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Approval of minutes from September 12, 2019, upcoming meetings, important dates, personnel actions, developmental math proposals, and Math Education Accreditation Program curriculum.
Approval of minutes from September 12, 2019 Fall 2019 Math Department Meetings November 7 December 5
Hold the dates Peer meeting for promotion candidates: Friday December 13, 9:00-3:00 (reading day) Math department holiday party Thursday, Dec. 19, 11:30-2:30 pm
Important administrative dates Complete E-SPARC (Employee Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Course) training on Blackboard by October 9. • Thursday October 31 – Midterm grades • November 5 – Last day to withdraw for W grade • December 14 - 20 – Final exam period • Friday December 27 – Final grade submission
Important personnel dates • Promotion • October 11 – Request for Personnel Action (RPA) • November 1 – Last day to update PARSE for promotion • Fellowship leave and Scholar Incentive Award • October 11 – Request for Personnel Action (RPA) • November 8 - Fellowship and Scholarship Incentive applications are due to department chair Link for RPA: http://www.citytech.cuny.edu/ofsr/docs/forms/RequestforPersonnelAction.pdf
Other dates October 15 – Fall PDAC travel request is due Open House – Sunday, October 27, 11-2 - need faculty and student ambassadors - will take place in New Academic Complex
Developmental Math Proposal 1 An experiment to allow incoming students with math proficiency index of 40-59 into MAT 1275CO. The experiment is to be conducted in Spring 2020, data will be collected to see how these students perform in 1275CO. This experiment responds to CUNY's recommendation to place students with "light developmental math needs" into credit level corequisite course.
Developmental Math Proposal 2 Developmental Mathematics: Academic Statement and Policy on Attendance: It is crucial for students to attend and participate fully in every class, whether it’s lecture, computer lab, individual work, group work, or exams. Absences and latenesses of any kind, excused or unexcused, are discouraged. They disrupt learning and cause work to fall behind. To encourage good attendance practice, the math department implements an attendance policy which allows for absences of no more than 15% of the total number of class meeting sessions. Absences exceeding 15% will be considered excessive. A lateness is marked when a student misses 15 minutes of instructional time for that session, by arriving late, leaving early, or taking an unofficial break in-between. Two latenesses equate to one absence. Incorporating the attendance policy, there are three possible grades for the course: S – Satisfactory – student successfully completes and passes the course. R – Repeat – student, in good attendance standing, fails the course. WU – unofficial withdrawal – student, with excessive absences, fails the course • A student with a WU grade is not eligible for the intercession express course (MAT0675) or the free summer course (MAT065/065CO) • Students in developmental math are mandated to stay in the course. They do not have the option to officially withdraw from the course.
Developmental Math Proposal 3 & 4 • MAT 065CO students who fail the course with an R grade will repeat MAT 065 without the corequisite. MAT 065CO students who receive WU will repeat MAT 065CO or be recommended to go to CUNY Math Start. • MAT 065 or MAT 065CO students who successfully complete the course with an S grade and receive a score of 80 or higher on the department algebra final and obtain a course average of 80 or higher are eligible for the regular MAT 1275 without the corequisite.
Applied Math Program Learning Outcomes: • Communication: written, oral, reading and listening skills. Communication skills include the ability to write and speak clearly, and actively read and listen. Applied math majors can present information and respond to questions clearly and persuasively, using language appropriate for the target audience. • Collaboration: can work well with others. Applied math majors learn about different roles in organizations, and where to turn for help. They understand their responsibilities, and develop leadership skills. • Creativity: Mathematics models are representations. Applied Math majors can make connections, select and refine mathematical models. They can balance the need for accuracy and for quick approximations. Applied Math majors create useful models of real-world problems. • Critical Thinking: Applied Math majors can solve problems using mathematical analysis and computational tools. They analyze and critique models and data, identify arguments and assumptions and evaluate supporting evidence.
Math Education Accreditation Recruitment Program curriculum and course offering
Technology/Equipment • 40 iPads for faculty • 2 carts of 40 iPads (possibly one more cart) • 1 cart of 40 tablets • 1 cart of 40 laptops • A 3-D printer • Two new servers • MacBook, camera, portable screen for making a video • A touch interactive Smart Board on mobile stand • AMS mathematical videos • Oculus Rift • 140 Notability licenses • 40 Human resource machine licenses
Committee Report https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1SHXEAbyrSMwLKFePYKsn4V4A_LpN7iXDJTqNkK24mQA/edit
Good and Welfare Adjournment