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Explore Hungary's pivotal role in fusion energy development, from early pioneers to modern contributions to ITER, through renowned physicists and innovative technologies.
Zoletnik Sándor zoletnik.sandor@wigner.mta.hu Hungarian Contribution to the Success of ITER Fusion Association Hungarian Academy of Sciences Wigner RCP
The beginning- the role of the Martians Page 2. S. Zoletnik Hungarian contribution to the success of ITER After the quick success of fission (both military and peaceful) development of the even more promising fusion energy started already in in the 1940’s. The most famous promoter of fusion energy was Edward Teller, a lifelong friend of Eigene P. Wigner. Both of them belonged to the famous group of 5 Martians (Hungarian-born physicist). Science history comparison Word vs. Hungary Hungary 1949: Foundation of KFKI 1956: Hungarian uprising against soviet rule 1958: First publications on fusion: K. Simonyi et al. World 1952: First H-bomb test 1958: Fusion results made public on the 2nd Atoms for Peace conference First Hungarian fusion studies started around the same time as international results were made public.
Károly Simonyi Page 3. S. Zoletnik Hungarian contribution to the success of ITER Károly Simonyi ( 1916 – 2001) built the first Hungarian particle accelerator in 1951. He considered fusion as a potentially inxehaustible energy source and published a good overview of fusion research 1 year after the Geneva Conference. As he chaired the revolution committee of KFKI in 1956 he was forced to leave KFKI in 1957. Practically all fusion activities stopped in Hungary until the mid 1970’s.
Small tokamaks at KFKI Page 4. S. Zoletnik Hungarian contribution to the success of ITER In 1975 a fusion research program started at KFKI with the leadership of L. Pócs, one of the co-workers of Simonyi. The TT3 tokamak from Efremov institute (Leningrad) was transferred to KFKI and installed as MT-1 (Magyar Tokamak 1). The DAQ system and infrastructure was built by KFKI. Operation from 1979: Ip=35 kA, Bt=1.2 T, R/a= 40/6.5 cm, 2 cm copper shell In 1990-1992 MT-1 was refurbished as MT-1M: Ip=40 kA, Bt=1.2 T, R/a= 40/9 cm, active position control, networking PC DAQ system. MT-1 and MT-1M served for training, diagnostic development (laser blow-off, X-ray tomography) and some specific physics studies: disruption, pellet ablation, impurity transport. MT-1M was closed and dismantled in - 1998 due to lack of funds.
Fusion in Hungary, 2nd round Page 5. S. Zoletnik Hungarian contribution to the success of ITER Hungary joined the EURATOM program in 2000 and existing knowledge proved to be adequate to form a Hungarian fusion Association. Strategy was to provide diagnostic services for the EU fusion program and train new staff. No local fusion experiment was foreseen. • Video diagnostics for ASDEX Upgrade • Li-beam, turbulence measurements on Wendelstein 7-AS • Li-beam upgrade for JET, TEXTOR. • Tomography, signal processing, ... • NUKENERG grant of the National Office of Research and Technology 2005-2012: • ~ 4 mio EUR 50-50% for fusion and Gen IV development. • Establishment of fusion engineering department (~10 engineers) • Technology developments: W7-X video diagnostics, Li-beam technology, • APD detectors, fusion blanket design • Fusion education at TU Budapest • The experimental fusion and engineering background positioned the Hungarian fusion Association as a strong candidate to contribute to ITER.
The road to fusion energy Page 6. S. Zoletnik Hungarian contribution to the success of ITER • The EU fusion roadmap describes the steps to the fusion reactor Present-day fusion experiments: Plasma confinement, diagnostics and heating studies Possible to do detailed physics measurements Some DT experiment on JET Long-pulse plasmas on KSTAR(KO) and EAST(CN) Stellarator as the back-up line of research ITER: an indispensable step Reactor-relevant plasma physics with dominant alpha heating Tritium breeding technology test Reactor-relevant plasma operation and control experience Some smaller devices will have to operate in parallel to ITER DEMO: first fusion electricity Very limited diagnostic capability Strong material irradiation damage Industrial environment
Contributions to present day experiments: Beam Emission spectroscopy Page 7. S. Zoletnik Hungarian contribution to the success of ITER • Injecting a neutral atomic beam into the plasma • and observing its light emission: • information on plasma density, turbulence, flow, ... • Beam can be either a heating D beam • or diagnostic beam, typically Lithium Hungarian BES systems specialize on plasma turbulence measurements
Plasma turbulence Transport Primary unstable waves Flow damping Zonal flows Profiles Page 8. S. Zoletnik Hungarian contribution to the success of ITER • Heat and particle transport in magnetically confined fusion plasmas is driven dominantly by collective motion of particles: small-scale turbulence: • At certain operational point looks like diffusion • Strongly nonlinear, multi-component, chaotic system with state transitions • No theory with reliable predictive capability is available Plasma turbulence simulation Profiles, flows and turbulence form a self-consistent system: all elements should be measured BES can provide information for all 3 elements
Pellet physics and interaction with plasma Page 9. S. Zoletnik Hungarian contribution to the success of ITER • Solid Hydrogen isotope ice is used for deep fueling of fusion plasmas: • Evaporating pellet forms a shielding cloud • Complex cloud dynamics determines pellet penetration depth • Pellet perturbation can trigger instabilities • one of the best candidates to periodically excite an edge instability to release • particles and limit the edge pressure gradient Pellet ablation movie in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak Part of the Hungrian observation system on ASDEX Upgrade. Video diagnostic systems are developed and details of instability triggering have been determined.
Video survey system for the W7-X stellarator Page 10. S. Zoletnik Hungarian contribution to the success of ITER • Wendelstein 7-X is a large optimized stellarator device being built in Greifswald, Germany. Wigner RCP is responsible for construction of a 10-camera video survey system: • Conflicting requirements: overview with long exposure images • Fast detection of plasma-wall interaction • Optimal use of sensor and data storage • A special video camera has been developed for the purpose. The W7-X vacuum vessel with the video ports ~Full image for overview: (50 Hz, 10% bandwidth) 5% of image for limiter monitoring Active only if measuring ROIs indicate intensity 10% bandwidth at 1 kHz 1% of image for monitoring limiter areas at 10 kHz: 20% of bandwidth 4% of image for divertor monitoring at 1 kHz: 6% bandwidth The W7-X device in 2012 Laboratory test video using EDICAM
Contribution to diagnostics in the word fusion programme Page 11. S. Zoletnik Hungarian contribution to the success of ITER
ITER diagnostics Page 12. S. Zoletnik Hungarian contribution to the success of ITER • ITER has a comprehensive diagnostic set with ~40 systems. They are integrated into • a difficult engineering environment. • Situation is completely different than • on present-day devices. • However, diagnostics on present day • devices + engineering make the • Hungarian fusion team well prepared • for ITER diagnostics. • Europe has 25% of ITER diagnostics Some of the ITER diagnostic port plugs
Tomography Page 13. S. Zoletnik Hungarian contribution to the success of ITER • Tomographic measurements are common in fusion: • Line integral radiation data are obtained (visible, X-ray, neutron,...) • 2D radiation source should be determined from limited number of measurements • Good design and modeling is extremely important • Several ITER tomographic diagnostics has been modeled by Hungarian researchers: • Bolometer tomography (total radiation profile) • Neutron cameras (neutron source) • X-ray tomography: plasma shape • The ITER bolometer tomography diagnostic is a • German-Hungarian project: • ~450 lines of sight • small cameras integrated into various locations • Hungarian contribution: • Tomographic analysis, optimal placement of views • Integration of equatorial port cameras • Irradiation testing in the Budapest research reactor Current arrangement of the ITER bolometer sightlines
Charge-exchange recombination spectroscopy (CXRS) Page 14. S. Zoletnik Hungarian contribution to the success of ITER • CXRS is one of the largest diagnostic systems involving a 25x5x5 m, 700 ton diagnostic beam injector: • Injector to be provided by India • Core observation system is EU responsibility • 2 edge observation systems to be provided by RU • A grant application for the core CXRS diagnostic has just been submitted by • a German-Dutch-Hungarian-Spanish-British consortium. • Hungarian involvement is proposed in optical and engineering design, data acquisition • modeling. The diagnostic beam and observation systems in ITER
Tokamak services Page 15. S. Zoletnik Hungarian contribution to the success of ITER • The strong Hungarian engineering background made it possible to apply for one of the core services in ITER: • In-vessel cabling technology development • Vacuum feedthrough design and testing • Remote handling compatible connectors, cable holders • Although looks simple such a task is not trivial in a tokamak environment: • High heat loads • Electromagnetic forces during normal and plasma disruption conditions • Complex environment, collaboration across 3 continents • Radiation effects on cables, signals, mechanical structures • High reliability need • A Consortium of Hungarian institutions won the Tokamak services grant: • Wigner RCP • Centre for Energy Research • Budapest University of Technology and Economics • The ITER Tokamak Services project is a major engineering contribution to ITER.
Tritium breeding Page 16. S. Zoletnik Hungarian contribution to the success of ITER • ITER will not prepare its Tritium, but will test two blanket concepts for DEMO. • The fusion blanket has dual role: • Breeding Tritium from Lithium • Extracting the power from neutrons and radiation • Two EU concepts: Li Neutron multiplier n 2n 2T Be multiplier Be + Li ceramics pebbles with He gas cooling HCPB Pb multiplier liquid PbLi alloy with He gas cooling HCLL Hungarian engineers contribute to the ITER TBM development through engineering design, thermal, mechanical and thermohydraulic modeling. The tritium breedeing capability of the DEMO blanket is being assessed by the Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
Hungarians are one of the leading developers of ITER diagnostics Page 17. S. Zoletnik Hungarian contribution to the success of ITER