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IMPLEMENTATION PLAN TO SCALE UP HIV/AIDS PREVENTION AND TREATMENT. Background. World AIDS Day 2009 President announces new approach in the fight against HIV and AIDS All public health facilities (fixed and mobile) must provide HIV testing All PHC facilities to provide ART

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  2. Background • World AIDS Day 2009 • President announces new approach in the fight against HIV and AIDS • All public health facilities (fixed and mobile) must provide HIV testing • All PHC facilities to provide ART • Directs that the announcement will be with effect from 1st April 2010

  3. National Strategic Plan on HIV and AIDS, 2007-2011 Goals • To reduce the rate of HIV infection by 50% by 2011 • 80% of people that need treatment to be provided with antiretroviral treatment

  4. Implementation of World AIDS Day Announcements Prevention strategy for HIV/AIDS Medical male circumcision Prevention of mother to child HIV transmission (PMTCT) Safe blood transfusion Post-exposure prophylaxis Life skills education • Information, education, mass mobilisation • STI detection and management • Know your status – HIV testing and counselling • Widespread provision of condoms (male and female)

  5. HIV Counselling and Testing (HCT) Campaign • HCT is moving from voluntary testing, to a service delivery model to offer HCT to all patients at their entry point in the health system • Objectives • Mobilize people to know their status. • Support people with key prevention messaging in order to take proactive steps to a healthy lifestyle irrespective of HIV status • Increase incidence of health seeking behaviour; and • Increase the access to treatment, care and support

  6. Components of the HCT Campaign • National Launch • Provincial launches (all 9 provinces) • Mass social mobilisation • Communication and advocacy • Health systems strengthening • Ongoing monitoring & evaluation

  7. Campaign Theme – Continuation from World AIDS Day I AM RESPONSIBLE... I must take responsibility for my own health and HIV status i.e. if I am HIV negative, to stay negative, if I am HIV positive, to seek support and services to ensure I am healthy and don’t spread the virus to others, be they partners or children

  8. Campaign Theme – Continuation from World AIDS Day WE ARE RESPONSIBLE We must take collective responsibility for enabling those in our sphere of influence to make healthy choices (be they our children, our sexual partners, our employees etc.)

  9. Campaign Theme – Continuation from World AIDS Day SOUTH AFRICA IS TAKING RESPONSIBILITY Government and social partners are taking collective responsibility to ensure that quality services are available when people present to test and to treat

  10. Target Population, June 2011 • 15 million people targeted for HCT • 3.8 million people in 9 initial launch districts • 9.9 million in phase II (July 2010 – March 2011) • 1.2 million in phase III (April – June 2011) • Paying specific attention to 18 health priority districts (poorest districts) Location • Health facilities • School campaign • Outreach in the community (mobile units)

  11. HCT Rollout Plan

  12. HCT Targets – Initial launch districts

  13. HCT Targets- Provinces

  14. HCT Campaign National Launch • Venue: Gauteng Province (follow-up to World AIDS Day) • Date: 15th April 2010 • Target person: President / Deputy President

  15. National Campaign • Mass media – national radio, television, video snippets, personal journeys and testimonials of range of South Africans • Includes Prevention messaging • Cellphone outreach to encourage testing • Use new technologies for outreach and monitoring

  16. Provincial Launches • The event will be simultaneously launched in the other 8 provinces by the National Ministers and Deputy Ministers on 19 April 2010 • The provincial launches will take place at the largest and most accessible hospital/health facility in the selected district (next slide) • Form: health and wellness fairs, offering visitors access to a range of health tests available through the health facility. Mobile testing will also be offered by partners

  17. HCT Campaign Provincial Launches - 19th April 2010 (As selected by Provinces) Province District • Eastern Cape OR Tambo • Free State Motheo • Gauteng Ekurhuleni • KwaZulu-Natal Ugu • Limpopo Capricorn • Mpumalanga Gert Sibande • Northern Cape JT Gaetsewe • North West Dr. Kenneth Kaunda • Western Cape City of Cape Town

  18. District social mobilisation interventions (all SANAC sectors) • Door to door campaigns • Taxi rank/malls/public gathering activations • Education Institution events • Community events • Engaging the religious sector • Linking HCT to existing community events, health and wellness days

  19. Health Systems Strengthening Health facility readiness includes: • Recruitment of health workers: • Retired nurses and other cadres of health workers – Letter from Minister has been sent • Orientation of health care workers in the new HCT guidelines • Started 8 March in North West – 120 health workers trained

  20. Health Systems Strengthening Health facility readiness includes: • Procurement of test kits and commodities – national tender in place

  21. Flow Diagram – Adult Patients

  22. Flow Diagram – HIV Positive

  23. Flow Diagram – HIV Positive Pregnant Women

  24. Full range of services to be provided by HCT sites • HIV counselling and testing (HIV) • Blood pressure (Hypertension) • Blood sugar (Diabetes mellitus) • HB (Anaemia) • TB screening (symptomatic screening, 5 questions) • Full clinical TB screening is yes to any of the 5 questions (sputum, culture, x-rays)

  25. Testing

  26. Condoms

  27. Medical Male Circumcision

  28. INH Prophylaxis for TB Prevention

  29. ART for Pregnant Women

  30. TB-HIV Co-infected Patients

  31. Infants accessing ART

  32. Total ART Patients

  33. ART Provision 4,300 PHC Facilities providing Full package ART by March 2011

  34. Human Resources

  35. Summary Estimates by end of June 2011:Total tested: 15 million Total testing positive: 1.65 million

  36. Campaign in Numbers • Lay counsellors – 9,000 trained, in facilities • Nursing Council – 9,385 letters sent • Letters written to retired pharmacists, social workers, SA Retail Association (50 testing sites to be set up in 50 malls by April 2010, increasing to 500 sites in 3 years)


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