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Reduce noise exposure!!!. S.C NUTRICOM S.A OLTENIŢA “ How to reduce phonic poluttion at workplaces ” Work Protection Departement Ing. Păun Gilio-Nicolae. Reduce noise exposure!!!.
Reduce noise exposure!!! • S.C NUTRICOM S.A OLTENIŢA • “How to reduce phonic poluttion at workplaces” • Work Protection Departement • Ing. Păun Gilio-Nicolae
Reduce noise exposure!!! • S.C NUTRICOM S.A OLTENIŢA was found as a productive unit of concentraded forages in year 1964.After 1990 is ghange into a company and in 1995 became joind-stock company,today she have entirely joind-stock capital • Because of massive capital investments mayde after she became joind-stock company,todaz she is a match more known name on the marchet of garden stuff.Concentreded forages factory is making food for animals from different farm, but also for personal farms were we breed pigs in Sohatu, Chirnogi, Manastirea,Dragalina and farms were we breed birds: Dragalina, S.C. Avicola Calarasi.
Reduce noise exposure!!! • Flow sheet unfolded to produce concentraded forages is: • Purveyance and reception of raw materials • ØStorage raw materials • ØWeighing,measuring each component wich is used into job mix formula • ØGrind macrodimensional components • ØMixing-for final product homogenization • ØGraining forages with steam help • ØStoraged final product(concentaded forages) warck or into a sack
Flow sheet is taking place with help from next devices: ØBeltcarrier and elevating belt of raw materials Ø3 electronic weighing equipaments and 2 bonded strain gange Ø2 automatica tare unit-bug for cereales and final product Ø1 raw materials blender-4 t capacity Ø2 mills to grind raw materials of 40t/h capacity Ø3 graining machines -30t/h capacity Ø3 coolers and 3 cruching mills Øtehnological water installations,vegetable oil, compressed air,steam Øcontrol unit from were the flow sheet is supervised by a computer and automated. Reduce noise exposure!!!
Reduce noise exposure!!! • Maximum design capacity of forages factory production is 40 t/h –concentraded forages. • Annual output was in 2004 of 67.000 tone • Production tehnology was provided by a dutch company VAN AARESEN, and is being used sinse 1997,with a contract which contain studies, production tehnology design and complet delivery of the line production,having all the equipament to the europen standars in that year. • Those were certicated regarding tehnical quality, but also reguarding requirements of heath and safety at work.
Reduce noise exposure!!! • Noise is a risk factor which can lead to hearing disabilitites and match more negative effects: • harm to internal ear • increased risk of workplace accidents • work related stress • Going from this premises,the management of S.C NUTRICOM S.A OLTENIŢA and Work protection department allway thought that noise at workplace can not be neglected. • Knowing the fact that machines used in the flow sheet generate noise ,S.C NUTRICOM S.A OLTENIŢA is allways taken action to reduce this risk factor.
Reduce noise exposure!!! • Noise problem was approached into the next directions: 1. Assessing the risks linked to noise,this thing is made with competent persons from Work protection department,under straight guidance of I.T.M Calarasi inspectors 2. Eliminate noise sources,there were this thing is possibile 3. Combating noise by adopting prevention policy and limited exposure 4. Reviewing and checking workplaces- to establish possible changes
Reduce noise exposure!!! • Assessing the noise • Is made by the peoples from Work Protection Department wich analyse: workplaces exposed to noise ,noise sources,level,type and time exposure to noise of the employes. • Also is taking into account informations given by the technical equipament producers and informations received from medical examination.
Reduce noise exposure!!! • We found the workplaces wich are probable more expoused to noise as a professional insult: ·Graining machines – workplace occupied by maitenance electrician and engine attendant which is taken care of the graining machines.Exposure to noise is permanently during the 12h shift ·Salt supply – workplace occupied by an worker who supplyed with salt taking into account electrical measuring.Noise exposure is periodical,of approximated 6-7h/day during the 12h shift ·Mills and Classification mills- flow sheet components were are not workplaces,but were noise is high and affect other workplaces from inside and outside
Reduce noise exposure!!! • S.C NUTRICOM S.A OLTENIŢA allways maded measures to the level of noise with help from DSP Laboratory and under direct guidance of I.TM Calarasi inspectors. • Last recordings was made in this year 2005 and this are the values: • Graining machines – 99 dbA • Salt supply – 94 dbA • Clasification mill – 98 dbA • Mills – 104 dbA
Reduce noise exposure!!! • Eliminate noise sources • S.C NUTRICOM S.A OLTENIŢA is preocuped to eliminate noise sources, there were this is possible. • Renewal found started with reversing line production in 1997 it meant not only adopting some modern solutions to made concentrateded forages,but also eliminate important noise sources, a lower consuming of energy, improvement work conditions. • Also in 2002,the management of S.C NUTRICOM S.A OLTENIŢA takes a decision to interrupt tow cereale dryers US-14,from grain elevator,machines which contained important noise sources.
Reduce noise exposure!!! • Combating noise • 1. Combating noise at source though tehnical measures: • Avoiding impact metal on metal • Regulary monitor and review machines and equipament • Placing noise and vibration dampers(for example rubber bumper at mills) • Cheking all machises with sound absorbent cabines
Reduce noise exposure!!! • 2. Group measures to fight against noise: • Access restriction near noisy areas(for example workes access restriction near mills and graining machines,were are allowed only workes nominatedon establish schedule • Use for protection only materials soun absorbent, today in the building whith containd all the machines is put on panels type EcoPanel,type sandwich, having role to protect againt fire and sound isulation. This thing is made to reduce noise propagation outside and though other workplaces. • Organised work program, so that work in noisy area can be limited • Alternating workes at workplaces expouse to noise • Planning all activitys which is making noise so that can affect a small number of worker.
Reduce noise exposure!!! • 3. Individuals means of hearing protection • People who works at places were noise is a risk factor most have :individual hearing protectors internal and external(headset) • Individual hearing protectors is necessary and obligatory • Workes have possibility to choose the type of individual hearing protector much cozy and they are teached to use them
Reduce noise exposure!!! • Workplaces reviewing submited to noise • S.C NUTRICOM S.A OLTENIŢA is taking into account all workplaces submited to noise under straight guidance of I.T.M Calarasi inspectors. • Periodical are made measures to the level of noise,and the last set of measures was made this year. • For future our society it want to act against noise, to diminish this profesional insult, especialy that the european standard will be at a level of 87 dbA
Reduce noise exposure!!! • Our measures to reduse noise in the future is: • Use only sound-proof housing near noise sources • To build sound abrorbent cabines for our workers • More individual hearing protectors but also for vibrations • Program to hold under controll noise exposure • To acquire only equipament that are protected against noise
Reduce noise exposure!!! • Noise problem is more complex and from this point of view things are far from being good. • S.C NUTRICOM S.A OLTENIŢA have not register until today any illness realted to noise and will be carrying on with the same attention to respect work legislation in long-term of european integration • VĂ MULTUMESC !!!