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Objectives. Discuss the ways in which recreation and leisure services expanded in the years immediately following World War II.Discuss the social and demographic changes that initiated many changes in recreation and leisure services in the years following World War II.Identify the ways in which th
1. 4 Recreation and
Leisure in the Modern Era
2. Objectives Discuss the ways in which recreation and leisure services expanded in the years immediately following World War II.
Discuss the social and demographic changes that initiated many changes in recreation and leisure services in the years following World War II.
Identify the ways in which the recreation and leisure movement participated in and aided many of the causes taken up by the youth counterculture of the 1960s and 1970s.
3. Objectives (cont’d) Identify the social trends that brought a decline in the perceived value of leisure during the late 1970s and 1980s.
Discuss the prospects for the future of recreation and leisure, based upon the prevalent trends at the close of the twentieth century.
4. Introduction Growing concern about the environment
Government's role in preservation and conservation
Stronger emphasis on recreation's role in combating poverty and discrimination
Programs designed to better serve girls and women, people with disabilities and older adults
5. Introduction (cont’d) Emergence of specialized disciplines and professional groups serving
Private membership groups
Economic austerity of the 80s and 90s, and the following upsurge in the national economy
6. Post-World War II Expectations Expanding definition of leisure in the 1950s and 1960s
Focus on the future showed expansive leisure time
Rand Corporation
Hudson Institute
National Commission on Technology
7. Post-World War II Expectations (cont’d) Assumption that leisure would become
increasingly important to preserving value
Agreement that work ethic was declining
Work becoming more specialized
Leisure seen as having great potential for confronting social problems
8. Post-World War II Expectations (cont’d) Widespread downsizing in the mid-1990s
Economic pessimism
Late 1990s recovery and growth improved
9. Expansion of Recreation and Leisure Influence of National Affluence
Rising GNP following WWII
Americans were spending billions per year on leisure pursuits
Until the mid 1970s government increased:
Budgets Personnel
Facilities Programs
Growing professional curricula
10. Expansion of Recreation and Leisure (cont’d) National Recreation and Park Association created from
National Recreation Association
American Recreation Society
American Institute of Park Executives
Effect of Demographic Changes
Move from cities to surrounding suburbs following WWII
11. Expansion of Recreation and Leisure (cont’d) Suburbs established their own recreation services and plans
Inner city population experienced immigrant influx
Many accustomed to rural living with few job skills
Posed problems of health, housing, welfare and social control
12. Trends in Program Sponsorship Physical Fitness Emphasis
Response to many draft rejections during WWII
Schools strengthened physical fitness programs
Public recreation departments expanded fitness offerings
Canada establishes similar programs
13. Trends in Program Sponsorship (cont’d) Environmental Concerns
Critical need to preserve and rehabilitate resources
Pollution was invading the environment
Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission
Created under President Eisenhower
Appointed to investigate environmental problems
14. Trends in Program Sponsorship (cont’d) Government Acts
Federal Water Pollution Control Administration
Water Quality Act of 1965
Clean Water Restoration Act of 1966
Solid Waste Disposal Act of 1965
Highway Beautification Act of 1965
Mining Reclamation Act of 1968
Wilderness Act 1964
15. Trends in Program Sponsorship (cont’d) Nonprofit Agencies
American Land Trust
Nature Conservancy
Trust for Public Lands
Federal Agencies involved
National Park Service
Forest Service
Fish and Wildlife Service
Bureau of Land Management
16. Trends in Program Sponsorship (cont’d) Budget cuts in the 1980s
Regulations relaxed under Secretary of the Interior, James Watt
National outdoor recreation planning ends in 1981
Meeting Age-Group Needs
Three changes in population
Rise in birth rate
Longer life spans
Increasing divorce/single parent households
17. Trends in Program Sponsorship (cont’d) Special Recreation for Persons with Disabilities
Provision of services expanded and strengthened
Federal government increased aid for special education
Therapeutic recreation emerges
National Recreation Society 1960s
American Therapeutic Recreation Association 1980s
18. Trends in Program Sponsorship (cont’d) Increased Interest in the Arts
Expansion of cultural centers following WWII
Follow-up to attention given to arts during Great Depression
Expanded interest and participation
Community arts activities in the 1970s and 1980s
National Endowment for the Arts
Declining federal support in the 1980s
19. Trends in Program Sponsorship (cont’d) Recreation's Antipoverty Role
Recreation viewed as an important element in President Johnson's "War on Poverty"
Federal housing programs of 1930s and 1940s provided support for small parks, playgrounds
Assistance for locally directed recreation programs
20. Trends in Program Sponsorship (cont’d) Linkage of Antipoverty and Race-Related Programming
Riots of 1960s caused by frustration over
Continuing job and educational discrimination
Protests against justice system
Poor community services
Inadequate recreation and park programs and facilities
21. Trends in Program Sponsorship (cont’d) Antipoverty programs attempted to address concerns
Emphasis on minority groups and urban slums
Grants to local governments and organizations
Community Action Programs emerged
22. Counterculture: Youth in Rebellion Rejection of the Work Ethic
Rejection of the notion of "making it" in professional world
Retreat from Protestant work ethic
Emphasis on holistic values of leisure
Leisure in the pursuit of self-actualization
23. Drives for Equality by Disadvantaged Groups Racial and Ethnic Minorities
Thrust for demanding fuller recreational services in the 1960s and 1970s
Gradual desegregation during 1970s and 1980s
Membership efforts of YMCA, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts expanded to serve minorities
Racial and ethnic minorities achieve success in college and professional sports and entertainment
24. Drives for Equality by Disadvantaged Groups (cont’d) Progress for Women
In the 1970s women mobilized around two issues in recreation and leisure:
Employment discrimination
Program involvement
Gays and Lesbians
1960s and 1970s saw homosexuals growing in force and influence
Fight for equal representation and participation
25. Drives for Equality by Disadvantaged Groups (cont’d) Older Adults in Community Life
Once treated as powerless and vulnerable
AARP, Gray Panthers
Administration on Aging
Diversification of programs
Health care Housing and transportation
Social services Recreation
26. Drives for Equality by Disadvantaged Groups (cont’d) Programming for Persons with Disabilities
People with disabilities began to mobilize politically
Promotion of positive legislation
Therapeutic recreation specialists expand focus
Expansion of services
Theater arts
27. Era of Austerity and Fiscal Cutbacks Expanding Use of Revenue Sources
Acceptance of Marketing Orientation
Recognition of the necessity to be aggressive
Recreation emerges as an industry
To compete effectively, agencies had to adopt businesslike strategies
28. Era of Austerity and Fiscal Cutbacks (cont’d) Privatization of Recreation and Park Operations
Agencies resort to subcontracting or developing concession arrangements
Role of government challenged
Public departments contract with private companies
29. Era of Austerity and Fiscal Cutbacks (cont’d) Impact of Funding Cuts
National Urban Recreation Study of 1978
Majority of urban park and recreation departments had been cut back
Small towns survived better than major cities
Areas of greatest need often have the fewest recreation services
Public and private recreation is equally scarce
30. Expansion of Other Recreation Programs Commercial recreation is the largest component of leisure services
Other major sectors of leisure involvement
Travel and tourism
Fitness spas
Professional sports and sports equipment
Manufacture/sale of hobbies, toys and games
Varied forms of popular entertainment
31. Expansion of Other Recreation Programs (cont’d) Specialized recreation programming grows steadily
Therapeutic recreation
Employee services
Campus recreation
Private membership and residential leisure services
32. Trends in the 1990s Trends in the 1990s
Continuing Diversification
Broader emphasis beyond the local public realm
Overall need to broaden public awareness of this field
Economic Stratification
Implications for Leisure
"Conspicuous consumption"
Growing disparity between rich and poor
Rich have greater access to better services and facilities
33. Trends in the 1990s (cont’d) Growing Conservatism in Social Policy
Withdrawal of assistance of welfare and inner city programs in the early 90s
Striking down of Affirmative Action policies
Curbs on immigration from third world nations
Bilingual language programs discarded
Move to reduce environmental protections
Assaults on the NEA
34. Trends in the 1990s (cont’d) Number of those imprisoned rose as crime decreased
Vindictive attitude toward justice
Few recreation services for the incarcerated
New mandates for public welfare
Child welfare
Long-term care for older adults
Health care
Environmental protection enforcement
Legal help for the urban poor
Youth programs
35. Trends in the 1990s (cont’d) Commodification and Privatization of Leisure Services
Process of commercialization through design and marketing
Packaging leisure
36. Trends in the 1990s (cont’d) Fee-based public recreation
Annual or seasonal programs
Classes, camps, tournaments, special events
Prison industry grows in the 90s
Central Park Conservancy
Marks withdrawal of major portions of the population
Brought decline of "social capital"
37. Trends in the 1990s (cont’d) New Environmental Initiatives
Decades of neglect and overcrowding left nation's park and forest system in a precarious state
National Park Trust
Acquisition of new parks and wetlands
Reported Decline of Leisure
Disputed Findings
38. Trends in the 1990s (cont’d) Technological Impacts on Leisure
Tourism planning and reservations
Electronic guidance and navigation systems
Home environments
Nanny cams
Home theater systems
Intelligent wallpaper
Virtual features
39. Trends in the 1990s (cont’d) Television, video games, children's toys
80% of homes have cable or satellite
40% of free time is spent watching television
Gaming content, Internet
40. Trends in the 1990s (cont’d) Paradox of availability
Those who need it the least have the best access
Few services for those who would most benefit
Critical challenge for recreation professionals
Gather evidence of social value and outcomes
Incorporate evidence into benefit-based management
41. Leisure and Recreation in the Twenty-First Century Major influences
Changing demographics
Economic recession
42. Leisure and Recreation in the Twenty-First Century (cont’d) Sedentary lifestyles
Contributes to obesity epidemic
Particular concerns about obesity and lack of physically activity for children
Parks and recreation services identified as necessary for promotion of public health
43. Leisure and Recreation in the Twenty-First Century (cont’d) Economic Recession
Declining tax revenues increase demands for financial accountability
New emphasis for evaluation and outcomes assessment
44. Leisure and Recreation in the Twenty-First Century (cont’d) Changing demographics require new programs and services
Growth of older population
Changing family composition
Increase in ethnic diversity