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ARI Writing /7th Lesson Plans Teachers:

ARI Writing /7th Lesson Plans Teachers:. Van Syoc /Villanueva 2013-2014. Unit TEKS: (RS/SS). 2. Reading/Vocabulary Development 12. Reading/Comprehension of Information Text/Procedural Texts. Subject: ARI DATE : 2/10/14.

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  1. ARI Writing /7thLesson PlansTeachers: Van Syoc/Villanueva 2013-2014

  2. Unit TEKS: (RS/SS) • 2. Reading/Vocabulary Development • 12. Reading/Comprehension of Information Text/Procedural Texts

  3. Subject: ARIDATE: 2/10/14 Students understand how to glean and use information in procedural texts and documents. Students are expected to: (A)  follow multi-dimensional instructions from text to complete a task, solve a problem, or perform procedures; and (B)  explain the function of the graphical components of a text. Objective http://www.mrscaple.com/uploads/1/1/6/7/11674754/la_mac_5-8.pdf Prefix, Suffix, Root Word WARM-UP Activity Introduction to informational text terms. Cornell notes. Homework Read 20 mins a day LANGUAGE OBJ HOT Assessment 4F: Students will use visual and contextual supports to read text by working through a power point and daily warm ups. Cornell notes. In ten words or less, explain informational text.

  4. Subject: ARIDATE:2/11/14 • Students understand how to glean and use information in procedural texts and documents. Students are expected to: • (A)  follow multi-dimensional instructions from text to complete a task, solve a problem, or perform procedures; and • (B)  explain the function of the graphical components of a text Objective http://www.mrscaple.com/uploads/1/1/6/7/11674754/la_mac_5-8.pdf Prefix, Suffix, Root Word WARM-UP Activity Van Syoc: Computer lab Villanueva: “How to” Day 1 – expose STS to various types of text Homework Read 20 mins a day LANGUAGE OBJ • 4F: Students will use visual and contextual supports to read text by working through a power point and daily warm ups. HOT Assessment Created chart of text findings Create a list of traits of procedurals texts and what they have in common.

  5. Subject: ARIDATE:2/12/14 Objective http://www.mrscaple.com/uploads/1/1/6/7/11674754/la_mac_5-8.pdf Prefix, Suffix, Root Word WARM-UP Activity Van Syoc: Tuesday’s lesson Villanueva: watch “how to” videos and discuss effectiveness Villanueva: SWBAT watch “how to” videos and write about the effectiveness of procedure Van Syoc: SWBAT to explain the various texts exposed to during class Homework Read 20 mins a day • 4F: Students will use visual and contextual supports to read text by working through a power point and daily warm ups. LANGUAGE OBJ Video effectiveness & Created chart HOT Assessment What attributes make a good video on how to teach something?

  6. Subject: ARIDATE: 2/13/14 Objective http://www.mrscaple.com/uploads/1/1/6/7/11674754/la_mac_5-8.pdf Prefix, Suffix, Root Word WARM-UP Activity Compare and contrast of “how to” videos from previous day using graphic organizer. Summarize results. SWBAT compare and contrast the stated or implied purpose of how to video before summarizing results. Homework Read 20 mins a day • 4F: Students will use visual and contextual supports to read text by working through a power point and daily warm ups. LANGUAGE OBJ HOT Assessment Graphic organizer Did the results of your graphic organizer surprise you?

  7. Subject: ARIDATE: 2/14/14 Objective http://www.mrscaple.com/uploads/1/1/6/7/11674754/la_mac_5-8.pdf Prefix, Suffix, Root Word WARM-UP Activity http://learning.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/02/10/fill-in-valentines-day/ Editorial/Cloze reading for Valentine’s Day SWBAT complete cloze reading on the history of Valentine’s Day and how we celebrate today. Homework Read 20 mins a day • 4F: Students will use visual and contextual supports to read text by working through a power point and daily warm ups. LANGUAGE OBJ HOT Assessment Cloze reading Did your critique from yesterday follow the classes preference?

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