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SIGDIAL 2011 Business Meeting

Finance. SIGDIAL 2011 Business Meeting. Tim Paek, Amanda Stent and Kristiina Jokinen SIGDIAL Executive Board. Agenda. SIGDIAL 2011 Conference Report SIGDIAL 2010-11 Activities SIGDIAL Finances Announcements from affiliates and sponsored events SIGDIAL 2012. SIGDIAL Information.

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SIGDIAL 2011 Business Meeting

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  1. Finance SIGDIAL 2011 Business Meeting Tim Paek, Amanda Stent and KristiinaJokinen SIGDIAL Executive Board

  2. Agenda • SIGDIAL 2011 Conference Report • SIGDIAL 2010-11 Activities • SIGDIAL Finances • Announcements from affiliates and sponsored events • SIGDIAL 2012

  3. SIGDIAL Information • Website: http://www.sigdial.org • Register to get access to polls and other content, to post topic posts, jobs or events, and to add your papers to the bibliography • Mailing List: http://sigdial.org/content/mailing-list-administration • Register to receive emails with announcements of events and jobs

  4. SIGDIAL 2011 • Organizing Committee • General Chairs: David Traumand Johanna Moore • Program Chairs: Joyce Chaiand Rebecca Passonneau • Local Chair: Peter Heeman • Sponsorships Chair: Jason Williams • Mentoring Chair: Ronnie Smith • Statistics: 68 papers were submitted, 25 of which were accepted as full papers, 11 as poster papers and demo papers.

  5. Sigdial 2011 General • Attendance • 87 pre-registered Participants • 13 Countries • 30 students • ~19 sigdial only (no ACL) • Finances • “green”: • re-usable shopping bags, • no printed • ~$5000 surplus

  6. Program • Received 68 paper submissions • 51 long papers • 18 were accepted as plenary presentations • 7 were accepted as long papers for poster presentations • 5 were accepted as short papers for poster presentation • 17 short papers • 6 were accepted for poster presentations • Received 8 demo submissions • 7 will be presented. • Four papers in the special theme session on situated dialogue

  7. Program Committee • Consists of 90 members • Mentoring service • Chaired by Ronnie Smith • One paper received mentoring

  8. Alex Lascarides University of Edinburgh Michael Tenanhaus University of Rochester Invited Speakers Common Ground and Perspective-taking in Real-time Language Processing Strategic Conversation

  9. Award Process • Awards • Best paper Award, sponsored by AT&T Labs Research, • Best Student Paper, sponsored by IBM Research • Nominees selected from those recommended by PC members • Best paper award committee • The awards will be announced at the end of the conference.

  10. Best Paper Award, Sponsored by AT&T Labs ResearchNominees • Which System Differences Matter? Using L1/L2 Regularization to Compare Dialogue Systems José González-Brenes and Jack Mostow Fri, Session 1, 11:10 • A Two-Stage Domain Selection Framework for Extensible Multi-Domain Spoken Dialogue Systems Mikio Nakano, Shun Sato, Kazunori Komatani, Kyoko Matsuyama, Kotaro Funakoshi and Hiroshi G. Okuno Fri, Session 1, 11:35 • A Comparison of Latent Variable Models For Conversation Analysis SourishChaudhuri and Bhiksha Raj Fri, Session 2, 16:25 • Stability and Accuracy in Incremental Speech Recognition Ethan Selfridge, IkerArizmendi, Peter Heeman and Jason Williams Sat, Session 4, 14:15

  11. Best Student Paper AwardSponsored by IBM Research Nominees • Which System Differences Matter? Using L1/L2 Regularization to Compare Dialogue Systems José González-Brenes and Jack Mostow Fri, Session 1, 11:10 • A Comparison of Latent Variable Models For Conversation Analysis SourishChaudhuri and Bhiksha Raj Fri, Session 2, 16:25 • Stability and Accuracy in Incremental Speech Recognition Ethan Selfridge, IkerArizmendi, Peter Heeman and Jason Williams Sat, Session 4, 14:15

  12. Successful SIGDIAL 2010 • Thanks to the Organizing Committee! • General Co-Chairs: Yasuhiro Katagiri and Mikio Nakano • Technical Co-Chairs: Raquel Fernández and Oliver Lemon • Local Chair: Kazunori Komatani • 97 submissions / 127 registrations • Net profit: 203,761JPY

  13. SIGDIAL 2010-11 Initiatives • The current executive committee has the goals of broadening the reach of SIGDIAL across discourse and dialog communities (ACL, ISCA, IEEE), and of encouraging more participation from SIGDIAL members through online and offline activities • In 2010-11 SIGDIAL • Ran elections • Held a logo competition • Extended our affiliations and sponsorships

  14. SIGDIAL 2010 Elections • Held elections for 3 Executive Board positions and 3 Scientific Advisory Board positions in September 2010 • For all members who voted, thank you! • Election results announced in January, 2011 • Executive Board incumbents re-elected: Tim Paek (President), Amanda Stent (Vice President), KristiinaJokinen (Secretary-Treasurer) • 3 New Scientific Advisory Board members: Joyce Chai, Matthew Purver, Ingrid Zukerman • Existing Scientific Advisory Board members: Mikio Nakano, JanyceWiebe, Jason Williams.

  15. Thank you for your service • We thank the following Scientific Advisory Board members: • David Schlangen • Candy Sidner • Michael McTear

  16. SIGDIAL Logo • Logo contest featured over 15 entries • Winner is Luis Fernando D’Haro’s entry, submitted with Andres Ramirez-Calambás

  17. SIGDIAL Affiliations • SIG of ACL and of ISCA • “In-Cooperation” affiliation with AAAI • Sponsored by ELSNET • Initiative to become “industrial partner” of SpeechTekEurope 2011 was approved • Initiative to seek out technical co-sponsorship for our venues from IEEE SLT was approved and ratified on their end • SIGDIAL Liaisons: Roberto Pieraccini (IEEE SLT), Alexander Rudnicky (AVIOS), Candy Sidner (IUI), Harry Bunt (SIGSEM), Yasuhiro Katagiri (SIGSLUD), Sebastian Varges (SIGGEN)

  18. SIGDIAL Sponsored Venues • SIGDIAL • SEMDIAL • IWSDS • YRRSDS • Dialogue and Discourse

  19. SIGDIAL Finances • Income and expenses: • No membership fees • Workshop organisation • Rough net cost: about 12 - 27 k Euros • Registration fees set for assumed break-even point • External support has grown in the past few years • May reflect prestige as a conference in the community • 2011: Microsoft, HRI, AT&T, IBM Research, Vlingo, Avios • Thanks to the sponsorship chair Jason Williams

  20. We thank our sponsors! Applied Voice Input/Output Society (AVIOS) Conference sponsor AT&T Labs – Research Best paper award sponsor Honda Research Institute Banquet sponsor IBM Research Best student paper award sponsor Microsoft Research Conference sponsor Vlingo, Inc. Conference sponsor

  21. SIGDIAL Funds SIGDIAL “Shadow Account” • Maintained by ACL • Balance: $24,599.90 (= 17k Euro) • Without 2011 Conference Organization • Includes $7250 sponsorships (+ $500 from AT&T) SIGDIAL Euro Account • Resides in Helsinki • Balance: 15,141.27 Euro (= $22,000) (After funding transferred from University of Tokyo, 2010 Conference) • Co-signers: President and Secretary-Treasurer

  22. SIGDIAL Funds • 2011 Initiative: Logo Contest • 150 Euro award to Luis Fernando D'Haro • Other support possibilities using SIGDIAL funds • Student participation/travel in the SIGDIAL conferences • Best paper awards • Financial support for the endorsed workshops • Startup funding for the journal • Expanding Sharable Resources • Etc.?

  23. Announcements Ongoing Now! Coming in September

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