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NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION 6 th NFSM-EC meeting (Date 15.12.10). Department of Agriculture, Maharashtra State. National Food Security Mission. 1. Financial Statement 2010-11. (Rs. In crores). 2. Physical/Financial progress 2010-11-Rice. (Rs. In Lakh).
NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION 6th NFSM-EC meeting (Date 15.12.10) Department of Agriculture, Maharashtra State
1. Financial Statement 2010-11 (Rs. In crores)
2. Physical/Financial progress 2010-11-Rice (Rs. In Lakh)
2. Physical/Financial progress 2010-11-Wheat (Rs. In Lakh)
Monthly Progress Report of NFSM Pulses for the month of November -2010 (Rs. In Lakh)
Monthly Progress Report of NFSM Pulses for the month of November -2010 (Rs. In Lakh)
Accelerated Pulses Production Programme (A3P) • Strategy :- Demonstration on 1000 ha. • No. of farmers in each block are grouped in the group of 10 farmers as a unit. • Trainings of group leaders and farmers were conducted with involvement of SAUs scientists. • Improved technology package was adopted as under on pre condition:- • i) In-situ moisture conservation activities • Contour cultivation, Dead furrow, BBF, • ii) Use of seed of improved varieties. • iii) Seed treatment with bio-fertilizer. • iv) Timely sowing • v) Planting distance, plant population & inter-cropping. • vi) Inter-culturing. • vii) INM, Foliar application of Urea. • viii) IPM • ix) Protective irrigation. • x) Innovative practices like Bidar technology, Drip & Sprinkler • irrigation on certain area. • 4) 1 block was selected for seed production of black gram.
Accelerated Pulses Production Programme (A3P) • 5. Printing of literature & Awareness. • i) Leaflets and Pamplets of package of practices have been prepared and distributed to all farmers involved. • ii) Booklet of technical information have been prepared and distributed. • Booklet of A3P programme have been prepared for group leaders and extension workers. • Jingles & footnotes of programme have been broadcasted on Radio & T.V. • 6) For awareness, krishidindies were arranged. • Input supply was made available before sowing and distributed publically. • Appointment of pest scout / pest monitor under cropsapprogramme for surveillance, monitoring of pest and diseases.
Accelerated Pulses Production Programme (A3P ) Kharif 2010-11 Crop:- Green gram
Accelerated Pulses Production Programme (A3P ) Kharif 2010-11 Crop:- Black gram
Accelerated Pulses Production Programme (A3P ) Gram Progress Report (No. of units for Block Demon.:-26)
Input Planning for Rabi under NFSM-Wheat & Pulses 2010-11 (Rs. In Lakh)
Review of status of distribution of Pulses Mini-kits under A3P
Area Production and Productivity during 2009-10 (IV Estimate) (Area in “00” ha, Production “00”M.T., Productivity in “kg/ha.”) Dry Spell 1) 29.06.10 to 19.07.10 (21 days) and 2) 07.09.10 to 29.09.10 (23 days)
Issues for Discussion 1) Assistance for Purchase of Pump sets :- This is to be promoted only in those blocks which are not categorized under dark or brown zone. This criteria may be relaxed so that water storage structure (Farm Pond)in these blocks can be used for protective irrigation to the crops. 2) Training of farmers on FFS pattern:- These components are not allowed for newly added district. Please allow this for new districts.
Issues for Discussion 3) Pipes for Carrying Water :- In this component Pipes upto 800 meters/ ha are provided with subsidy Rs 15000/ 800 meter or 50 % of cost whiever is less. Farmers prefer HDPE pipe due to its durability and mobility. If farmers purchase HDPE pipes, subsidy about 20 % to 32 % is only paid. In order to make facility available to small farmer / marginal farmer the restriction of subsidy on meter length basis may be relaxed.
Demonstrations on Biddar Technology in Latur district have been found very successful. In this Tur Seedlings are grown in polyethylene bags in the month of May. The Transplanting is done after one month at distance of 6 X 2 feet. Average yield without drip 32 qls/ ha., while with drip 40 to 45 qtl /ha. Area covered under drip 1200 ha. Success Stories
Convergence of Schemes • Farm Pond –Protective irrigation at critical stages under rain fed condition or moisture stress are found to be beneficial in increasing yield by 30 to 40% . • Excavation of farm ponds is done under RKVY & water lifting devices sprinkler, drips are supplied to these farmers under NFSM. This has helped to increase yield by 30 % and area by 1.5 to 2 times.
Comparative Productivity (kg / ha) Dry Spell 1) 29.06.10 to 19.07.10 (21 days) and 2) 07.09.10 to 29.09.10 (23 days)
NFSM-Project Management Team Appointment Status in Districts.
APY- 2007-08 to 2009-10 Productivity increase or decrease and reason thereof. District wise APY data of NFSM and Non NFSM districts from 2007-08 to 2009-10 submitted along with this.
Accelerated Pulses Production Programme (A3P ) Kharif 2010-11 Performance of mini-kits supplied during Kharif