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The CORE Problem Part 2 of 8 parts. As seen through the eyes of Michael H. Keehn. VIEW IN ORDER.
The CORE ProblemPart 2 of 8 parts As seen through the eyes of Michael H. Keehn
VIEW IN ORDER • The file names of the Presentations in this series contain a two digit number, 01 through 08. Use this number to view the Presentations in order. It is necessary to view the Presentations in order so that the information flows logically and is not disconnected gibberish.
Disclaimer • The information contained in this series of presentations is neither intended to deceive nor mislead. The information presented is true and factual to the best of my knowledge. Opinions are mine. The viewer is responsible for confirming anything upon which he has doubt. Nothing in these presentations is to be construed as legal advice.
Distribution • This information is distributed either on a compact disk or as a ZIP file. In either case, the individual is welcome to distribute copies to anyone so long as the information is not altered and all files are included… Michael H. Keehn
References • American’s is a reference to the people of these united States of America. • The District is a reference to “the United States” (corporate), Washington, District of Columbia. • These united States of America is a reference to the Union States, united by, and under, the Constitution, what we know as the Republic of these united States of America.
The CORE Problem • Simply put, it’s the national debt. Some American’s think that we owe this debt to ourselves. We do not! It is owed to a cartel of private individuals through the banks they own. The Federal Reserve Bank is central to this issue here in the United States, and in a global sense, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is included.
It All Relates • And although this series of presentations may travel many avenues of history, they all relate to the CORE problem, the national debt. I believe all the information presented in this series to be crucial to comprehending the problem(s) of the United States today.
Assassination of Lincoln • We left off with the assassination of President Lincoln. As matters would have it, Lincoln needed money to carry on the war with the southern States. He applied for a loan with the international bankers, and they wanted 24 to 36 percent interest. Outraged, Lincoln declined to accept…
Greenbacks • Instead, Lincoln asked Congress to authorize the issuance of full legal tender treasury notes. Congress complied and the notes were issued, later to become known as “Lincoln Greenbacks.” This deprived the international bankers of the stranglehold they wanted on the United States.
Five days after the South surrendered • Five days after Robert E. Lee (Confederate States) surrendered to General Grant (Union Army), President Lincoln was assassinated in Ford Theater by an actor, John Wilkes Booth. Booth shot Lincoln in the back of the head.
John Wilkes Booth • When Booth's diary was recovered by Stanton's troops, it was delivered to Stanton. When it was later produced during the investigation, eighteen pages had been ripped out. These pages, containing names, were later found in the attic of one of Stanton's descendants. • Continued…
Rothschild, a name to remember • From Booth's trunk, a coded message was found that linked him directly to Judah P. Benjamin, the Civil War campaign manager in the South for the House of Rothschild. When the war ended, the key to the code was found in Benjamin's possession. Therefore, there is a direct link to the Rothschild Banking Dynasty, one of the owners of the Federal Reserve Bank.
The rifle that supports it… • So Lincoln was assassinated, and he did not terminate the marshal law he had declared. And neither has any President of the United States since that time. Therefore, Congress is still unconstitutionally setting under the illegally declared marshal law and the rifle that supports it. This works to the benefit of the creditor of the United States (the elite bankers).
Collecting the Collateral • The debt that came out of the Civil War was due and payable in 1871. Our leadership failed to pay the debt, and we defaulted. England then collected the collateral, all the property owned by the Federal Government, including Washington, District of Columbia. It was all done very quietly.
Completely Separate • England, as the new sovereign of the District [of Columbia], forced incorporation. Thus was born a new British owned corporation, “The United States.” Yes, the word “the” is included in the name and it’s name is intended to trick you. This British corporation should not be confused with the republic of these united States of America. They are completely separate.
Three UNITED STATES • As a matter of fact, there are three United States defined in law, a fact not taught by the public school systems of the United States. I wonder why? • United States. This term has several meanings. It may be merely the name of a sovereign occupying the position analogous to that of other sovereigns in a family of nations, [continued…]
U. S. Defined • it may designate territory over which sovereignty of United States extends, or it may be collective name of the states which are united by and under the Constitution. Hooven & Allison Co. v. Evatt, U.S.Ohio, 324 U.S. 652, 65 S.Ct. 870, 880,89 L.Ed. 1252. – [Blacks Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition]
Union States • “It may be merely the name of a sovereign occupying the position analogous to that of other sovereigns in a family of nations…” • Defines the Union States, like Delaware, Connecticut, California, Texas, etc.
Corporate United States • “it may designate territory over which sovereignty of United States extends…” • Defines the British owned corporate United States, the jurisdiction of the District [of Columbia].
U. S. Republic • “or it may be collective name of the states which are united by and under the Constitution.” • Defines the republic of these United States of America.
“THE” and “THESE” • Therefore, if you are claiming “United States citizenship”, it might be good to know of which United States you are claiming to be a citizen. It changes your status and the body of law to which you are subject. That’s why we pay attention to “THE” as in the United States (corporate) and “THESE” as in these united States of America (republic). Remember, the language of the law is very technical!
An Observation • Some of us may have read the Constitution and know that there is no provision for a corporate Federal Government. But when the law has been broken so much by this point, there is evidently no turning back, either that, or no one in a position of leadership cares.
The debt still had to be paid • So, in 1871, the leadership of these united States of America defaulted on the debt, and the collateral was collected, but the debt still existed. And by virtue of the security agreement (the Constitution), the debt defaulted to the other “United States”, the Union States.
Remaking the Country • With Lincoln’s Marshal Law in effect, the Constitution was set aside and ceased to be the law of the land. With the Constitution set aside, the President, the Congress (still setting unconstitutionally at the will of the President), and the Courts all presumed that they were free to remake the country into anything they wanted. What an opportunity for a creditor of the United States.
General Orders No. 100 • The code Lincoln constructed under General Orders No. 100, unlawfully (criminally) extended Article I, Section 8, Clauses 17 & 18, which pertain to the District of Columbia, beyond the boundaries of Washington, D.C. into the several states. The idea was to create the means to make unconstitutional laws within the Union States.
The Fourteenth Amendment • In 1868 the Fourteenth Amendment to the constitution was ratified under the musket (military martial law), creating a new class of citizenship which also aided in expansion of the jurisdiction of Washington, District of Columbia, into the Union States.
Additional Elements • General Orders No. 100 also brought the Laws of War, as well as International Law, to American soil, and the new Marshal Law government Lincoln created became the presumed conqueror of the people of the United States, and the land.
The Field Code • In general, the Union States, like California, New York, etc., became a corporate Franchise of the Federal Corporation (“the United States”) when the State enacted the “Field code” into law. The “Field Code” was the common law codified, and was first adopted by New York, to be followed by California in 1872.
A Corporate Franchise • The municipal corporate States that were created are entities of the Federal Government, the British corporation, since they are a corporate franchise of the (corporate) Federal Government. These federal franchises have federal identities, such as CA for California instead of Calif. NV for Nevada instead of Nev., etc.
ZIP ZIP ZIPPING Along • Today, these corporate franchises have ZIP codes. ZIP = Zone Improvement Plan, more specifically, Federal Zone Improvement Plan. If you have a ZIP code then you have a federal identification number, and this might be evidence you are in a Federal Zone, and subject to unconstitutional Federal, District of Columbia, Law.
All Kept Secret • For about a hundred-sixty-years now, martial law has never ended during which time the nation has been under Military Law of the Commander-in-Chief the entire time, all kept secret from the American people. Question: “Who does our elected leadership represent?” Hint: “It’s not us!”
Defaulting again • So the Union States were now on the hook to pay the debt. And research indicates it was due and payable in 1909, and again the leadership we elect, defaulted. We asked for more time, and that was granted with stipulations. And one such stipulation was that we create a central bank.
1913 • Meeting the stipulation set forth in 1909, legislation establishing the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank was enacted in December of 1913. Thus, a private banking system was given control over the economy and money of the United States. But our leadership got a twenty-year time extension to pay our debt.
The power to… • “The Congress shall have power to… coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures…” – United States Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 5.
Legal Tender • “No State shall… make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts.” – United States Constitution, Article I, Section 10. • And “The United States” is a State in the language of the law, not a Union State, but a State nonetheless.
No power to… • Notice that the Constitution does not give Congress the power to turn over the finances, economy and creation of legal tender in the payment of debt to any privately owned bank, including the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank.
Can you be free? • It’s now 1929 and the debt is due and payable by the Union States. And, once again, the leadership we elect defaults, failing to pay our debt. Do you think you can be dishonorable and free? If you do not pay your debts, do you think you can be free?
It’s going to get worse • So here we are, it’s 1929 and the Great Depression is arriving. Not surprising when we don’t pay our debts and a privately owned bank is in control of our currency (legal tender in payment of debts), i.e., money. We haven’t operated under lawful civil authority since Lincoln declared Marshal Law, but it’s going to get worse.
END OF SEGMENT • This ends this segment, we’ll pick up with the Great Depression era in the next segment. Right now it’s time for discussion and exchange of views. • by Michael H. Keehn • mhkeehn@gmail.com