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European Validated Simulation Tools Development - ITM-TF 2013 Work Plan Overview

Presented by G. Falchetto, the ITM-TF's work plan includes achievements, capabilities, and a roadmap for developing simulation tools. The EU ITM approach aims to provide a standardized set of tools for ITER exploitation, with a focus on rigorous code benchmarking and studying new physics applications. Learn about the outcomes, scope, and approach of the ITM community in this comprehensive overview.

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European Validated Simulation Tools Development - ITM-TF 2013 Work Plan Overview

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  1. ITM-TF Status & 2013 WorkPlanPresented by G. Falchetto TF Leader : G. Falchetto Deputies: D.Coster, R. Coelho EFDA CSU Contact Person: D. Kalupin ITM General Meeting Innsbruck, 13 December 2012 https://www.efda-itm.eu/ ITM Meeting 13 December 2012 , G. Falchetto

  2. Outline • EU ITM-TF in a glance • Advantages of EU ITM approach • ITM-TF structure • Main achievements • capabilities in terms of workflows see D. Coster talk • 2013 workplan • Long-term roadmap • Conclusions ITM Meeting 13 December 2012 , G. Falchetto

  3. EU ITM-TF SCOPE Aim: coordinate the development of a coherent set of European validated simulation tools Remit: develop the necessary standardized software tools for interfacing code modules and for accessing experimental data • Medium term: support the development of ITER-relevant scenarios in current experiments • Long term: provide a validated set of modelling tools for ITER exploitation Working towards 2014 milestone: complete modelling platform and IM infrastructure capable of whole device modelling and detailed physics studies employing a comprehensive set of validated physics models ITM Meeting 13 December 2012 , G. Falchetto

  4. EU ITM-TF OUTCOMES Main outcomes • defined an ontology  CPOs • built a modular and flexible infrastructure • large number of physics modules available • machine descriptions and data mappings for most existing tokamaks • first workflows solving “real” problems • built a community of developers/modelers from EU Associations Main thrusts till 2011 were development & integration since 2012 moved to V&V and establishing complex workflows for physical applications at production level ITM Meeting 13 December 2012 , G. Falchetto

  5. ITM approach [1] EU ITM approach is • generic : • generic data and communication ontology • independent of workflow manager (Kepler or scripts) • machine independent • includes both plasma physics and machine/technology data (simulated & experimental)  full tokamak simulator • modular : • easily interchange modules describing physics phenomena with different levels of sophistication • flexible : • data structure is extensible • workflows can be run on local cluster, some parts or modules sent and run in batch on HPC or GRID ITM Meeting 13 December 2012 , G. Falchetto

  6. ITM approach [2] ITM provides a framework for rigorous code benchmarking: • equilibrium codes • EC codes • turbulence codes ITM allows for studying new physics : • synergy of heating schemes • core-edge coupling • modelling of current ramp up / ramp down • effect of turbulence on heating • synthetic reflectometry codes applied to turbulence First proofs-of-principle: • transport + turbulence • core-edge ITM Meeting 13 December 2012 , G. Falchetto

  7. ITM-TF in 2012 • ITM community ~ 200 members from 17 EU Associations total 47ppy (26 ppy funded under EFDA Priority Support) • Efficient work scheme to overcome structural weakness • efficient and faster progress during Code Camps (5 /year), since 2010  durable developers team • Robust platform and software infrastructure since 2009 • Support from full-time IT "Core Programming Team" • EC "Support Action" since 2010 (~ 2 ppy / year) TFLs would like to acknowledge the excellent work of Poznan team  • Dedicated cluster for ITM common development • "Gateway" (ENEA/Portici) successfully operated for > 4 years ! closure to login tomorrow @1pm; shutdown 31st Dec. • new ITM Gateway (IPP/Garching) 5 times more powerful operational > mid Jan. 2013 ITM Meeting 13 December 2012 , G. Falchetto

  8. ITM-TF schematic structure ISIP: Infrastructure and Software Integration Project IMPs: Integrated Modelling Projects (Physics) 8 ITM Meeting 13 December 2012 , G. Falchetto

  9. ITM-TF main 2012 achievements Rigorous cross-verification of EC codes within the ITM framework see IMP5 talk • Successful benchmark between 5 EU EC beam/ray-tracing codes interchanged as modules of the same ITM workflow for an ITER standard inductive H-mode scenario ("Scenario 2") for different launching conditions both from the Equatorial (EL) and Upper Launcher (UL) FIGINI, EPJ Web of Conferences, proc. EC-17, 2012 Good agreement in all the 3 cases: |ICD/ ICD|< 15%, (dP/dV)/dP/dV ~ |JCD/ JCD| ~ 10%, peaking positions match within ~0.02 ITM Meeting 13 December 2012 , G. Falchetto

  10. ICRH heating phase NBI heating phase ITM-TF first physics applications see IMP3 talk • Impurity simulations within ETS workflow performed for JET conditions allowed to infer that the increased radiation during the ICRH phase as compared to the NBI phase can be explained by an increased W source. • ETS workflow simulations including NTM module modification of temperature profile as a consequence of increased radial transport due to 2/1 magnetic island growing over resistive time scale. Radiative power density profiles JET shot #81856conditions Modification of the heat transport coefficient duo 2/1 magnetic island and its effect on the temperature profile Kalupin IAEA FEC2012, to be submitted to NF ITM Meeting 13 December 2012 , G. Falchetto

  11. ITM-TF 2012 publications • 5 publications in journals + 1 submitted(M. Plociennik, Fundamenta Informatica J.) • O. Sauter and S. Yu. Medvedev, Tokamak Coordinate conventions: COCOS, Computer Phys. Commun. 184, 293 (2013) • Y. Frauel, et al., Easy use of high performance computers for fusion simulations. Fusion Engineering and Design, in press, 2012. • Coelho et al.,Synthetic diagnostics in the EU-ITM simulation platform, 7th Workshop on Fusion Data Processing Validation and Analysis, to appear in FST Jan 2013. • A. Galonska; M.Plociennik • 2 IAEA contributions, to be submitted to NF • G.L. Falchetto, et al. The European Integrated Tokamak Modelling (ITM) Effort: Achievements and First Physics Results • D. Kalupin et al., The European Transport Solver: an integrated approach for transport simulations in the plasma core • 5 EPS contributions • Äkäslompolo, S., et al., Preparing tokamak 3D wall and magnetic data for particle tracing simulations EPS2012 • Coster, Klingshirn et al., Core-Edge Coupling: developments within the EFDA Task Force on Integrated Tokamak Modelling • Giovannozzi – Pais - Poulipoulis • 3 other conference papersL. Kos NENE 2012, J. Miettunen PSI 2012 • L. Figini, Benchmarking of electron cyclotron heating and current drive codes on ITER scenarios within the European Integrated Tokamak Modelling framework, EPJ proc. EC-17 ITM Meeting 13 December 2012 , G. Falchetto

  12. ISM 2012 publications 2 publications in journals, 2 submitted, 2 IAEA & 8 EPS contributions • J. Citrin et al, “Predictive analysis of q-profile influence on transport in JET and ASDEX Upgrade hybrid scenarios”, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 54 (2012) 065008 • L. Garzotti et al, “Simulations of density profiles, pellet fuelling and density control in ITER”, Nucl. Fusion 52 (2012) 013002 • G.M.D. Hogeweij et al, “Optimizing the current ramp-up phase for the hybrid ITER scenario”, Nucl. Fusion, to appear • X. Litaudon et al, “Modelling of Hybrid Scenario: from present-day experiments toward ITER”, Nucl. Fusion to be submitted, IAEA Conf. 2012 • G. Giruzzi et al, “JT-60SA Scenario Modelling”, IAEA Conf. 2012 • I. Voitsekhovitch et al “Integrated modelling for tokamak plasmas: from baseline to advanced performance” EPS 2012 • L. Garzotti et al “Simulations of density profiles in JET hybrid discharges”, EPS 2012 • J. Urban et al “Free-boundary equilibrium transport simulations of ITER hybrid scenarios under control” EPS 2012 • F. Liu et al, “Real time control hybrid ITER scenario”, EPS 2012 • J. Garcia et al, “Comparative transport analysis of JET and JT-60U discharges”, EPS 2012 • G. Giruzzi et al, “Integrated modelling of JT-60SA scenarios with the METIS code”, EPS 2012 • E. Barbato et al, “Transport and Confinement in JT-60SA”, EPS 2012 • T. Bolzonella et al. "Recent studies in support to MHD stability and control on JT-60SA" EPS 2012 ITM Meeting 13 December 2012 , G. Falchetto

  13. Undertakingsandcaveats • The ITM-TF standardised and modular framework proved to be a valuable environment to benchmark codes addressing the same physics processes, which can be interchanged as modules within the same workflow thus minimizing the sources of discrepancy. • ! The benchmarking work revealed the need, for any IM framework, to clearly and unambiguously define all the physical quantities and coordinate conventions on top of a standardized interface • (cfr. COCOS O. Sauter and S. Y Medvedev, Comput. Phys. Commun.184 (2013)) • Faster progress is hindered by • implementation scheme • manpower losses / low commitments • updating of modules to successive releases of the data-structure • data-structure changes became necessary with integration of new classes of codes, whenever it was not defined general enough ITM Meeting 13 December 2012 , G. Falchetto

  14. ITM-TF 2013 WorkPlan REMINDER: DEADLINE of ITM 2013 CfP is TOMORROW Dec. 14 ITM Meeting 13 December 2012 , G. Falchetto

  15. ITM-TF 2013 WorkPlan Technical milestones: development of workflows providing for the following capabilities • First-principle based core/edge transport simulations using HPC resources • Local analysis of the bulk plasma - interpretative simulations including: • equilibrium reconstruction • the use of measured profiles • calculation of H&CD deposition profiles (accounting for synergy effects) • calculation of transport coefficients (possibly including turbulence modules). • Full scale simulation involving feedback control and H&CD. • System code for reactor design • self-consistently simulating Plasma, Divertor, Breeding Blanket and Bio-Shields, TF and CS coils ITM Meeting 13 December 2012 , G. Falchetto

  16. ITM LONG TERM ROADMAP ? ITM Meeting 13 December 2012 , G. Falchetto

  17. Conclusions • ITM-TF is keeping pace in progressing towards the remits • 2012 saw • wide and successful code verification effort • first physics results • proofs of principle of main couplings  numerous publications • Emphasis is now put on validation and physics applications of the available complex IM simulations • need to create user community • ISM  ITPA? ITER IO ? • need stronger bond with local data/diagnostics experts PS for provision of exp. data for the “testbed" shots (EDRG/IMP4) • ITM platform deployment technically ready (see ISIP talk)  PS for contact person/Association for local deployment ITM Meeting 13 December 2012 , G. Falchetto

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