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Mrs. Naglack Health. Welcome, S tudents !. Welcome to Health C lass!. I will introduce you to health class and our classroom. If you have any questions during my presentation, please raise your hand and wait to be called on. All About Me. My background
Mrs. NaglackHealth Welcome, Students!
Welcome toHealth Class! • I will introduce you to health class and our classroom. • If you have any questions during my presentation, please raise your hand and wait to be called on.
All About Me • My background • I have moved around a lot as a child; I’ve lived in over 13 different places! I was born in Warren, Arkansas, raised in Benton, Louisiana; but graduated high school in Grapeland, Texas. • I attended Benton Elementary School, graduated from Grapeland High School, and attended Sam Houston State University but graduated from Valdosta State University. • I am prior active duty Air Force. I was a paralegal for 5 years stationed at Aviano AB. Then I married had 2 wonderful daughters and went back to school with my G.I Bill. • My experience • I’ve been teaching for 2.5 years. • I have also taught grades 5-8 health and 6 & 7 grade Social Studies and 7th grade AP Social Studies.
My Family • My husband is active duty Air Force and recently returned from being in Iraq for 6 months! • My children • Linda is 9 years old and is in the 4th grade at SES • Isabella is 7 years old and is in the 2nd grade at SES Our pets Here is Milly, who is 3 and Max who is 11 months! They go everywhere we go!
My Goals • To give you the academic and social skills you need to progress to the next grade. • To provide a supportive and fun classroom environment. • To help you make new friends and discover new interests.
Mrs. Naglack Health
Health Subjects Personal and Community Practicing personal hygiene, health habits, and health promotion leads to lifelong wellness. Safety and Injury Prevention Following safe practices prevents injury, sudden illness, child abuse and child neglect. Nutrition and Physical Activity Healthful nutrition and physical activity contribute to growth and energy and prevent chronic diseases. Mental Health Mental health is essential to general well-being. Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs Drug use can be helpful or harmful. Misuse has consequences that may require intervention and treatment. Family Life and Human Sexuality Developmental changes prepare one for adult roles in the family and society.
Health Our Classroom Community
What to bring to class • 2 pencils or pens • Lined paper • A Reading Counts book • Agenda (this is your hall pass!) • A Good Attitude and Smiling Face!
Class Rules • Our classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other. You've had the same rules all your life since kindergarten - please follow them. • Our class rules are: • Be respectful and responsible. • Be organized and follow directions. • Be on time. • Be prepared.
Homework Homework is due at the beginning of the period on the due date. You will be given credit for both completeness and accuracy. Late homework will be accepted at a maximum of 70% credit after the assigned date, unless you have an excused absence.
Tardiness • If you aren’t in the classroom by the time the door is closed, please enter quietly and go to your seat. • If you are tardy four times, the school will contact your parents and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.
Procedures Procedures are a part of life. We follow procedures for using a telephone book, boarding an airplane, approaching a traffic light, and attending a wedding. The reason that we have procedures in life is so that people can function in society knowing the acceptable and efficient way other people do things.
Beginning of class • You will line up quietly in the hallway before Ms. Appiah’s room. • When I tell you it’s time for class, you will enter quietly and go to your seat. You will have 3 minutes to sharpen your pencils (at least 2) and get your folder. • Starting class. Once you have your pencil sharpened and your folder you will begin by doing our POD. • After we discuss class we will watch CNN Student News
During instruction • Listen to the teacher with full attention. • No pencil sharpening, talking, or whispering. • You will be given time for taking notes during instruction. • Ask permission to speak by raising your hand. • Ask questions related to the subject. Other questions which are not related to the subject can be asked after instruction. • After instruction, make sure you understand the concept. If not, ask questions by mentioning which part you didn’t understand.
While you are working • Make sure you read or listen to the directions about your work and understand them. • If you didn’t understand, ask the teacher to explain it. • Respect each other and be friendly. • Use your time wisely. Put forth your best effort to finish your work on time.
If the teacher raises her hand (give me 5) • Stop whatever you are doing at that moment. • Face the teacher and wait silently. • Notify any classmates who haven’t noticed that the teacher has raised her hand. • No talking or whispering. All of your attention should be given to the teacher.
Disruptions • *Disruptions include, but are not limited to the following: yelling out, arguing with teacher, excessive talking, making noises during class, being loud, aggressive behavior toward other students * • First(1st) time…parent contact • Second(2nd) time…parent contactland lunch detention • Third(3rd)time…parent conference and after school d-hall • Fourth(4th)time…parent call to inform of referral to discprincipal • It is your job to allow others and yourself, to get the best possible education we can provide.
Talking • I will introduce our topic or topics of the day. • Talking: If you have a question you will raise your hand. Otherwise, no other talking is permitted. Please do not try to talk over me while I am talking, this will almost always result in a lunch detention.
Leaving the room • Please take care of all personal business (restroom) prior to lining up for class. • If I notice you are asking to go to the restroom nearly every class, and you do not have a medical condition listed with the nurse, I will notify your parent or guardian and have you report to me during your recess to make up the missed time.
Moving Around the classroom • Once your pencil is sharpened and you have your folder, you will not move about the room, unless you have been directed. • You will not get up to throw away any papers or trash • You should come to class prepared with 2 sharpened pencils. If you must sharpen you pencil during class, you will raise your hand and wait until I address you.
Ending Class • You will wait until I tell you there is 5 minutes until the end of class. • At the 5 minute mark, you will put away your folder, throw away your trash, return your book to your desk, and straighten your desk and rows. • I will dismiss you once everyone is lined up quietly, the desks and rows are straighten, and the floor is clean.
Agendas • Bring your agenda to class every time, this is your hall pass!! • You will write down, from the SmartBoard, our Agenda in your Agenda • What we do not finish in class becomes homework. I will inform you on the SmartBoard when we have homework and you will write this in. • Homework is rarely assigned!
Keeping your folders • You will have a Health folder which will be used only for your Health class. • On one side you will keep a journal on the other side will be your graded work. • Use pen or pencil to write in your journal. Using two different colors, one for the questions and a different one for the body of the text, will make your journal look better and more organized. • The first page should be the title page. Write your full name, and block on it. • Number the pages in the right bottom corner. • Always write the questions to your POD. • Each day, put the date first. • Keep your journal clean and organized. • Your journal will be collected and checked from time to time. Turn it in on time when you are asked. • Take good care of your journal. Do not lose it.
After you are done • Check your work and the directions one more time to see if you missed anything or did something incorrectly. • If the assignment is to be turned in, do so. • Bring a Reading Counts book to class, if you have time after you complete your assignment you will read.
Classwork/homework • *You must come to class with all homework completed, when assigned* • If you come to class unprepared; the first will be excused. • The second time will be lunch detention • Third time in class will get lunch detention and parent contact • Fourth(4th) time will result in principal referral • It is your job to come to class prepared daily. It is your job to get work that was assigned while absent.
Absent • When you are absent, you can go to my website www.mrsnaglack.weebly.com and find what we missed for class that day. • Come see me after instruction or during Seminar for any makeup work. • You will have until the next class to turn it in without penalty.
Late work • I absolutely, positively do not like late work. • Late home(class)work will accepted at a maximum of 70% credit after the assigned date unless you have an excused absence. • A missing project grade will be lowered 10 points for each day beyond its due date.
grading • Classwork (30%) This includes work completed or started in class. If a student does not complete a class work assignment, then it is to be completed at home. • Homework (20%) Homework is due at the beginning of the period on the due date. You will be given credit for both completeness and accuracy. Late homework will be accepted at a maximum of 70% credit after the assigned date, unless you have an excused absence. • Tests (30%)To be given after each topic. Quizzes may be given after individual lesson to check for understanding. • Quizzes and Journals (20%) Please keep all your graded work in your class folder . • Bonus Points Please check my website daily because I put unannounced bonus points on your webpage or Bulldog Fitness page!!!!
Jackets • Per our school rule, jackets will not be worn in class • If I notice you have a jacket on when you are entering class, I will have you put it in your locker and you will be marked tardy.
respect • Respect for Self • I will always do my best • I will positively participate in all classroom activities • Respect for Others • I will stay on task without disturbing or distracting others • I will not use ‘put downs’ or harass others • I will respect other people’s differences and opinions • Respect for School • I will raise my hand to speak • I will enter and exit the room quietly • I will complete all assignments on time • I will actively listen when the teacher is speaking
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