandă” Sibiu) and built a database with a possible target group (February 2011). 3. Started to built the web page of the project on the web site of SchoolInspectorate County of Sibiu with information/activities/stage of the project implementation/disemination/valorization (January 2011); 4.Prepare and post (on the national web site of I.S.J.) the brochure with information of the aims, project activities, target group, expect results (March 2011) http://www.isjsibiu.ro/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=418&Itemid=447
DiseminationFirst year of the project ( Oct.2010- oct. 2011) 5. Prepared and organized the transnational seminar in Sibiu in partnership with partner 7 ,Tehnological High School ”H. Coandă” Sibiu. We invited head teachers (Tehnological Highschools College from all county of Sibiu, persons from town hall and private companies – Compa S.A.) They become stakeholders in the project (April 2011)
DiseminationFirst year of the project ( Oct.2010- oct. 2011) School InspectorateSibiu County and Tehnical High School"Henri Coandă" Sibiu, organized: 6.Two events: on April and October (Committee meetings Line); 7. Two disseminationseminars : May 2011 and October 2011. Meetings objectives:-EMPOWER.MENT project presentation ( scope, aims, phases) -needs beneficiaries of education, particularly students and teachers; - integration issues; -relations : family - school, school –labor market companies. Location: School Inspectorate County of Sibiu and Teacher Training Center (CCD Sibiu ) Target groups: - headteachers from secondary schools (vocational and theoretic), gimnazium schools; - teachers who are involve in quality assurance system in education; teachers from other disciplines;students. • Number of participants: aprox. 90 Resources: information and materials from Partner 7, ppt. presentation
DiseminationSecond year of the project ( Oct.2011- oct. 2012) 1.Valorization seminar with partial results after one year of the project (November 2011); 2.Update the Inspectorate web page with aspect, conclusions from transnational seminar in Vienna (December 2011); 3.Attached in the on the Inspectorate web page the second newsletter and sent to stakehoders (March 2012); 4.Disemination in the annual seminar LLP organized by Inspectorate County of Sibiu with managers, heads department of institutions (March 2012); 5. Regional conference -Technological education and MaST (math, science, IT), organized by Inspectorate County of Sibiu (June 2012). The object of the conference was to disseminate/examples of good practice in quality management of educational institutions (was a good opportunity to transfer the model)In this context, the Partner 7 presented activities and results. 6. Committee Line meeting (september 2012) Location: National College “O. Goga” Sibiu
DiseminationFirst and second year of the project ( Oct.2010- oct. 2012) Articles in local/county paper: http://www.isjsibiu.ro/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=418&Itemid=447 http://www.tribuna.ro/stiri/timp-liber/seminar-transnational-la-grup-scolar-industrial-constructii-de-masini-sibiu-64270.html; http://www.tribuna.ro/stiri/actualitate/proiect-european-cu-parteneri-sibieni-63120.html http://sibiu100.ro/index.php?page=articol&sursa=articole&id=3306&titlu=Proiecte_europene_ale_Inspectoratului_%AAcolar_Jude%FEean_Sibiu_%EEn_implementare
Ways of ensuring valorization and transfer of innovation School Inspectorate County of Sibiu will promotes the Empower model in all types of schools How? share the experiences and good practice on the annual LLP seminars/work-shops, organized in partnership with “Henri Coanda” High school; apply questionnaires of interest/forms to the schools (principals, person in charge in the commission of education and quality assurance in each schools). provide the schools with information, methodology, tools and test the model by accessing the project site; invite the coordinator from partner 7 to present the activities/results and added value of the project at the “Educational management” training course organized by Resources Center and Inspectorate County of Sibiu.