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Discover the deep-rooted connection between objects and our personal experiences. Explore the world of collections and the narratives we weave for abandoned items. This multidisciplinary printmaking project showcases traditional and digital processes, incorporating found objects and poetry.
Collections as Part of the Body Losing your phone is like losing an arm Zelda Velika MA Multidisciplinary Printmaking Year 3
My work takes the form of print, using traditional processes such as letterpress and linocut, and digital outputs. I also make small editions of artists’ books, incorporating directly found objects into them, as well as being indirectly informed through found poetry. • My work is deeply rooted in the world of the object, the collection, the lost, and the found. By collecting and curating I run with the existing narrative that exists in our heads, and weave a new story for objects that have been abandoned or discarded. Objects themselves provide inspiration for me as a starting point in my practice. • I wasn’t always a printmaker. Long before this I was a collector, some might say a hoarder. This gives the medium of print a large appeal to me due to the relative ease of being able to edition and make multiples. Own Images, Velika. Z (2019)
Objects and collections are not at first glance part of the body, but the feeling you get when you leave the house without your mobile phone is often compared to a feeling of personal loss of part of your own body. Hoarding objects and giving an emotional attachment until it is unable to be discarded. The connection to physical objects is not just a modern phenomenon with the earliest account seen in France. A collection of pebbles in a cave was found and dated to 80,000 years ago, collecting can be seen throughout history. I am defining the objects of collections as non-necessary luxuries Unexpected collection, Studio photos 2019.
Pit Rivers, (Babyroutes. 2019). Ken Stradling collection, (Bater-Hayes, C. 2019) John Slone Museum, (Countryandtownhouse. 2019)
Minimalist style home (Cpslippers 2019) A hoarders home (Statesmanjournal 2019) Tidying up with Marie Kondo (Netflix 2019)
Fortnite Store Screen Shot (Eurogamer 2019) Fortnite Store Screen Shot (Playstation 2019)
Value is equivalent to that which pleases. It is identified with what is desired. It is the object of our interest. Pleasure, desire, interest, are experiences. Value is personal experiences. Values are essences, platonic ideas. Are things valuable because we desire them, or do we desire them because they are valuable. We value the nonexistent. Stanley Donwood's work Occupied Fortune, based on the text of a placard he saw at the #OccupySheffield site. Stanley Donwood Occupied Fortune 2 Colour Screen Print 2011 (Donwood 2017)
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