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The business of evaluation.

Supervision is:. Formative supervision is the process of one person (administrator, supervisor) assisting another person (classroom teacher, employee) in order to improve instruction (teacher, employee) and learning (student, product) in the classroom, workplace (Jackson 2001).. Franklin County Supe

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The business of evaluation.

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    1. The business of evaluation. A compare and contrast of business evaluations and school evaluations by Andy Flora and Jason Guilliams

    2. Supervision is: Formative supervision is the process of one person (administrator, supervisor) assisting another person (classroom teacher, employee) in order to improve instruction (teacher, employee) and learning (student, product) in the classroom, workplace (Jackson 2001).

    3. Franklin County Supervision and Evaluation Model Narrative based on the categories in the manual. No check list. Three evaluations minimum for non-tenured personnel, two for tenured. PEP plan option for tenured personnel. Formal evaluation method is time consuming for the administrator. Twenty four practices are possible for evaluation but 2-3 are actually recorded during the evaluation.

    4. Jim Mullens, Burnt Chimney Elementary Principal Evaluator to employee ratio is 1 to 60. Includes teachers, nurses, custodians, bus drivers, secretaries, and teaching assistance. Nurses evaluation is a check list everyone else is narrative.

    5. Jim Mullens, Burnt Chimney Elementary Principal More time consuming than a check list. Believes it is a good tool for evaluating instruction because it is a narrative. Instruction improves because it has specific recommendations. In his experience, recommendations are usually taken care of before the next observation.

    6. Jim Mullens, Burnt Chimney Elementary Principal Linking business to education Over the last 32 years the only change in the evaluation process is a switch from check list to a narrative form. Does not believe that merit pay will be a reality for teachers. Hard to prove how good a teacher is.

    7. Terri Robertson Benjamin Franklin Middle School Assistant Principal of Instruction Evaluates 40 Math/English teachers 6-8. Believes the model is not practical because it is time consuming for the evaluator. Not valid because evaluations are dependent on chance. Prefers drop in visits. Effective if teacher follows through on evaluations. Believes instruction should be a reflection of what is wanted by SOL’s.

    8. Terri Robertson Benjamin Franklin Middle School Assistant Principal of Instruction Evaluations should not reflect salary because teachers are at the mercy of young people. Believes that veteran teachers need to prove worth before they reach top step of the scale. Non tenured teachers should be evaluated toughly because of the continuing contract status. Evaluation model needs to be a positive tool where teachers can grow. Can not compare business model with education model-apples and oranges.

    9. Sonny Altice Benjamin Franklin Middle School Head of Maintenance Eight years at Lane Manufacturing and 11 at BFMS-Maintenance Supervisor. Formal evaluation once a year with subjective throughout. Thirteen total. Believes both evaluation tools were too general- checklist. Not personalized. Prefers oral evaluations. Can communicate with employee and the get immediate feedback. Specializes the workers responsibilities. Evaluation tool has not changed in 11 years.

    10. Beth Guilliams Administrative Assistant at Medical Facilities of America Evaluation is based on job description. Has 22 job functions and 22 points in her Performance Appraisal. Sees process as valid and fair. Merit increase is directly connected to job performance. Post evaluation conference. Discuss areas that need to be improved.

    11. Jack Kubler Benjamin Franklin Middle School teacher and former laminate plant supervisor Worked at laminate factory as a supervisor for 8 years (1970’s) and is currently a teacher finishing his 5th year. Evaluated 16 people (salary and wage) on an annual basis. Tool was a narrative that was specific to their job based of goals and objectives. Liked the tool because it promoted growth of the person which helped the company succeed. Conference with the employee let the supervisor develop a since of respect and support. The tool was not a report card.

    12. Jack Kubler, Benjamin Franklin Middle School teacher and former laminate plant supervisor Feels the school model is unrealistic. The tool does not help nurture the employee. Model needs to be more developmental with a focus on new teachers-mentor based. Feels the education model is set up poorly because of the numbers involved. Felt the business model was great because of the growth the person obtained on the job as well as personally. In business, if you have poor raw materials, you send it back and get better materials. In education, teachers can not send back kids that are ill prepared. In business, you please one person—the boss. In education, you have to please the student, principal, parents, and the community.

    13. Crest Uniforms- Jeff Callahan Operations Manager Different evaluation form for salary and wage workers. Evaluates 5 supervisors who in turn evaluates 25 workers. Evaluations are conducted once a year with follow up 3 to 4 times during the year.

    14. Crest Uniforms- Jeff Callahan Wage Employees A very basic evaluation. Always a weakness on the evaluation to allow for improvement. Raises are based on the evaluations and meeting production goals. Failure as a valid evaluation tool because it is not job specific. Call center employee has the same evaluation tool as the custodian.

    15. Crest Uniforms- Jeff Callahan Salary Employees Evaluations are based on goals and production of the department. Supervisor meets with worker 3 to 4 times per year to review goals and to follow growth. Evaluations used to raise salary but never to decrease salary. Evaluations used for advancement. Supervisor can offer additional training (staff development) to help employee reach goals.

    16. Crest Uniforms- Jeff Callahan The “Kicker” Production goals are based on a ______ minimum. Expected to produce more than required. Employees have 90 days to meet goal or they are not retained—i.e. FIRED

    17. Crest Uniforms- Jeff Callahan The evaluation tool is a success and reliable if the supervisor uses them. The process is time consuming but the supervisor needs to take time to follow up on the outcomes of the evaluation and provide staff development where needed.

    18. Conclusions Business personnel evaluate smaller groups of people. Business evaluations are the justification for advancement or raises. Business models focus on the growth of the worker to make the business better. If growth does not occur, employee can be released. Narrative evaluation tool was preferred over the check list method. Administrators preferred the narrative tool because it allowed for growth and improvement.

    19. Works Cited Interview with Jim Mullens, Burnt Chimney Elementary Principal June 10, 2004 Interview with Terri Robertson, Benjamin Franklin Middle School Assistant Principal for instruction June 12, 2004 Interview with Jack Kubler, Benjamin Franklin Middle School teacher and former laminate plant supervisor June 12, 2004. Interview with Sonny Altice, Benjamin Franklin Middle School head of Maintenance, June 12, 2004.

    20. Works Cited Interview with Jeff Callahan, Operations Manager Crest Uniforms June 13, 2004.Interview with Beth Guilliams, Administrative Assistant at Medical Facilities of America, June 12, 2004. Supervision and Evaluation of Classroom Teachers, Paul Jackson, 2001 Teacher Ebook http://www.teacherebooks.com/ebooks/supervisionevaluation.pdf

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