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Discover the unique characteristics and societal structure of Athens and Sparta, two prominent Greek city-states. Explore their government systems, cultural practices, and roles of citizens, women, and slaves. Compare the contrasting approaches to education, military training, and societal values in Athens and Sparta.
Greek City-States Greece Aegean Sea Asia Minor Athens Sparta Mediterranean Sea
Athens and other city states buil t their main templ e on a pol is, a high hil l cal l ed an Acr opol is. Bel ow, they buil t their homes and a mar ketpl ace. Citizens free adult males had political rights and the responsibility of civic participation in government. Women and foreigners had no political rights. Slaves had no political rights.
Ar ound 1 1 00 B.C. the Spar tans migr ated to the Pel oponnesus and buil t the city of Spar ta They ensl aved the far mer s who wer e ther e and cal l ed them hel ots. Ther e was one Spar tan to ever y five Hel ots The Spar tan ar my was so fier ce the Spar tans didn’ ’t buil d a wal l ar ound the city, it was said they had a wal l of men. The Hel ots r ebel l ed in 600 B.C. but wer e defeated, after this the Spar tans kil l ed any hel ot who made tr oubl e.
Spa r ta ’s patr on god w a s Ar es, the god of w a r . A Spar tan’ ’s entir e l ife r evol ved a r ound pr epar ation for war . At bir th, chil dr en wer e checked for defects, if they wer e not str ong a nd heal thy they wer e l eft on a hil l side to die. When a boy r eached the age of seven he was sent to l ive in a bar r acks a nd was tr ained in mil itar y a nd athl etic skil l s. He was poor l y fed a nd was encour aged to steal to eat. If he was ca ught he woul d be sever el y punished. Af ter 1 3 yea r s of tr a ining they bega n ser vice in the a r my. He ser ved until the age of sixty. He w a s a l l ow ed to ma r r y at 30, but stil l ha d to l ive in the mil ita r y ca mp w ith the other sol dier s.
Athens v Sparta • Athens’ Government ruled as a democracy. They were the 1stto ever do this. • Sparta’s Government ruled as an oligarchy by 2 Kings. • Both Athens’ and Sparta’s governments were elected by the people.
Athens v Sparta • Athens is built below the acropolis which stands on a hill above all of Athens. • Sparta is surrounded by mountains, which makes it difficult for it to be invaded.
ATHENS • Athens was a very creative city state. • They believed in a good education. (for boys) • You could go into the army or navy if you wanted to. (if you were a boy)
SPARTA • Sparta was very focused on obedience and war and the people did not have any luxuries. • Boys did not have to work or be educated but trained to be warriors from a young age. • Boys had to join the Spartan army.
ATHENS • Girls were not regarded as important by the Athenians. • Girls could be taught at home. (if they had rich parents) • Girls were not allowed to take part in anything to do with war, business or education.
SPARTA • Girls in Sparta were to grow up to be the mothers of warriors. • Although they were not allowed to fight, girls took part in all the training because fit ladies produced fit babies, who would fight!
Athens v Sparta • Athens and Sparta had very different ways of living their lives. • Athens wanted to control as much land as possible and this led to much war between Greek lands. • Sparta, although more powerful kept itself to itself unless their army was needed.
However when it came to Athens and Sparta against each other… Sparta won! But, they did not take over Athens they said they would not burn it as long as Athens promised not to keep trying to take over. Athens was therefore left as it was and even now is one of the most famous cities in the world.