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Coaching & Mentoring. Steve Banhegyi CIDA City Campus, African Leadership School. A Quote…. Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.
Coaching & Mentoring Steve Banhegyi CIDA City Campus, African Leadership School
A Quote….. Keep away from people who try to belittleyour ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great. Mark Twain(1835-1910, American Humorist, Writer)
What is Coaching? "a process that enables learning and development to occur and thus performance to improve. To be a successful a Coach requires a knowledge and understanding of process as well as the variety of styles, skills and techniques that are appropriate to the context in which the coaching takes place"
What is Coaching? 2… Coaching is not generally performed on the basis that the coach has direct experience of their client’s formal occupational role unless the coaching is specific and skills focused.
What is a Coach? 3… • A person who wants to see you win for the rest of your life. • A person to talk to when you run into problems or want to prevent problems from developing. • A person who will stay in contact with you across time and settings.
What is Mentoring? • "off-line help by one person to another in making significant transitions in knowledge, work or thinking“ • Mentoringenables an individual to follow in the path of an older and wiser colleague who can pass on knowledge, experience and open doors to otherwise out-of-reach opportunities.
Coaching & mentoring, both of which focus on the individual, can enhance morale, motivation and productivity and reduce staff turnover as individuals feel valued and connected with both small and large organisational changes. This role may be provided by internal coaches or mentors and, increasingly, by professional coaching agencies. Coaching & Mentoring
Actively taps potential. Fine tunes and develops skills. Development activities are designed to suit client’s personal needs and learning styles. Eliminates specific performance problems. Can focus on interpersonal skills, which cannot be readily or effectively transferred in a traditional training environment. Provides contacts and networks to assist with furthering their career or life aspirations. Performed in the ‘live’ environment Highly effective when used as a means of supporting training initiatives to ensure that key skills are transferred to the ‘live’ environment. Coaches and mentors transfer the skills to theclient rather than doing the job for them. Coaching & Mentoring 2.
Coaching & Mentoring 3. • A therapist will explore your fears about riding a bike. • A consultant will tell you how to ride a bike. • A mentor will show you how to ride a bike. • A coach, when you decide you want to ride a bike, will run along beside you to provide support.
Wholesale transfer of new skills, e.g. change in procedures, new systems (e.g. software application training), new job function. Programmes are mostly generic and not tailored to individual needs. Delegates generally have to complete standard modules, so there is little room for tailoring the programme to account for existing knowledge, skills or preferences. Not always sufficiently similar to the ‘live’ working environment to ensure effective skills transfer. Best suited to transfer of knowledge and certain skills rather than the development of personal qualities or competencies Traditional Training
The higher up you go in management; the value of your technical skill declines while the value of your interpersonal skill increases Growing organisations need emotionally mature employees Personal growth and development can seem like a painstaking process, especially when you approach it alone Excessive employee turnover can rob a company of its base of knowledge Ongoing interaction with a personal coach makes it easier to cope with the chaos (the sounding board) 360 degree Feedback (how well am I doing?) Chaos Rapid Change Reasons to Coach
Motivation Goal Setting / Problems in reaching priorities Interpersonal relationships (work & personal) Personal / professional plans Progress benchmarks Personal roadblocks, blind spots & other concerns Pressing decisions (To get perspective.) Coaching Topics
Benefits to the Coach • Become better listener • Become better learner • Have clearer understanding of leadership styles requiring to ‘let go’ • People want to work for them • Become better leader • Learn strategy & empowerment
In the Past.. • On the farm / in the village: • parent/child • grandparent/grandchild • Society of Artisans: • craftsman/apprentice • university scholar/student • knight/novice • artist/protege
And Today… • In the home: decreasing parent-child conversations • In school / university: faculty & students rarely meet outside the classroom • In industry: the craftsman has given ground to the technician
Why do we need Coaching Today? • Mobility (Close family members, who might be mentors, live miles apart). • Hyper technical world (People need to relate to people and life…not just GB, RAM & baud rates). • Smaller the group, the more critical it is to nurture, mentor and keep leaders. • Attitudes/values (Best learned by modeling within a coaching relationship).
A Coach Provides.. • Objectivity: Be sure the direction you choose is the right one. • Wisdom: Become clear in your reasons for going in that direction. • Network: Meet the people needed to get you there. • Motivation: You want to please him/her
Discussion Question • If you had one or more people, whom you admired a great deal, offer themselves and their resources to help you reach your personal & professional goals in the next few years, how do you think it would accelerate your progress?
Nelson Mandela Your Priest Your Mother Your Father Malcolm X Britney Spears Thabo Mbeki Robert Mugabe Tony Blair Kadar Asmal Muhammed Ali Will Smith Winnie Mandela Mahatma Gandhi Who would you choose?
And what would you ask them for? • Personal Problems • Career Advice • Secrets of Success • How to avoid mistakes • How to perform at your best
How can I become Coachable? • Need to ask for help = overcoming the myth of individualism + culture change • Accept who I am (discover, internalize then live who you are) • Begin to think (become a visionary) and then be proactive through a coaching relationship
How To… • Find A Coach (or do it by yourself) • Set framework for relationship (who is Coach and Coachee?) • Establish what is to be achieved • Establish by when it is to be achieved • WRITE IT DOWN IN A CONTRACT! • SIGN IT!
How to.. • Coach friendly context • The ‘Coaching Moment’ • Creating Dialogue • Ask questions, get others to take ownership • Gather performance data • Balanced feedback • Collaborating on interpretation
Goal Setting 2… Write down • What you want. Put this in the positive. • Everything you will gain by achieving your goal. Make it as descriptive and colourful as possible. • What you will lose by achieving your goal. Take plenty of time on this list. Feel free to write down silly things, since no one else will be reading this. Imagine yourself having your goal, going through your normal routine, what comes up, is it all positive or are there any doubts. • What you lose by not achieving your goal. A lot of this may be the same as above but you may come up with some other things as well. • What you will gain by not achieving your goal. Again, you may already have written some of these down. See what else comes up.
Goal Setting 3… • Look at what you have written, and decide whether your goal is truly worth it. Either decide to go ahead with achieving your goal. Or decide to drop your goal.
Goal Setting 4… • Relax, let go. You are now totally committed (if you decided to keep your goal) to achieving your goal and will probably find yourself effortlessly and naturally achieving your goal
Goal Setting 5… • The first step in achieving your goal is to clearly state what you want. Put it in the present and make it positive. • Start with your current, limiting belief. Or your description of the situation. • "I am underachieving in my studies" • Turn it around. What do you want instead? • "I want to achieve excellent marks" • Make it completely positive, no negative words allowed at all. If you can't think of how to do this, ask yourself what you will have once you have achieved your goal. • "I want to achieve my ideal marks" • Turn it into the present tense, as if it is already true. • "I am achieving my ideal marks"
Neuro Linguistic Programming State Changing (Moods) Modeling Visualisation Learning
Example is leadership. Albert Schweitzer Leadership is the wise use of power. Power is the capacity to translate intention into reality and sustain it. Albert Bennis There are many elements to a campaign. Leadership is number one. Everything else is number two. Bertolt Brecht Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy. Norman Schwarzkopf Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it. Dwight D. Eisenhower All of the great leaders have had one characteristic in common: it was the willingness to confront unequivocally the major anxiety of their people in their time. This, and not much else, is the essence of leadership. JK Galbraith One secret of leadership is that the mind of a leader never turns off. Leaders even when they are sightseers or spectators, are active; not passive observers. James Humes Quotes 1…
Leadership is not a position. You are not a leader because you have the title of manager. Leadership is something that we earn from followers on a day to day basis.The EMS Manager Newsletter Leadership is an opportunity to serve. It is not a trumpet call to self-importance. J. Donald Walters Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall. Stephen R. Covey To have long term success as a coach or in any position of leadership, you have to be obsessed in some way. Pat Riley Management works in the system; Leadership works on the system. Stephen R. Covey I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means getting along with people. Mahatma Gandhi Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things. Peter F. Drucker Quotes 2…
Good Bye! Steve steve@connectit.co.za