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2011 Project Funding. Background Proposed Projects to date Projects proposed for funding today 1) KRCB Video features-$12k 2) Aquatic Invasive Species Workshop-$2k. Proposed Projects -2011. 1) Aquatic Invasive Species Workshop-$2k 2) Sea Level Rise-Pilot $44 k (WQTC lead)
2011 Project Funding Background Proposed Projects to date Projects proposed for funding today 1) KRCB Video features-$12k 2) Aquatic Invasive Species Workshop-$2k
Proposed Projects -2011 1)Aquatic Invasive Species Workshop-$2k 2) Sea Level Rise-Pilot $44 k (WQTC lead) 3) STRAW- 3 counties-$35k 4) SSCRCD, MCSTOPPP, Napa RCD - ~ $ 43 k for follow up on Slow it, Spread it, Sink it 5) Repeat -Education/ Restoration- $45k- Marin, Napa, Sonoma 6) Storm water- (WQTC lead) - Early Monitoring Plan for all 3 counties to meet Phase II Permit- $30 k minimum (WQTC lead) - LID workshops in each county possibly using Bay Friendly -Green Gardener workshops (in Spanish) 7) KRCB Watershed Videos- $12k- NBWA $24k –SCWA match Total -$211k ~ $ 85 k available
Know Your WatershedKRCB Video features-$12 k • 10 (60 - 90 seconds) video features I general north bay 1 Marin, 1 Napa, 7 Sonoma Pre-production 6/1- 8/31 Production & Post Production 9/1-12/31 Distribution. 1/1/2012-12/31/2013 NBWA Request $11.9 k SCWA match $24.1K
AIS Workshop • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and California Department of Fish and Game (DFG) • This workshop will: -Review Threats and Costs from AIS infestations. -Provide Training on Protocols for Prevention of AIS introductions. -Develop procedures to reduce the risk of spreading invasive species June 22 (likely date) Marin Health and Wellness Campus in San Rafael- 3240 Kerner Blvd $2k for lunch (probably cost less)
Recommendation • Approve both projects for total of $14k max • Based on timing, match, project support • Leaves~ $70k for remaining projects totaling ~ $200k- Will set up process for all 3 TC chairs after refining proposals
Web site Update • http://nbwatershed.org/v2/B2.php