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ENHANCED TACTICAL FLOW MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (ETFMS). Hans Koolen 16 January 2013. ETFMS - SUMMARY. Supporting tool for coordination between ATM, ATFCM, ATC, Airports and Aircraft Operators . Provides global data to be shared throughout the ECAC and adjacent States.
ETFMS - SUMMARY • Supporting tool for coordination between ATM, ATFCM, ATC, Airports and Aircraft Operators. • Provides global data to be shared throughout the ECAC and adjacent States. • Monitoring tool and support for decision making in short-term Tactical actions. • ATFCM and flight data improved with current traffic position data and airport information.
ETFMS - IMPLEMENTATION MILESTONES • March 1995 : Start of Operations of TACT based upon FPL data only. • April 1995 : Reception of first FSA message from France. • Today : Reception of FSAs from 30 ACCs plus oceanic clearances from 3 oceanic centres. • March 2001 : ETFMS PHASE 1a operational, based upon FSAdata only. • 7 Feb 2002 : ETFMS PHASE 1a operational, based upon FSA data and surveillance data from UK, France and MUAC. • 6 May 2003 : Flight Activation Monitoring(FAM) Operational for Ireland, Oslo FIR and Belgium. • June 2007 : First DPI messages from CDM airport - Munich
ETFMS - OBJECTIVES • To increase the accuracy of ATFCM thus reducing any differences in data between ATFCM, ATCand airports. • To improve short-term traffic demand forecasts. • To reduce over-delivery. • To enable more accurate slot allocations thus improved utilisation of the available capacity. • To improve reaction to short-terms events.
ETFMS - OBJECTIVES • Increase Safety • Solve potential overloads and bunching, reduce en-route airborne holding, management of unusual events. • Fluidity, Responsive Capacity Management • Adapt Airspace, ATC sector configuration to better meet the traffic demand variation. • Contribution to Collaborative Decision Making(CDM) • Share enhanced information between all users. • Contribution to “GATE-TO-GATE” • Share enhanced information between all users.
ETFMS - USERS • FLOW MANAGERS – NMOC (CFMU) OPERATIONS & FLOW MANAGEMENT POSITIONS (FMPs). • ATC SUPERVISORS with Occupancy Counts. • ATC, ATFCM & AOMANAGERS. • OTHERS • Airport Authorities & Terminal Area Units (TMA). • Airspace Management (ASM) Bodies. • Route Charges. • Airspace Planning. • Investigation. • Quality Control (QC). • Performance Review & Analysis. • Studies & Research. • Training.
ETFMS - SCOPE • ROUTINE SITUATIONS(tuning & optimisation of ATFCM plan) • Compliance Monitoring. • Best Use of Available Capacities. • Smoothing the Traffic. • Balancing Capacity & Traffic Demand at Airports. • SPECIFIC SITUATIONS(conservative actions & restart) • Stacks. • System Failures. • Low Visibility, De-Icing / Severe Weather. • Airspace / Airport Closures. • Interruption or New Pattern of Specific Demand.
NMOC (CFMU) Systems & Main Data Flows AIS DATA AIP EAD Air Traffic Control (ATC) Aircraft Operators (AOs) / Air Traffic Services Reporting Offices (AROs) RPL ENV IFPS FPL FPL FP1 FP2 Brussels Brétigny ORM ATC FPL Changes RCAT Flight Plans ENV DATA Daily Plan PREDICT Daily Plan Slots Rerouteings Network Situation ETFMS Network Situation ATC Updates DWH
R FP-1 (Haren) Local Terminals Meteo Interface T ENV ETFMS Central Server (ETFMS-CS) AN-3 AN-1 AFTN CIDIN FP-2 (Brétigny) Remote Terminals Wide Area Network (s) R Entry Nodes ATM systems SDPS FDPS ETFMS - SYSTEM OVERVIEW NM (CFMU) ACC
DATA INPUT • Flight Plans • Flight plan and flight plan modification messages received by the ETFMS-CS from IFPS such as FPL, CHG, DLA, …. • ENVironment Data • Standard ENV data from the ADR system. • ATFCM Measures • No changes for ETFMS. • Aircraft Positions • Mainly Surveillance data (CPR) but also positions based upon flight plan data (FNM, MFS,FSA,AFP). • Flight Data Update • Updates to flight plan data sent by ATC to ETFMS (AFP,FSA) and by airport CDM systems (DPI).
DATA INPUT FLIGHT DATA UPDATE • Airport CDM systems send early estimates of Take-Off-Times, SIDs and TaxiTimes. • They are sent when a change is entered in an ATC or Airport CDM system. • The flight data updates are for indicating changes in the flight plan, once the flight is airborne (AFP, FSA). • Changes concern the route (short cuts, CDR3, ….), the Cruising level, estimates and in the future possibly diversions.
DATA INPUT DEPARTURE PLANNING INFORMATION MESSAGE (DPI) • DPI: Receive flight data updates while flight is still on the ground. • Advance notification of TTOT • Taxi-time per flight • Accurate SID updates • Notification of actual off block event
DATA INPUT FIRST SYSTEM ACTIVATION MESSAGE (FSA) • The purpose of the FSA is to provide estimates and route updates to the NMOC (CFMU) for ATFCM purposes. • FSA shall be sent via AFTN/CIDIN to the ETFMS-CS directly. • FSA messages are sent by ANSPs. • FSA shall be sent in the following circumstances : • On first entry into FDPA including departures. • Change of route within an FDPA which does not affect another FDPA and when the information is not already sent via an AFP. • Flight is entering a holding.
DATA INPUT Example En-route FSA Example Departure FSA - TITLE FSA - IFPLID AA12345678 - ARCID MAH9554 - ADEP LHBP - EOBT 1050 - EOBD 051007 - ADES LFPG - POSITION - ADID LHBP - TO 1110 - TITLE FSA - IFPLID BB87654321 - ARCID THY1905 - ADEP LTAC - EOBT 0600 - EOBD 051007 - ADES LSZH - POSITION - PTID BABIT - TO 0812 - FL F350
DATA INPUT IFPLID • Unique flight plan number issued by IFPS • Example: AA12345678 or BB09876543. • Used for flight plan identification when exchanging data between ATM systems. • Used by NMOC (CFMU) in: • IFPS ADEXP output • ATFM messages such as SAM, SRM, FLS, … • Airborne messages such as FSA, CPR, AFP,… • To be used by systems only, not by humans.
DATA INPUT ATC FLIGHT PLAN PROPOSAL(AFP) • The purpose of the AFP is to inform the NMOC (CFMU) of missing flight plans and of significant changes to airborne flights. • AFP shall be sent via AFTN/CIDIN to IFPS which convert them into APL/ACH for transmission to the ETFMS-CS. • AFP messages are sent by ANSPs. • Currently, AFPs are sent in the following circumstances : • An IFR-GAT flight exists but no FPL has been received from IFPS. • Change of route where the exit point from the Flight Data Processing Area (FDPA) has changed. • Change of Cruising Level (permanent change of level). • Change of aircraft type, aircraft equipment. • Change of flight rules (IFR/VFR) or flight type (OAT/GAT). • Diversion or change to a new destination.
DATA INPUT AIRCRAFT POSITION • Position Reports based upon Surveillance Data from ATC, called Correlated Position Reports (CPRs). • Position Reports based upon Flight plan data which are mainly extracted from FNM, MFS, AFP and FSA messages. • Position Reports received from Aircraft Operators via APR messages.
DATA INPUT CORRELATED POSITION REPORT(CPR) • Contains the actual geographical Position of the Aircraft and its altitude. • Provided by ATC Surveillance Data processing systems. • Enriched with flight plan information such as Callsign, ADEP, EOBT and ADES or IFPLID for correlation purposes. • Normally sent every minute by Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs).
DATA INPUT AIRCRAFT OPERATOR POSITION REPORT(APR) • The purpose : To supply the NMOC (CFMU) with advance information of entry into the NMOC (CFMU) area. • Only for long-haul flights inbound into the NMOC (CFMU) area. • Should be received 2 hours before the flight enters the NMOC (CFMU) area. • Gives the ETA or the actual position and level of the flight. • Based upon message exchange between aircraft and the AO ground flight management systems (e.g. ACARS or mvt messages). • Shall be sent via SITA or AFTN to the ETFMS-CS directly. • APRs from AFR in OPS on 11/02/2002, other AOs are requested to join.
Time updates 21Nm + Predicted route Reported Positions Time and path updates PROCESSING FLIGHT RE-CALCULATION BASED UPON CPRs C D B E A
New ATC route (CDR3, Direct..) PROCESSING USE OF FLIGHT PLAN UPDATES C D B E A Can be used as a confirmation of a Position Report update or vice versa
ATC FPL update Reported path Predicted route PROCESSING USE OF FLIGHT PLAN UPDATES FPL route ADEP ADES
Predicted ATC intention Reported profile PROCESSING USE OF FLIGHT LEVEL UPDATES Flight Plan
Planned Level F370 PROCESSING – Use of flight level Updates FTFM CPRs CTFM Updated Planned Level CPRs
Planned trajectory CPRs Updated trajectory CPRs PROCESSING USE OF FLIGHT LEVEL UPDATES (2) FTFM CTFM
PROCESSING SLOT ALLOCATIONS • No change in allocation mechanism. • Slot lists are updated based upon the actual position and the recalculated profile (forced). • Released slots may be re-used for other flights.
FLIGHT ACTIVATION MONITORING (FAM) FUNCTIONS • Monitors flights which should have departed. • Identifies flights which should have departed and for which no message is received to confirm their departure. • “Updates/Shifts” these flights until a message is received. • If no update is received after 30 min, the flight is suspended. • Informs the AOs of a suspension enabling them to react.
FLIGHT ACTIVATION MONITORING (FAM) OBJECTIVES • Benefit from ETFMS data to improve Traffic Load counts. • Allow a more efficient use of the available capacity. • Provide an incentive for Aircraft Operators to update their EOBTs. • Reduce the impact of ghost flight plans and of late departures.
FLIGHT ACTIVATION MONITORING (FAM) APPLICATION • Only for flights in areas from which ETFMS receives CPRs for all flights. • Operational for first states since 06/05/2003. • Target: All states from which CPRs are received.
FLIGHT ACTIVATION MONITORING (FAM) EXPECTED RESULT • FAM will release slots which are unduly occupied by flights not departed, thus making these slots available for other aircraft which are ready to depart.
APPLICATION OF FAM (1) • FAM is applied on all flights, whether regulated or not, departing from and/or landing at areas where CPRs are received by the NMOC (CFMU) and FAM is activated. • Flights departing from and landing in non FAM enabled areas are NOT affected by FAM, irrespective if they fly through CPR covered or non CPR-covered FAM enabled areas en-route. • CPR coverage is an essential requisite for FAM to be applied. When CPR coverage in a particular area is not at the level considered as “safe”, then FAM is deactivated for his area. • Where FAM is applicable, the timing starts at the entry of the first CPR-covered FAM enabled area (AUA).
1. X } FAM applies 2. X 3. } FAM does not apply 4. = FAM enabled CPR-covered areas APPLICATION OF FAM (2)
PROCESSING DEMANDS • Planned Demand • Regulated Demand • Initially based upon the planned data. • Updated with re-allocation of slots, not with the forced flights. • Current Demand (load) • Initially based upon the regulated data. • Updated with the actual position of the flight. • Updated with the route and level updates received via AFP and FSA. • Updated with route and level predictions.
OUTPUT SUMMARY • Improved (short-term) load prediction. • Improved traffic smoothing. • Reduced delays.
OUTPUT IMPACT ON COUNTS AND FLIGHT LISTS • Having flight profile forecasts increases the accuracy of the traffic prediction. • The counts on any sector/aerodrome take into consideration the profile recalculation. • Flight lists and summaries are updated accordingly.
OUTPUT IMPACT ON THE SLOT ALLOCATIONS • Same scenario for flights changing route : vacant slots are re-used, overload slots are compensated if possible. • As statistics show that on average flights are late, it improves the delay situation.
OUTPUT IMPACT ON TRAFFIC MONITORING • Both departed and not-yet-departed traffic are updated. • Both regulated and non-regulated traffic are updated. • Traffic forecast is improved. • Potential overloads will be detected earlier.
OUTPUT IMPACT ON ATFCM IN GENERAL • Improving the use of available capacity reduces delay (dynamic slot lists). • Increased accuracy of the information provided to users. Improve Traffic smoothing (less “bunching”). • Improvedmonitoring of slot compliance. • Consequence: increased confidence in ATFCM is expected to lead to increases in capacity provided to ATFCM.
OUTPUT IMPACT ON NMOC (CFMU) OPERATIONS • Greater accuracy of the traffic load, permitting less “unnecessary” actions being taken (no longer creation of regulations “just in case”). • Improved ability to manage “unusual” situations in real time (given the more accurate data on actual traffic demand).
OUTPUT IMPACT ON FLOW MANAGEMENT POSITIONS (FMPs) • Because of the improved accuracy of the data in ETFMS, FMPs will have earlier warning of demand which, for whatever reason, is exceeding the declared capacity. • This earlier warning will permit the FMP to consider and perhaps implement some further remedial actions to reduce the impact : • Level capping. • Sector organisation. • Warnings to controllers. • Rerouteings.
OUTPUT IMPACT ON AIRCRAFT OPERATORS (AOs) • Less delay. • Greater accuracy in the flight plan data on the CIA, in particular for the arrival time. • Improved ability to maintain in good time, accurate EOBTs for the return and subsequent legs for a flight/aircraft.
OUTPUT IMPACT ON REMOTE CLIENT APPLICATION (CHMI) • Figures in traffic counts and flight plan data are more accurate.
STATES’ PLANNING FOR PROVISION OF CPRs The NMOC (CFMU) will establish an implementation plan with the states that are not yet providing CPRs.
ATC ACTIVATION MESSAGES COVERAGE The FSA coverage is in North and South-East is increasing.