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National Food Security Mission Uttar Pradesh

National Food Security Mission Uttar Pradesh. 10 th Meeting of the NFSM-EC Date-12.09.2012, Time – 3:00 PM - Venue- NASC Complex, Committee Room No. 1, Pusa , New Delhi. 1. Area, Production & Productivity 2012-13 (State Target).

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National Food Security Mission Uttar Pradesh

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  1. National Food Security Mission Uttar Pradesh 10th Meeting of the NFSM-EC Date-12.09.2012, Time – 3:00 PM - Venue- NASC Complex, Committee Room No. 1, Pusa, New Delhi

  2. 1. Area, Production & Productivity 2012-13(State Target)

  3. 2. Crop-wise Comparative Productivity 2006-07 to 2012-13

  4. Amount in Lakh Rs. As on 10.09.2012

  5. 4. Physical & Financial Progress under NFSM 2012-13 Financial Rs. in Lakh NFSM Rice Progress 2012-13.

  6. NFSM Pulses Progress 2012-13 (Kharif 2012) Financial Rs. in Lakh

  7. NFSM Wheat Progress 2012-13. Financial Rs. in Lakh

  8. 5. Physical & Financial Progress under A3P 2012-13 (as on 10.09.2012) * The allocated funds of A3P (N.F.S.M.) Kharif-2012-13 has not been reached to concern districts.

  9. 6. Input Planning and Strategies for Rabi 2012-13 • Agricultural implements will be provided to the beneficiary farmers by U.P. Agro. (Conoweeder-8000, Zerotill-2717, Seed Drill-5400, Rotavator-9525, Multicrop Planter-60, ZerotillMulticrop Planter-20, Ridge Furrow Planter-25, Power Weeder-20, Laser Land Leveler-65, Knapsack-58000, Pumpset-26540, Sprinkler Set-1050, Mobile Sprinkler Raingun-800, Pipe-3900, Marker-300, Drum Seeder-894). Exclusive agricultural implements fair being organized on 22nd Sep. 2012. • The arrangements for micronutrients (2.1 lakh ha.) are being made by the Deptt. of Agriculture. • Soil ameliorants (1.20 lakh ha.) are being supplied by U.P. Agro (Gypsum – MT and Sulphur WDG- MT). • Plant Protection Chemicals (2.68 lakh ha.) are being procured by PP section of the Deptt. of Agriculture. • Seed arrangement of HYVs of wheat (5.15 lakh qtl.) and Pulses (39900 qtl.) tied-up with supplying agencies. The seed will be available at sale points pulses by the end of September and Wheat by 10th of October.

  10. State level − online submission is regular. • District level − is being continued.

  11. 07 success stories based on Rotavator and Seed Drill have already been sent to the Govt. of India. • Success stories are further compiled and will be sent to the Govt. of India in due course of time.

  12. Afforts being made to fill the Gap.

  13. GoI has earmarked 5.15 lakh qtl. of wheat seed for Rabi 2012-13 against the actual requirement of 14 lakh qtl. Target may kindly be revised by GoI. • The funds should be sanctioned / release / revalidated well before ensuing season. • Relaxation in the age for Rice and Kharif Pulses should be communicated as soon as possible by the Govt. of India. • Project Management Team in all pulses districts required. At present only 19 district are provided PMT. • Subsidy enhancement be made before the season starts to get the maximum benefit. • The funds for Rabi should be released well in time, so that the scheme could run successfully. • Special Plan to achieve 19+ Million tones of Pulses production during Rabi & Summer 2012-13 may be sanctioned, for which the request has already been sent.

  14. SAP 2012-13 has been prepared on the basis of District Agriculture Action Plan (DAAP) prepared in each district. • SAMETI has been made responsible for catering the funds and fund flow to the districts. ATMA continues to be implementing agency at district level. • National Food Security Mission Cell under the leadership of Mission Director is functioning in order to coordinate, plan and monitor the activities and report to State Food Security Mission Executive Committee. • The NFSM Cell constitutes JDA (Pulses), JDA (Soil Survey & Research), JDA (Engineering), DDA (Plant Protection) and DDA (Seed & Farm). • NFSM-Rice component : Identified district-27 and the total cost of the NFSM – Rice is ` 8124.34 Lakhs. • NFSM–Pulses Component : Identified districts 72 and the total cost of the NFSM–Pulses is ` 7863.96Lakhs. • NFSM–WheatComponent : Identified districts 39 and the total cost of the NFSM – Wheat is Rs. 8472.67 Lakh. • NFSM- A3P – 620 units of Crop Demonstration on INM & IPM in 16 districts are in progress during the year 2012-13.

  15. INITIATIVES TAKEN • Old varieties will be replaced by newly released varieties in phased manner. • Location specific varieties are being identified. • Brisk crop-cutting is planned. • Follow-up of demonstration will be taken up.

  16. Agro climatic zone-wise crop specific strategies for yield improvement • RICE: • SRR to be increased from 24% to 35%. • Area under hybrid to be increased from 13 lakh H to 20 Lakh H. • Promotion of Stress tolerant varieties. • Promotion of Drum seeding: target of 10 lakh H. • WHEAT • Programme for line sowing – demonstrations and extension. • Programme / Scheme for weed control. • Promoting conservation tillage and short duration varieties in late sown areas. • Replacement of old varieties – focus on VRR.

  17. PULSES • Increasing area under pulses. • Intercropping • Summer / Jayad pulses programme. • Research for improved varieties of pulses. • Micro irrigation for pulse areas • Promotion of Rizhobium culture for pulses. • Scheme for IPM in pulses. • Area of concern – Blue bull menace

  18. Bringing wastelands under cultivation • Usar reclamation progarmme • Bhoomi Sena • IWMP and NABARD assisted programmes. • Farm Mechanization • Custom hiring centres • Training on farm machinery • Private partnerships.

  19. Strengthening Extension • Fill up vacancies at grass root level. • Use of IT for extension • Collaboration with private agencies • Strengthening linkages with SAUs and KVKs for extension. • Skill up gradation of extension staff. • Enhanced Farm Credit • Saturation of KCCs; Smart KCCs. • Liasion with banks for BCs in all villages. • Promotion of JLGs. • Crop loan target to be enhanced to 75,000 cr by the end of the plan period.

  20. Thanks

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