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Country action plan for strengthening HIV/AIDS prevention in Bhutan. Bhutan is a low prevalence country for HIV. The Royal Government of Bhutan had taken prevention activities since early in 1988 . Current focus areas.
Country action plan for strengthening HIV/AIDS prevention in Bhutan Bhutan is a low prevalence country for HIV. The Royal Government of Bhutan had taken prevention activities since early in 1988.
Current focus areas • § Advocacy to policy makers, Religious leaders, Armed forces, Youth (both in and out of school) and women. The biggest advocate is Her Majesty UNFPA’s Goodwill Ambassador. • § Adolescents and Youth: RH, STI and HIV have been part of the education programme for in-school children • § Condom promotion through RH programme, MSTF (multisectoral task force members established by Her Majesty to fight diseases which includes HIV) • § UNFPA works loosely with UNICEF in PMTCT and with WHO for sentinel survilience activities • HIV/AIDS well integrated in the National plans
Country action plan for next three years Focus area Outputs Strategies Resources Data needs Strengthened capacity for data collection and analysis i)Rapid assessment studies (qualitative and quantative) ii)Training of Nationals TA/ Financial HIV prevention in Young people Strengthened and expanded youth friendly services i)Review of existing services ii)Establishing VCT iii)condom programming (see under condom programming) TA/Finance Condom Programming Increased access to condom among high risk and vulnerable groups i)Establishing social marketing ii)Advocacy TA/Fiancial Pregnant women Strengthened integration of HIV prevention in antenatal care i)Inter-agencies collaboration in PMTCT and sentinel survelience ii)Prevention before pregnancy through MSTF/ Non formal education system Gender and HIV Strengthened gender mainstreaming i)Advocacy is already happening ii) working with women’s association
Constraints inn strengthening HIV AIDS in country programme • Lack of professional capacity & funding • No clear policy guidelines • Porous border
Suggestions for strengthening HIV AIDS programme • Recruitment and training • Formulation of comprehensive policy guideline • Cross-border collaboration • Sustained funding assistance